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1 Strathearn School Belfast L6 Information Evening 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Strathearn School Belfast L6 Information Evening 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Strathearn School Belfast L6 Information Evening 2015

2 22 PROGRAMME FOR THE EVENING Introduction Mr Manning Pastoral Mrs McCracken (Head of 6 th Form) CurriculumMrs Quinn (VP) Careers Mrs Hearst (Careers Adviser) Conclusion Mr Manning

3 33 AIMS OF L6 INFORMATION EVENING  To give parents an understanding of the 6th form experience  To help parents offer practical support to their daughters  To strengthen the home school partnership

4 44

5 55 The differences Forms 4 & 5Form 6 9 GCSEs All timetabled Directed study Homework 4 / 3 AS Levels & 3 A2 Careers & IT classes 75% timetabled Independent Study –Supervised Study –Homework Privileges –Common room –Lunch time

6 66 Pastoral Mrs McCracken

7 77 Support for Girls:  Form tutor  Head of Sixth Form:  supportive role  pastoral and academic  Learning support – Mrs Atkinson  Personal study support – Ms Stevenson  Careers staff  Vice Principal (Pastoral)

8 88 BEING IN SIXTH FORM Privileges and opportunities:  Volunteering opportunities  ‘Study’ periods  Lunchtime flexibility  Leadership opportunities  Relationship with teachers  Common room

9 99 Responsibilities  Attendance and punctuality (monitored and reported)  Use of personal study time in school (crucial for success!)  Management of deadlines  Role models for younger girls  The Sixth Form Agreement  Positive Behaviour Policy  The Common Room

10 10 HOW TO SUCCEED  Good attendance and punctuality  Personal discipline and good organisation  Proactive approach  Watch for early warning signs

11 11 EARLY WARNING SIGNS  ‘Coasting’  Missed deadlines  Disappointing marks  Loss of control

12 12 Curriculum Mrs Quinn

13 13 AS and A Level Courses TimingName of exam Number of exams Qualification May/June of L6 (2016) AS (1 st half of full A-level) 2/3 modules per subject AS Level May/June of U6 (2017) A2 (2 nd half of full A-level) 2/3 modules per subject A level

14 AS / A2 Results AS Examination – June 2016 Module 1 Score = 89 (a) Module 2 Score = 79 (b) TOTAL – 89 + 79 = 168 Overall AS Grade = A (August 2016) A2 Examination – June 2017 AS Score = 168 (A) Module 3 Score = 85 (a) Module 4 Score = 72 (b) TOTAL - 168 +85 +72= 325 Overall A2 Grade – A (August 2017) 14

15 Grade Boundaries AS /A2 4 Unit Specification Maximum Mark possible AS = 200 marks Maximum Mark possible A2 = 200 marks Maximum Overall A Level score = 400 marks 15 ASA2 A*n/a320 overall (total of 180 across the A2 units) A160320 B140280 C120240 D100200 E80160

16 Grade Boundaries AS /A2 6 Unit Specification (Mathematics) Maximum Mark possible AS = 300 marks Maximum Mark possible A2 = 300 marks Maximum Overall A Level score = 600 marks 16 ASA2 A*n/a480 overall (total of 180 across the A2 units) A240480 B210420 C180360 D150300 E120240

17 17 Coursework Guides For pupilsFor parents 17 Authenticating coursework Coursework - A guide for parents

18 18

19 19 Results AS and A2 Thursday 16 August 2016

20 20 Useful Curriculum Contacts


22 22 CAREERS CLASSES IN 6 TH FORM  1 period per week over almost 4 terms ▪ Careers teacher allocated to each Form Class

23 23 PREPARATION FOR WORLD OF WORK  Job advertisements  CV preparation  Completing an application form  Introduction to interview skills  Appropriate behaviour in the workplace  Work experience (11-15 Jan 2015) (including debriefing & evaluation)

24 24 OPTIONS AT 18+  Further education  Direct employment  Gap year  Higher education

25 25 U6 LEAVERS’ DESTINATIONS 2015 102 girls, of which  85 girlsHigher Education  1 girlOxbridge  43 girlsRussell Group universities  42 girlsOther universities  29 girlsNI universities  21 Girls Scottish universities  34 girlsEnglish universities  1 girlEuropean University

26 26 HIGHER EDUCATION PREPARATION  Guest Speakers  Talks and courses by professional organisations  Databases on school computers

27 27 CHOOSING UNIVERSITIES Pupils are encouraged to make use of: Open Days visits to local universities Visits to other Open/Information days (attendance on an individual basis) H E Convention (March 2015)  Prospectuses,  DVDs, CD Roms  Websites especially  Careers Library  University speakers

28 28 AIMS FOR SEPT 2015 - AUG 2016 DURING THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS Pupils should:  Discuss options with parents.  Visit universities where courses of interest to them offered BY THE END OF L6 Each pupil should have:  A list of 6 – 10 possible courses  A Personal Statement (first draft)

29 29 U6 TIMETABLE  UCAS U6 Information Evening  Individual interview with careers teacher – list of choices finalised  QUB Open Day (early Sept)  MCB Options XXII Careers Convention (early Sept)  Strathearn deadline for early applicants (16 Sept) [Oxbridge, medicine, dentistry, vet sci / med]  Strathearn deadline for other UCAS applicants (15 Oct)  UCAS deadline: early applicants (10 Oct)  Girls confirm firm and insurance offers  Student finance presentation

30 30 Checklist for choosing Universities  Does the subject material in the degree match your daughter’s strengths?  Is the degree structure and content interesting to your daughter?  Is the degree of a high quality? QAA – Quality Assurance Agency / Times Good Uni Guide / Guardian / HESA – Higher Education Statistics Agency / Complete University guide  How many hours teaching does she receive ? (Ring Uni department and ask)

31 31 Checklist for choosing Universities cont’d  Are the academics teaching on the programme engaged in high quality teaching and research? (as previous slide)  Are the students studying the degree satisfied with the course ? Unistats  Are the students employable and in rewarding careers? See all websites already mentioned and Prospects  What financial support is available?  Home / Away / Campus / City (All websites are listed on Careers Section of Strathearn School Website)

32 32 APPLYING TO UNIVERSITIES in Republic of Ireland through CAO [Central Applications Office] Applications dealt with separately. Have much later deadline than UCAS

33 33 Mock Interview Evening Current U6 Monday 23 November 2015

34 34 WORK EXPERIENCE  Initial contact (by students and parents) by mid Oct.  Existing databank to assist  Personal contacts more successful  Some exceptions – e.g. medical placements (coordinated centrally through Charter).  Formal correspondence - insurance forms etc  Help with placements? - contact Mrs Hearst

35 35 CONCLUSION  Each girl is different  Strong peer pressure  Maintain the work-relaxation balance

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