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 Group work: research, script writing, storyboarding, etc.  Script should be written by end of class Thursday.  Be sure to complete log!  Getting Focused.

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Presentation on theme: " Group work: research, script writing, storyboarding, etc.  Script should be written by end of class Thursday.  Be sure to complete log!  Getting Focused."— Presentation transcript:

1  Group work: research, script writing, storyboarding, etc.  Script should be written by end of class Thursday.  Be sure to complete log!  Getting Focused Worksheet 1 due end of class

2  Late books: Taneja I. Divergent, Taneja I. Stranger with my Face  Outline and Works Cited due Thursday  Continue research: don’t forget images!

3  Group work: research, script writing, storyboarding, etc.  Script should be written by end of class Thursday.  Be sure to complete log!

4  Group work: research, script writing, storyboarding, etc.  Script should be written by end of class Thursday.  Be sure to complete log!

5  SSR, place paragraphs on desk for me to check  Writing a conclusion  Tomorrow, computer lab 335. Draft due at end of Thursday’s class

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