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Lecture 8: Javascript and the DOM..  Javascript programming:  Math functions (random numbers, powers, square roots, etc.)  String functions (substrings,

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 8: Javascript and the DOM..  Javascript programming:  Math functions (random numbers, powers, square roots, etc.)  String functions (substrings,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 8: Javascript and the DOM.

2  Javascript programming:  Math functions (random numbers, powers, square roots, etc.)  String functions (substrings, upper and lower case transformations, etc.)  Timer functions (performing actions periodically).  Arrays.  The DOM Tree revisited.  “Elements” and “Nodes”.  Getting all tags by name.  Manipulating event actions from within Javascript.

3  We’ve said that functions were blocks of code that both:  Mapped input to output.  Allowed you to perform complex tasks many times without needing to copy and paste the entire function body.  E.g. Complexaction could be 100 lines long, but you can call it 3 times as follows: complexaction(4); complexaction(5); complexaction(6);  In addition to functions that we can write, Javascript comes with many of its own built-in.

4  Javascript functions are organized based on their functionality.  Math functions are grouped together, string processing functions are grouped, etc.  They were organized by the designers of the language based on what they did.  These groups are called classes. There are 7 in Javascript:  Array: Functions for representing and manipulating arrays: entire sets of objects.  Boolean: Functions for representing logical (true/false) statements.  Date: Functions for representing and manipulating dates.  Math: Mathematical functions for generating and manipulating numbers.  Number: Functions for converting numbers from one form to another and for getting special numbers like infinity.  String: Functions for representing and manipulating text data.  XMLHttpRequest: Used for an advanced technique called AJAX. We won’t discuss it, but you’re ready to learn it.  These are common to all object-oriented programming languages.  There are two ways to access the functions inside:  The “static context” (used to access functions in the Math class): Enter the class name, a “.” (dot), and the function, in that order. ▪ Math.round(5.7);//Returns 6.  Through a “constructor”: Declare a variable (called an object) using var and set it equal to “new Class”. Call the functions on that variable. (Used with all classes other than Math). ▪ For example, var d = new Date(); alert(d.getMonth());  See for an overview of the functions in these classes.

5  Contains functions primarily for manipulating and generating numbers. All are accessed statically (e.g. Math.random()).  random(): generates a random number between 0 and 1.  round(x): rounds x to the nearest integer.  min(x,y), max(x,y): returns the smaller (or larger) of x and y.  pow(x,y): computes x to the yth power (i.e. x^y).  sqrt(x): computes the square root of x.  floor(x), ceil(x): rounds x down or up, respectively.  sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), asin(x), acos(x), atan(x): Standard trigonometric functions.  log(x), exp(x): Natural logarithm of x and e^x, respectively.  Also contains some constants:  Math.E: Euler’s number (the e in e^x), approx. 2.71828.  Math.PI: Pi, approx. 3.14159.  Several others related to natural logarithms (Math.LN2, Math.LN10): ▪ Useful to compute logs in arbitrary bases, since log_b(x) = log(x) / log(b).

6  Converts a number between different representations. Used through objects.  Not commonly used. toFixed(d) most useful.  Creating: var num5 = new Number(5);  Functions:  num5.toExponential(d): returns the exponential (scientific) notation for the number, with d decimals of the base shown.  num5.toFixed(d): returns the number in standard notation with d decimals shown. If the number has more decimals than d, it will be rounded: ▪ e.g.: num5.toFixed(2) returns “5.00”, new Number(13.37).toFixed(1) returns “13.4”.  toPrecision(p): returns the number with p significant digits, including those before the decimal point.  toString(): converts the number to a string. Not usually needed, since Javascript is weakly typed. ▪ A trick: toString(b) will represent the number in base b.  Constants: (More commonly used than functions)  Number.MAX_VALUE: Largest possible number representable in Javascript.  Number.MIN_VALUE: Smallest possible (negative) number representable in Javascript.  Number.NaN: A special “not a number” value, often encountered as the result of dividing by 0.  Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY: Represents negative infinity.  Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY: Represents infinity.

7  This is next to useless. It’s used as an object and has one useful function:  toString(): returns the string “true” if the condition is true, “false” if it’s not.

