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Fifth Grade Social Studies. As the world has progressed towards a global economy, the U.S has made significant gains in the development of trade with.

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Presentation on theme: "Fifth Grade Social Studies. As the world has progressed towards a global economy, the U.S has made significant gains in the development of trade with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fifth Grade Social Studies

2 As the world has progressed towards a global economy, the U.S has made significant gains in the development of trade with what areas shaded on this map?

3 Mexico, Eastern European nations, and China

4 What world region does the map above represent?

5 Africa

6 Which world cultural region is shown in the map above?

7 The Balkans in Eastern Europe

8 What is the political and geographic world region shown in the map above?

9 The Middle East

10 Why is the U.S. involved in the Middle East?

11 Because of this region’s reserves of oil and the U.S.’s economic dependence on oil. This has led to conflicts with Israel, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

12 What has global warming resulted from and what has it led to?

13 It has resulted from the hole in the ozone layer caused by pollutants, and it has led to the melting of the polar ice caps.

14 What are four activities that involve the creation of by-products that contribute to the pollution of the environment?

15 1.The production of oil, natural gas and petroleum products 2. Coal mining 3. Increasing urban populations and rampant consumerism 4. The expansion of transportation networks (air travel, autos, trucks)

16 What factors have forced the world to realize that Americans use more resources and create more pollution than any other in industrialized nation?

17 Sharp increases in the populations and consumerism of developing nations, and the demands these place on limited world resources

18 What has changed the daily lives of Americans since the early 1990’s?

19 Significant developments in technology

20 What are three technological advances that have increased the area of personal entertainment but have also caused cultural conflict?

21 1. Personal computers 2. The Internet 3. Cellular phones 4. Email 5. Personal digital assistant(PDA’s) 6. Digital music players (IPod’s/mp3s) 7. Satellite television and radio

22 What are the four ways culture is transmitted?

23 1. Travel 2. Television 3. Movies 4. Trade

24 What are three items from popular American culture that have influenced other parts of the world?

25 1. Fast food restaurants 2. American blue jeans 3. American movies and stars

26 What has the influx of new immigrants to the U.S. created a demand for?

27 Diversity in music and movies

28 What two sports have a tie to America but have been adopted by other countries?

29 Baseball and basketball

30 Who still heavily influences high fashion in the world today?

31 European designers

32 What are the changes that have taken place in U.S. foreign policy since 1992 primarily related to?

33 The fall of the Soviet Union in the late 1980’s and the end of the Cold War

34 Who has been the dominant military power in the world since the collapse of the Soviet Union?

35 The United States

36 What are the some of the events associated with the Global War on Terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq?

37 1.The U.S.’s military action on the Taliban in Afghanistan 2.The U.S. attack on the Saddam Hussein-led government in Iraq 3.Free elections being held in Iraq 4.Fighting between rivalry factions of the Islamic militants

38 What allows for people and products to travel from one nation to another?

39 Globalization

40 What are three examples of globalization that have helped to increase trade but have had negative impact on some industries and jobs in the U.S.?

41 1.The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 2. The European Union(EU) 3. The influence of China

42 What was the common cause of the U.S.’s involvement in World War I, World War II, and dealings with the Soviet Union during the Cold War?

43 The inability to remain neutral, and the desire to effect changes in other countries

44 What organization did Woodrow Wilson help to establish?

45 The League of Nations, an inter-national peace organization that never got ratifies by Congress

46 What was the United States foreign policy like following World War I?

47 The U.S. had to take a more active role, so it became a major voice in peace talks and treaties

48 What was the United States foreign policy like following World War II?

49 The U.S. took a more active role in world affairs in order to contain communism and rebuild Europe.

50 What was the U.S. position after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990’s?

51 The U.S. was left as the sole economic, diplomatic, and military superpower. Today the U.S.’s economic position is being called into question by changes due to the globalization of trade.

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