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Better Return to Work Outcomes –case studies. 2 BETTER RETURN TO WORK OUTCOMES THREE ELEMENTS >Technical Skills >Resources >Communication Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Better Return to Work Outcomes –case studies. 2 BETTER RETURN TO WORK OUTCOMES THREE ELEMENTS >Technical Skills >Resources >Communication Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Better Return to Work Outcomes –case studies

2 2 BETTER RETURN TO WORK OUTCOMES THREE ELEMENTS >Technical Skills >Resources >Communication Skills

3 3 BETTER RETURN TO WORK OUTCOMES THREE ELEMENTS >Technical Skills >Resources >Communication Skills

4 4 BETTER RETURN TO WORK OUTCOMES Technical Skills >Knowing your role >Knowledge of the legislation >How to apply legislation >Managing rehabilitation providers >Documentation

5 5 BETTER RETURN TO WORK OUTCOMES Resources Knowing, accessing and using effectively >HR/EAP >Rehabilitation management system >Your manager >Comcare – IMAS; CSO (Service Delivery); CIS; Education >Comcare Publications and Internet >Rehabilitation Providers >General Practitioner >Private service – training, contract case managers

6 6 BETTER RETURN TO WORK OUTCOMES Communication >Establishing rapport and trust >Listening skills >Negotiation skills >Influencing skills >Conflict resolution skills >Having difficult conversations >Relationship management

7 7 CASE STUDIES Case One Mr X >28 yo >Panic disorder >Difficulties with supervisor >Difficulty identifying suitable duties

8 8 CASE STUDIES Case Two Ms Z >51yo >Chronic Fatigue Syndrome following a virus >Senior manager >High NWE >Involuntary redundancy

9 9 CASE STUDIES Case Three Ms Y >Injured right shoulder >No suitable duties identified for 14 months >Mis-communication about duties >Relationship breakdown with RCM and agency

10 10 CASE STUDIES Case Four Mr U >38 yo >Back strain >Early intervention >Consultation with all stakeholders >Non-compliance >Rejected at AAT – delegation and Part III s37 3.a-h


12 12 TIPS FOR BETTER RETURN TO WORK OUTCOMES >Contact the injured worker as soon as possible >Stay in touch >Be flexible to encourage early return to work >Support supervisors to manage return to work >Involve the worker >Involve the GP >Fair and non-adversarial >Rehabilitation management system >Review your systems regularly

13 13 Better Return to Work Outcomes Your actions can change someone’s life for the better

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