8  This class manipulates text data and is very often used. Access is through objects.  Creation:  var txt = new String(“text”); //OR  var txt = “text”;  Functions: (These return new strings rather than modifying them in place)  txt.toUpperCase(): Converts all letters to uppercase.  txt.toLowerCase(): Converts all letters to lowercase.  txt.indexOf(query, start): Returns the position that the string represented by query was found in txt (or -1 if not found). The start parameter is optional, and represents the position in txt to start from.  txt.replace(findstr, replacestr): Replaces all occurrences of findstr in txt with replacestr.  txt.substring(startpos, endpos): Extracts the part of the string between startpos and endpos (positions are 0 for the first character, 1 for the second, etc.) ▪ endpos is optional. If omitted, it is treated as the end of the string.  txt.split(separator): Splits the string into an array of smaller strings, delimited by the specified separator.  Also a large number of functions that will wrap text in HTML tags:  turns txt into a hyperlink pointing to url.  txt.bold(), txt.italic(), txt.big(), txt.small(), etc.

9  Used to manipulate date and time values. Used through objects.  Creation:  var now = new Date();  (Default date is today at the current time).  Functions: (Most get functions have a corresponding set function)  now.getDate(): Returns the day of the month (1-31).  now.setDate(d): Sets the day of month to d (1-31).  now.getMonth(): Gets the month of the year (0-11).  now.setMonth(m): Sets the month to m (0-11).  now.getFullYear(): Gets the 4-digit year.  now.setFullYear(y), etc.: You get the idea.  now.getDay(): Gets the day of the week (0-6, Sunday is 0).  getHours(), getMinutes(), getSeconds(), getMilliseconds()  now.toLocaleString(): Returns a string representation of the date in local time.  now.toUTCString(): Returns a string representation of the date in UTC time.  now.getTimezoneOffset(): Returns the number of minutes between the local timezone and UTC.

10  Arrays are collections of values stored in a single variable.  Why would you want to do this?  Because writing: ▪ x0 = 0; ▪ x1 = 1; ▪ x2 = 2; ▪ … ▪ x5000 = 5000;  Can be tiring.  The number of elements an array holds is known as its size.  An array of size 10 is created using: var arr = new Array(10);  Arrays in Javascript can be expanded on the fly, so saying arr[20] later on will increase the array size to fit 21 elements.  Why 21 and not 20? Array indices begin at 0 and end at size-1.  Each value in an array is known as an array element.  arr[0] (element 0) holds one value, arr[1] holds another, etc.  Each element can be individually assigned to and retrieved, just like any other variable.  For example, here’s how we do what we did before:  for (x = 0; x < 5000; x++) ▪ arr[x] = x;//Variables can be used as array indices too, which is what makes this so powerful.

11  The array class provides functions for manipulating arrays, called using objects.  This is called directly on array objects:  arr.sort();//arr is the array from last slide.  Functions:  arr.concat(arr2,arr3,…): Appends all arrays passed to this function to the end of arr.  arr.push(newelem): Adds an element to the end of the array, increasing the size by 1. Can take multiple elements.  arr.pop(): Returns the last element in the array and removes it, reducing the size by 1. Watch out for empty arrays.  arr.unshift(newelem): Like push, but adds to the beginning of the array, shifting up.  arr.shift(): Like pop, but removes from the beginning of the array, shifting down. ▪ If it doesn’t matter where the elements go, prefer push() and pop() to unshift() and shift() - they’re faster.  arr.reverse(): Reverses the order of elements in the array.  arr.sort(): Very useful. Puts the elements in ascending order.  arr.join(separator): Turns the array into a string, with each element delimited by separator.  Variables:  One very useful variable: arr.length. This sets or returns the size of the array.

