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Y4 Materials Starter, Plenary or Revision Resource November 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Y4 Materials Starter, Plenary or Revision Resource November 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Y4 Materials Starter, Plenary or Revision Resource November 2005

2 How can you find out how hard a rock is? Anyway, why is this important? Sc1 Rock Hardness 1. IDEAS and EVIDENCE Question / idea / claim or hypothesis Is there sufficient scientific evidence to suggest which rock is harder than another? YES NO 2. PLANNING Scientifically evidence is not sufficient. Using a ‘scratchometer’ children put the rocks into order of hardness. 3. OBTAINING and PRESENTING EVIDENCE Design/plan an investigation to find an answer. Children do scratch tests on a variety of rocks. 4. CONSIDERING EVIDENCE and EVALUATING How do we know if a rock has been scratched or just marked? Two children are still not convinced that the order is correct..they suggest checking scratch depth with a microscope…


4 Which is the best rock to use for plaques? Sc1 Carving Rock 1. IDEAS and EVIDENCE Question / idea / claim or hypothesis Is there sufficient scientific evidence to justify that one rock carves better than another? YES NO 2. PLANNING Scientifically evidence is not sufficient. Children compare the presentation of the lettering. 3. OBTAINING and PRESENTING EVIDENCE Design/plan an investigation to find an answer. Children carve small letters into sandstone and slate. 4. CONSIDERING EVIDENCE and EVALUATING How do we know if slate is the best…could other rocks be tested?


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