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The Lead: The most important part of your news story.

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1 The Lead: The most important part of your news story

2 AP Lead Aka the summary lead Straightforward, no-nonsense lead Short, to the point, filled with information Not very creative, but convey information quickly

3 Examples: “The City Council voted unanimously Monday to begin planning for a major study of the city’s traffic patterns.” “An airplane bound for New York City skidded off the Centerville Airport runway yesterday, injuring three passengers.” “NASA launched a spacecraft yesterday on a three-year voyage to an asteroid that may contain clues to the birth of the universe.

4 Easy formula As a start, you can use the following formula: Start with the news (“Traffic is smothering the city”) and follow it with an attribution (“an urban affairs specialist”), give the verb (“said”) and the time element (“Tuesday”) and the lead is done.

5 Instant Lead “Traffic is smothering the city, an urban affairs specialist told earth club members Tuesday.” This lead is not going to win prizes but it gets the job done

6 Better leads Get creative: Ok: Arthur Learned, 42, has been named drama coach at Central High School. Better: An Air Force flier with a closetful of medals is the new drama coach at Central High School.

7 Be objective: Biased: At long last, the citizens of Smithville opened their pocketbooks in recognition of the value of education. Yesterday they demonstrated their faith in the youth of America by approving a $5 million bond issue for a new high school. Better: Smiling and relaxed after hearing that a $5 million bond issue for a new high school has been approved, Principal Maria Ortega today commended Smithville citizens for what she called their progressive attitude toward education.

8 Good Leads They wave one finger, two fingers, a frantic hand; they use a shrill whistle and even a shapely leg. But New Yorkers are finding it as hard as ever to get a taxi, despite reports and studies and public complaints. (New York Times) People go to him when they want to get something on their chests. (AP) President Clinton returned today from a sentimental journey to the university where he didn’t inhale, didn’t get drafted and didn’t earn a degree. (New York Times)

9 Bad Leads: At a meeting at City Hall Monday evening, which was attended by several residents of the community in addition to the Village Board of Trustees, the council passed an ordinance forbidding the sale of alcoholic beverages within the corporate limits of the village of Cornstock on Sunday.

10 Bad Leads: The Skiller City Council met July 15 with a light agenda. First order of business was a communication to the city clerk from William Pulsey of Pulsey Corp. Your Student Council is considering several new projects.

11 Bad Leads: Seniors would be given the last Friday of May for final examinations, the school colors would be changed from red and blue to crimson and blue, retiring teachers would be given plaques of appreciation from the student body, and the editor of the school newspaper would be elected from the student body under bills introduced in the regular weekly meeting of the Central High School Student Council last Friday.

12 Remember… Leads should be brief Leads should tell the most important part of the story first You should avoid quotation and question leads Leads should be objective (stay away from exclamation points) Good grammar, punctuation and spelling is a must

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