12  “Global” functions: not in any class.  Allows you to call a function periodically.  These can be standard functions or functions you’ve written yourself.  You can also enter in short code fragments.  Times are specified in milliseconds; i.e. 1000 = 1s.  Two types: one-shot and recurring.  setTimeout(“alert(‘3 seconds have elapsed.’)”, 3000); ▪ setTimeout sets a one-shot timer. ▪ It pops up “3 seconds have elapsed” only once, 3 seconds after the code is called.  var timerref = setInterval(“alert(‘Ding!’)”, 5000); ▪ setInterval sets a recurring timer. ▪ It pops up “Ding!” once every 5 seconds until the page is closed or until the timer is cleared. ▪ Make sure to store the result in a variable, so you can clear it later.  clearInterval(timerref); ▪ This cancels a timer set using setInterval. ▪ The argument is the timer returned from setInterval.


14  In addition to the standard Javascript classes, every type of element on a page can be thought of as a class as well.  Documents themselves, form fields, links, frames, buttons, objects, images… all have corresponding classes!  And like the standard classes, these all have functions and fields.  There are far too many of these to cover all of them.  But there are fortunately some “rules” that they follow.  All elements inherit from the Node and Element classes.  This means that they can use all of the functions and variables defined in those two classes.  Be careful; while most Node functions are supported by every browser, many of the Element functions are IE-specific.  Many of the variables correspond to attribute names of the corresponding tags; e.g. the Anchor class ( tag) has a variable called “href”, which can be retrieved or set and which contains the destination of the link.  All elements additionally have a “style” variable, which itself contains variables corresponding to CSS rules:  E.g.,,

15  Say we have the following page:   ▪ DOM Test  ▪ ▪ A list. ▪ Of items. ▪ ▪ And a paragraph.    The DOM tree of this page models the HTML and will look like this:  Window(node representing the browser window)  Document(the current HTML document) ▪ HTMLElement( ) ▪ Head( )  Title( )  TextNode(“DOM Test”) ▪ Body( )  ul( )  li( )  TextNode(“A list.”)  li( )  TextNode(“Of items.”)  p( )  TextNode(“And a paragraph.”)  You can view this tree on live webpages using the Firebug add-on’s DOM tab.

16  The Node class contains common functionality to all classes in the DOM tree; i.e. all elements of the page.  All elements allow the following functions:  appendChild(childnode): adds a new node as a child of the current one, effectively nesting an HTML tag (or text!) inside of this one. Adds after all existing children.  insertBefore(childnode, oldnode): Same, but adds before oldnode.  removeChild(childnode): removes an existing child node, effectively removing a nested HTML tag.  replaceChild(newnode, oldnode): replaces an existing child node with a new node.  hasChildNodes(): returns true if child nodes exist, false otherwise.  And have the following fields:  childNodes: An array of all direct children of this node.  firstChild, lastChild: Convenient access to the first and last children.  parentNode: This node’s parent (goes “up” the tree).  previousSibling: The node before this one on the same level, if one exists.  nextSibling: The node after this one on the same level, if one exists.  nodeName: The name of the element. For HTML elements, this is the name of the tag (without the <>s; e.g. “p”, “ul”, “li”).  ownerDocument: Gets the Document node that this node is a descendent of.

17  Primary use is in locating and creating elements.  Functions:  getElementById(id): Very commonly used. Retrieves a reference to a node by its ID attribute.  getElementsByName(name): Returns an array of nodes with the specified name attribute. Useful on pages with forms.  getElementsByTagName(tag): Actually in the Element class. Gets all elements with the given tag name (e.g. “p”).  createElement(tagname): Creates a new element with the specified tag name (e.g. “p”). ▪ This does not insert the new element into the document; call appendChild or insertBefore on the new parent node with the new element to do that.  write(html): Inserts arbitrary HTML into the page.

18  HTML events (onmouseover, onmouseout, onclick, onsubmit, etc.) are attributes as well.  Thus they can be modified in script.  This is performed as follows:  Write a function: e.g., “function myfunc() { }”  Set the desired event to the name of the function, without quotes and without ().  e.g. mybutton.onclick = myfunc;  This will call the function myfunc whenever the button referenced by mybutton is clicked.

19  Coding Review: Manipulating the DOM using Javascript.  Creating new page elements “on the fly” using createElement and appendChild.  Removing and reordering elements.  Manipulating all elements of a certain type (i.e. all links that point to MP3 files).  After that, the final lecture (Lecture 10) will integrate everything we have done.

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