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District 6400 Assembly April 18, 2009 Secretary’s Session Led by: PDG Jack Mueller, Secretary 2008 SUE KOWALSKI Secretary 2009-2010 Presentation made up.

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Presentation on theme: "District 6400 Assembly April 18, 2009 Secretary’s Session Led by: PDG Jack Mueller, Secretary 2008 SUE KOWALSKI Secretary 2009-2010 Presentation made up."— Presentation transcript:

1 District 6400 Assembly April 18, 2009 Secretary’s Session Led by: PDG Jack Mueller, Secretary 2008 SUE KOWALSKI Secretary 2009-2010 Presentation made up by Hardy Wheeler, Windsor-St. Clair Secretary

2 Secretary’s Session AGENDA Introductions Introductions Reporting to Rotary International Reporting to Rotary International District attendance – District attendance – SARS report to Rotary International SARS report to Rotary International Dos & Don’ts for club secretary – Dos & Don’ts for club secretary – Questions Questions

3 Secretary’s Session DISTRICT ATTENDANCE Monthly attendance reporting - due date and format Monthly attendance reporting - due date and format What constitutes a make-up (14 days + or – of missed meeting)? What constitutes a make-up (14 days + or – of missed meeting)? What constitutes a leave of absence and how to get it? What constitutes a leave of absence and how to get it?

4 Secretary’s Session DOs DOs& DON’Ts DON’Ts FOR THE CLUB SECRETARY

5 Secretary’s Session DO… BE INFORMED Be familiar with club constitution and by-laws Be familiar with club constitution and by-laws Read the Club Secretary’s Manual Read the Club Secretary’s Manual Scan the RI Manual of Procedure (book or download) Scan the RI Manual of Procedure (book or download) Be aware of club’s activities Be aware of club’s activities

6 Secretary’s Session DO… ORGANIZE THE BOARD Help the President-Elect with Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs, club plan, committee list, etc* Help the President-Elect with Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs, club plan, committee list, etc* Work closely with the President to keep club informed Work closely with the President to keep club informed Prepare & distribute agenda* in advance of meeting Prepare & distribute agenda* in advance of meeting Prepare minutes and distribute prior to next meeting Prepare minutes and distribute prior to next meeting

7 Secretary’s Session DO… ORGANIZE THE BOARD cont’d Remind committee chairs/directors to circulate minutes prior to meeting Remind committee chairs/directors to circulate minutes prior to meeting Ask board whether names of mover and seconder of motions must be recorded by name or just that every motion has ‘a’ mover and seconder. Ask board whether names of mover and seconder of motions must be recorded by name or just that every motion has ‘a’ mover and seconder. Ask board whether recorded vote required unless specifically asked Ask board whether recorded vote required unless specifically asked Ensure exact wording on important or controversial motions is approved before the meeting is adjourned Ensure exact wording on important or controversial motions is approved before the meeting is adjourned

8 Secretary’s Session DO… ORGANIZE THE BOARD cont’d Consider writing a summary of club policies*, i.e. list of board decisions Consider writing a summary of club policies*, i.e. list of board decisions Help prepare for the DG Official Visit in summer/fall 2007 Help prepare for the DG Official Visit in summer/fall 2007 Keep permanent record of board minutes. Keep permanent record of board minutes. Keep copy of club charter* Keep copy of club charter* In November ensure slate of new officers and directors is approved by the current board before general elections in December. In November ensure slate of new officers and directors is approved by the current board before general elections in December. In April have board select the voting delegate(s) for the RI Convention. Sign the credential certificate. In April have board select the voting delegate(s) for the RI Convention. Sign the credential certificate.

9 Secretary’s Session DO… ADMINISTRATION w/ Treasurer submit semi-annual membership report to RI in July and January. Failure to submit on time could result in revoked club charter w/ Treasurer submit semi-annual membership report to RI in July and January. Failure to submit on time could result in revoked club charter w/ Treasurer ensure club insurance premiums are paid in July. US clubs to RI; Canadian clubs to D6400. w/ Treasurer ensure club insurance premiums are paid in July. US clubs to RI; Canadian clubs to D6400. In December submit names of new board to D6400 Exec Secy and DGE In December submit names of new board to D6400 Exec Secy and DGE In January submit name of next President and Secretary to RI for Official Directory. Hedke points! In January submit name of next President and Secretary to RI for Official Directory. Hedke points! Inform D6400 and area clubs if a regular club meeting is cancelled Inform D6400 and area clubs if a regular club meeting is cancelled

10 Secretary’s Session DO… ADMINISTRATION cont’d Order brochures for RI catalogue Order brochures for RI catalogue Order RI supplies from authorized distributor, e.g. pins, plaques, 100% attendance awards Order RI supplies from authorized distributor, e.g. pins, plaques, 100% attendance awards Order club letterhead and envelopes Order club letterhead and envelopes Distribute mail - snail & email Distribute mail - snail & email

11 Secretary’s Session DO… USE ROTARY.ORG / MEMBER ACCESS In July register on member access In July register on member Update member list and addresses Update member list and addresses Update club information Update club information View TRF contribution summaries. Copy for Foundation Chair View TRF contribution summaries. Copy for Foundation Chair

12 Secretary’s Session DO… ATTENDANCE & MEMBERSHIP Maintain membership records Maintain membership records Create a check-in list for hosts on door* Create a check-in list for hosts on door* Record weekly attendance … weekly. Record weekly attendance … weekly. Record make-ups when received or accumulate until end month Record make-ups when received or accumulate until end month

13 Secretary’s Session DO… ATTENDANCE & MEMBERSHIP cont’d Review committee minutes to identify possible make-ups not reported Review committee minutes to identify possible make-ups not reported Tabulate attendance at end month and send report to D6400 Executive Secretary Tabulate attendance at end month and send report to D6400 Executive Secretary If get make-up after monthly report sent to District record in next month. This way yearly totals and % are correct If get make-up after monthly report sent to District record in next month. This way yearly totals and % are correct Clean out “R.I.N.O.” members Clean out “R.I.N.O.” members

14 Secretary’s Session DO… ATTENDANCE & MEMBERSHIP cont’d Ensure new member proposals are published for membership review according to club policy, e.g. newsletter, announced at meetings.* Deemed elected, upon payment of dues, if no objection within seven days. Ensure new member proposals are published for membership review according to club policy, e.g. newsletter, announced at meetings.* Deemed elected, upon payment of dues, if no objection within seven days. Consistently apply the classification system. Use the activity vs. profession, e.g. banking, retail vs. bank manager Consistently apply the classification system. Use the activity vs. profession, e.g. banking, retail vs. bank manager

15 Secretary’s Session DON’T … Procrastinate Procrastinate Assume that someone else is doing it. Assume that someone else is doing it. If in doubt, ask! If in doubt, ask! Try to do more than time allows Try to do more than time allows

16 Secretary’s Session

17 THANK YOU! This PowerPoint & Club Attendance Report are at QUESTIONS?


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