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Come One, Come All: 4-H Camping Programs and Children With Special Health Care Needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Come One, Come All: 4-H Camping Programs and Children With Special Health Care Needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Come One, Come All: 4-H Camping Programs and Children With Special Health Care Needs

2 Letters Home - My Story Attended 4-H Camp, 4th grade Jr. Counselor at various 4-H camps Pursued college education in FCS Began “career” at Heart Camp, Summer 2006 Camp Aldersgate in 2008 Other camp experiences Child Life Intership/Certification

3 Camp Traditions - The Concept 4-H is the nation's largest youth organization 4-H is open to everyone 4-H members develop life skills using a “learn by doing approach” (experiential learning) Camp is a perfect setting for learning life skills If this is true, we must ask...

4 Purpose of the Study...How do 4-H camps incorporate children with diverse needs? Specifically, children with special health care needs Defined as:

5 Assess 4-H camps' accommodations for youth with special health care needs Validate accommodations made by 4-H camps for youth with special needs Encourage inclusive 4-H programs Purpose of the Study

6 Curious Campers - Questions How many youth with special health care needs are currently served by 4-H camping programs? What are the perceptions of 4-H camp directors regarding the effectiveness of serving youth with special health care needs? What accommodations are being utilized to serve youth with special health care needs at 4-H camps?

7 Read All About It - Literature Attitudes of 4-H Professionals and Volunteers – (WV/MD) about 90% believe inclusive programs benefit everyone – (WV) 2/3 did not feel adequately trained – Concerns: taking time from other 4-Hers, disruptions to the program – (MD) 65% had some experience – Comfort level: hearing/physical impairments v.s. mental retardation and emotional disorders

8 Read All About It - Literature Methods for Designing Inclusive Programming – (Purdue) describes benefits of inclusive programming – Lists “successful projects” - gardening, animals, food, woodworking, collecting, and clothing, etc. – Resource materials – dissemination, training, promotional exhibits – (Ohio State) “Winning 4-H Plan” – Provides resources and simulation trainings; experiential learning process

9 Read All About It - Literature Examples of Successful Programs – (NC) “Intentionally Inclusive 4-H Programs” – Pilot program, implemented in 3 counties – Focus: disability awareness, value of inclusion – (IN) 4-H Horse and Pony Program – Suggestions: volunteer trainings, incorporate information for communicating with parents, & flexibility with judging

10 Camp Schedule - Methodology Population – Summer camps affiliated with the 4-H program – Nationwide study – Directors, Agents Instrument – Web-based survey – 5 component areas – Review for validity and reliability Collection – m – E-mail distribution – Dillman's method Analysis – Exported to Excel – Coded appropriately – SPSS analysis

11 What Comes Next - Future Nationwide significance Validation of successful programs Encourage expansion of 4-H programming Promote 4-H 4-H as a trend-setter

12 See Ya Next Year - Questions?

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