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Computing Legislation Case Studies COMPUTER MISUSE ACT 1990.

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1 Computing Legislation Case Studies COMPUTER MISUSE ACT 1990

2 Case 1: COMPUTER MISUSE ACT 1990 Case of R v Lewys Stephen Martin Maidstone Crown Court 16 May 2013 T20130081 Accused of interfering with workings of the websites of Kent Police, Oxford University and Cambridge University.

3 Case 1: verdict COMPUTER MISUSE ACT 1990 Case of R v Lewys Stephen Martin Maidstone Crown Court 16 May 2013 T20130081 Computer Misuse Act 1990, s 1 : Unauthorised accesss, s 3 : Unauthorised modification; s 3A : Making, supplying or obtaining articles for use in offence under section 1 or 3 (Sentence: x2 Years Imprisonment )

4 Case 2: COMPUTER MISUSE ACT 1990 DPP v Bignall and Another Queens Bench Division [1997] EWHC Admin 4706/06/1997 Two Metropolitan Police PCs have caused a police computer operator to obtain DVLA motor vehicle registration and ownership data via the Police National Computer for their own private purposes.

5 Case 2: verdict COMPUTER MISUSE ACT 1990 DPP v Bignall and Another Queens Bench Division [1997] EWHC Admin 4706/06/1997 Access for an unauthorised purpose not an offence. Unauthorised access held to apply to external hackers. Defendants acquitted. (Sentence: none)

6 Case 3: COMPUTER MISUSE ACT 1990 R v David Lennon Wimbledon Youth Court 23/08/2006 Teenager alleged to have bombarded his ex- employer's mail server with 5,000,000 emails.

7 Case 3: verdict COMPUTER MISUSE ACT 1990 R v David Lennon Wimbledon Youth Court 23/08/2006 Computer Misuse Act 1990, s 3 Unauthorised modification (Sentence: two month curfew and electronic tagging.)

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