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Angela Standridge, M.A.,CCC-SLP,ATP Region 4 ESC 713.744.6831 5/17/2010 1Region 4 ESC.

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Presentation on theme: "Angela Standridge, M.A.,CCC-SLP,ATP Region 4 ESC 713.744.6831 5/17/2010 1Region 4 ESC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Angela Standridge, M.A.,CCC-SLP,ATP Region 4 ESC 713.744.6831 5/17/2010 1Region 4 ESC

2  ASHA  AAC 101 Wiki  Vocabulary Issues  Lesson ideas  Don’t forget the Low Tech  The big three: Core vocabulary in high end AAC devices  Open Forum 5/17/2010 2Region 4 ESC

3 .3 CEUS  Please sign in  Stay the entire session  At conclusion of training: ◦ Complete Evaluation ◦ Complete the “bubble” form- make sure to put your ASHA number  Learner outcomes ◦ Explore the connection between AAC and language therapy ◦ Compare intervention/teaching strategies ◦ Demonstrate appropriate vocabulary selection for AAC 5/17/2010 3Region 4 ESC

4  Overview of AAC  Resources  Links  Documents 5/17/2010 4Region 4 ESC

5 5/17/2010Region 4 ESC5 One voice

6  Language development  Cognitive development/learning  Literacy development  Social participation 5/17/2010 Region 4 ESC6

7  Linguistic- receptive and expressive skills  Operational- “button pushing”  Social- pragmatics ◦ Minimally: Initiating, commenting, repairing, terminating  Strategic – knowing when to use what tool for what purpose Janice Light - Toward a Definition of Communicative Competence for Individuals Using Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems 5/17/2010 Region 4 ESC7

8 Must haveGood to have  Core vocabulary ◦ 100-500 most commonly spoken words ◦ Best to use single words- not phrases and sentences ◦ Gateway ◦ Unity ◦ Sono Lexis ◦ Word Power and Picture Word Power  User specific vocabulary  Content Specific vocabulary  Academic vocabulary ◦ Varying levels ◦ Content area specific ◦ Cognitively and Linguistic proficiency  Fringe vocabulary 5/17/2010 8Region 4 ESC

9  From Gail VanTatenhove:  AAC Angels AAC Angels 5/17/2010 9 Region 4 ESC

10  Single meaning pictures  Multi-meaning pictures (like Minspeak)  Alphanumeric- spelling and word/phrase prediction 5/17/2010 Region 4 ESC10

11  Start early  Keep the activities authentic and in the natural environment  Focus on sustained turn taking activities that are more than just need/want based  Model (make a cheat sheet/word & pix wall)  Utilize a total communication approach  Incorporate activities, routines and scripting  Try sabotage and interrupted behavior chains 5/17/2010 Region 4 ESC11

12 5/17/2010 Region 4 ESC12  Use cues and prompts (environmental, visual, auditory, physical)  Teach symbol representation skills for objects/pictures (linguistic)  Teach locations of symbols (visual); hide icons and reveal gradually  Develop pragmatic language/social skills  Facilitate expressive language development commensurate with language comprehension skills

13 5/17/2010 Region 4 ESC13  Use established language intervention techniques  Practice imitation, extension and parallel language techniques  Use p eers and siblings as communication partners  Play games and music to teach language  Engage in communication partner training  Ask questions in such a way they can be answered with CORE vocabulary

14 5/17/2010 Region 4 ESC14  TEKS  When- every possible opportunity  How- the same way non-challenged peers are taught...almost  Karen Erickson focuses on trying to find the right “pencil”  Access to computer technology as a literacy tool/support

15  Every Move Counts  Environmental Communication Teaching  Tangible Symbol System  Picture Exchange Communication Systems  Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP) 5/17/2010 Region 4 ESC15

16  Social Networks  SETT and Re-SETT Frameworks  YAACK Resources – see handout  Established language intervention techniques- examples 5/17/2010 Region 4 ESC16

17  Always have an accompanying low-tech system  Picture books, eye gaze (see PATTAN handout), wallets, wall based systems, wearable systems  CORE vocabulary  Low tech is great way to address ACADEMIC vocabulary needs 5/17/2010 Region 4 ESC17

18 5/17/2010 Region 4 ESC18

19 5/17/2010 Region 4 ESC19  Vantage/Vanguard/Vantage Lite  Pathfinder  ECO 14, EcoPoint  Core: ◦ Unity Vocabularies ◦ WordPower ◦ Picture WordPower  ◦ Teaching Materials ◦ AAC Language Lab ◦ Center for AAC and Autism

20 5/17/2010 Region 4 ESC20  V, Vmax, EyeMax  Core: ◦ Gateway Vocabularies ◦ WordPower ◦ Picture WordPower  InterAACT  Xpress (word based)  Tango (Core.First, Phrase.First)  ◦ Tips and Advice ◦ Implementation tool Kit

21 5/17/2010 Region 4 ESC21  C8  C12  Ceye Module  Tobii Communicator 4  Core: ◦ Sono Lexis ◦ Functionally Speaking ◦ WordPower ◦ Picture WordPower  

22  Go to You Tube and search for AT or AAC y=assistive+technology&search_type=&aq=f y=assistive+technology&search_type=&aq=f  PRC :,  Dynavox: t.aspx t.aspx  Tobii/ATI: ser_stories/astrid_siemens_lorentzen.aspx ser_stories/astrid_siemens_lorentzen.aspx 5/17/2010 Region 4 ESC22

23  Open forum  Questions and concerns?  Complete evaluations and bubble forms  Have a great summer 5/17/2010 Region 4 ESC23 It takes teamwork!

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