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Museum Entrance Flag Room Cuisine Room Military Room Political room Welcome to the Museum of Iraq Curator’s Offices Iraq.

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Presentation on theme: "Museum Entrance Flag Room Cuisine Room Military Room Political room Welcome to the Museum of Iraq Curator’s Offices Iraq."— Presentation transcript:

1 Museum Entrance Flag Room Cuisine Room Military Room Political room Welcome to the Museum of Iraq Curator’s Offices Iraq

2 Curator’s Office Contact me at [Your linked email address] Hello my name is Mr. Fritz. I am the Curator here at the museum of Iraq. I got my knowledge of Iraq by serving two tours of duty with the American Army during the duration of 2003 to 2009. Let me know what I can do to make your experience here at the museum more knowledgeable. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Kyle Fritz Place your picture here. Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Dr. Christy Keeler. View the Eduonal Virtual Museums website for more information on this instructional technique.Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Dr. Christy Keeler. View the Eduonal Virtual Museums website for more information on this instructional technique. Return to Entry

3 Room 1 Return to Entry Artifact 2 The Flag of Iraq

4 Room 2 Return to Entry Artifact 6Hummus

5 Room 3 Return to Entry Artifact 10 Jalal Talabani

6 Room 4 Return to Entry Artifact 14 Cross Sabers

7 Linked citation goes here The flag of Iraq has 3 equal stripes consisting of red, white, and black stripes of the Arab Liberation Flag. This has been the Iraqi flag since 1963, with several changes to the green symbols in the central white stripe; the most recent version bears the Takbir which translates to “Allah is greater.” Return to Exhibit Iraqi Flag

8 Linked citation goes here Hummus is a blend of Chickpea beans and other assorted spices. Hummus is served with almost every meal in Iraq including sometimes the morning meal. Hummus is usually served with pita bread as a dip. Return to Exhibit Cuisine

9 Linked citation goes here Jalal Talabani has been the president in Iraq since April of 2005. The Iraqi citizens showed a lot of courage showing up in herds to vote for the first time for a new leader of their country. Many citizens were persecuted by insurgents who did not want them to adopt the western philosophy of Democracy. Return to Exhibit The Iraqi President

10 Linked citation goes here Cross Sabers was built by Sadam Hussein, the last dictator to rule Iraq. He built it to have elaborate parades to show his and the surrounding countries his military power. Directly outside the parade grounds sets the tomb of the unknown soldier. The tomb was built to pay homage to the soldiers who gave there lives in the Iraq Iran War. Return to Exhibit Cross Sabers

11 Linked citation goes here Iraq shares its borders with Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, and Turkey. This has been known to cause trouble for Iraq in the past. They have always seemed to feud with their neighbors, most notably Kuwait and Iran. This may be because the countries still argue over the boundaries made by Great Britain after they left. Return to Exhibit Map of Iraq

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