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CSnake C++ build automation based on CMake and Python Maarten Nieber, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "CSnake C++ build automation based on CMake and Python Maarten Nieber, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSnake C++ build automation based on CMake and Python Maarten Nieber, 2009

2 A preliminary remark CSnake was developed at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. It is not yet publicly available, and not yet open source

3 Outline  C++ build automation using CMake  Goals of CSnake  CSnake architecture  CSnake features  Future work

4 What is build automation? (Adapted from Wikipedia) Build automation is the act of scripting or automating the task of compiling computer source code into binary code

5 What is C++ build automation? C++ files: hola.cpp, hi.cpp Binary code: hello (library)‏ Compiler: gcc Linker: ld Writing a Makefile for building 'hello' is an example of build automation

6 C++ build automation using CMake Instead of writing a Makefile, write a platform independent CMakeLists C++ source files, CMakeLists → [CMake] → Makefile/.sln/.kdevelop → [gcc/msdev/kdevelop] → binary

7 Example CMake file project (HELLO)‏ add_subdirectory (Hello)‏ add_subdirectory (Demo)‏ add_library (Hello hello.cxx)‏ include_directories (${HELLO_SOURCE_DIR}/Hello)‏ link_directories (${HELLO_BINARY_DIR}/Hello)‏ add_executable (helloDemo demo.cxx demo_b.cxx)‏ target_link_libraries (helloDemo Hello)‏

8 Problems with CMake CMake syntax is primitive and not OO Has some convenience functions Messy code when projects get large Not very modular A CMake script may call the CMake scripts for dependency projects, but usually only the top-level script works stand-alone No debugger Overhead in creating Use-file and Config-file Link dependencies are not recursive Install step may take long

9 CSnake: a CMake code generator Do build automation using Python scripts while being able to integrate existing CMakeLists CSnake file → [CSnake] → CMakeLists → [CMake] → Makefile → [make] → binary

10 Improvements offered by CSnake Build automation scripts are written in Python Basic usage must suit non-expert programmers Scripts use OO and are modular A CSnake script creates Project objects Any Project is usable as top-level target in a configuration Handles project inter-dependencies Generates CMake Use file and Config file Build folder is usable as install folder

11 CSnake script import csnProject from csnExamples import * greetMe = csnProject.Executable("GreetMe")‏ greetMe.AddSources(['src/*.cpp'])‏ greetMe.AddIncludeFolders(['tests', 'src'])‏ greetMe.AddTests(['tests/*.h', 'tests/*.cpp'], cxxTest)‏ greetMe.AddProjects([hello])‏



14 Script versus Context A script describes a target - which source files? - which include folders? - which dependencies on other projects? The context describes which target to build and how: - which csnake script? (‏ - which instance? (greetMe)‏ - which compiler? (kdevelop)‏ - debug build or release build? (release)‏ - where to store build results? (~/build)‏

15 Smallest code to build a target context = csnContext.Load(“GreetMe.csnakecontext”)‏ csnProject.globalContext = context module = csnUtility.LoadModule(context.csnakeFile)‏ exec “module.%s.Generate()” % context.instance # module.greetMe.Generate()‏

16 The global context # in CSnake script file greetMe = csnProject.CreateExecutable("GreetMe")‏ This is syntactic sugar for csnProject.globalContext.CreateProject("GreetMe", “executable”)‏ Note that instantiating the Context is de-coupled from instantiating the Project.

17 CSnake architecture: Project class The Project class has functions that delegate to manager objects (pseudo code)‏ class Project: self.dependenciesManager# dependency projects self.compileManager# source files, include folders,... self.installManager# files and folders to install self.testsManager# associated test projects self.pathsManager# rootFolder, buildSubfolder self.cmakeWriter# writes cmake files - each manager has a back-link to its containing Project, and can use the other managers (but usually this does not happen)‏

18 CSnake architecture: Project class # example of delegating work to a manager object folders = [“src”, “include”] project.AddIncludeFolders(folders, win32=True)‏ # is handled as project.compileManager.AddIncludeFolders(folders, win32=True)‏

19 CSnake architecture: flags Instead of using: if project.context.IsForPlatform(win32): project.AddIncludeFolders(folders)‏ I often get cleaner code writing project.AddIncludeFolders(folders, win32=True)‏ which is handled inside the Compiler manager class as follows: def AddIncludeFolders(folders, win32, notWin32): if not self.project.context.IsForPlatform(win32, notWin32): return # do work

20 CSnake architecture: flags An improvement would be to generalize by replacing boolean args with a Flags class def AddIncludeFolders(folders, flags): if not self.project.context.IsForPlatform(flags): That way, you could write # include from 'folders' on Windows machines when in debug mode project.AddIncludeFolders(folders, [win32, debugMode]);

21 Summary of main features Write configuration files in Python CSnake configuration files are very clean compared to pure CMake files Modular (any dependency project can be a target)‏ Recursive handling of dependencies OO access to all configuration information Projects can depend on pure CMake projects Applications run directly in the build folder Extra necessary files must be installed once to the build folder Generates use file and config file (but...!)‏

22 Other features Support for installing files (to the build folder)‏ Can schedule folders for installation Skips source control files Can automatically re-install new files Support for Visual Studio: project.SetPrecompiledHeader Defines ProjectName_EXPORT macro for you Support for KDevelop: Patches kdevelop file to show full source tree Integrates with CxxTest project.AddTests Writes project structure to an XML file

23 GUI Features Can import an existing source project Generates a CSnake file‏ Allows to fine-tune the selection of projects in the configuration Fine-tune which test projects to include Select which plugin-modules to build along with the target

24 Future work Better integration with CMake Generate standard CMake packages! Use the FIND_PACAKAGE macro for installed pure CMake projects Test replacing CSnake-generated CMakeLists with a custom one Work around CMake inheritance “feature” Make files generated by CMake depend on configuration order! Improve customization with Context classes In addition to, csnVisualStudio2003, etc. Option to write output as Scons files Release as open source Review with a second developer

25 Further reading → articles

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