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Published byMartha Benson Modified over 9 years ago
Lecture 8: Javascript and the DOM.
Javascript programming: Math functions (random numbers, powers, square roots, etc.) String functions (substrings, upper and lower case transformations, etc.) Timer functions (performing actions periodically). Arrays. The DOM Tree revisited. “Elements” and “Nodes”. Getting all tags by name. Manipulating event actions from within Javascript.
We’ve said that functions were blocks of code that both: Mapped input to output. Allowed you to perform complex tasks many times without needing to copy and paste the entire function body. E.g. Complexaction could be 100 lines long, but you can call it 3 times as follows: complexaction(4); complexaction(5); complexaction(6); In addition to functions that we can write, Javascript comes with many of its own built-in.
Javascript functions are organized based on their functionality. Math functions are grouped together, string processing functions are grouped, etc. They were organized by the designers of the language based on what they did. These groups are called classes. There are 7 in Javascript: Array: Functions for representing and manipulating arrays: entire sets of objects. Boolean: Functions for representing logical (true/false) statements. Date: Functions for representing and manipulating dates. Math: Mathematical functions for generating and manipulating numbers. Number: Functions for converting numbers from one form to another and for getting special numbers like infinity. String: Functions for representing and manipulating text data. XMLHttpRequest: Used for an advanced technique called AJAX. We won’t discuss it, but you’re ready to learn it. These are common to all object-oriented programming languages. There are two ways to access the functions inside: The “static context” (used to access functions in the Math class): Enter the class name, a “.” (dot), and the function, in that order. ▪ Math.round(5.7);//Returns 6. Through a “constructor”: Declare a variable (called an object) using var and set it equal to “new Class”. Call the functions on that variable. (Used with all classes other than Math). ▪ For example, var d = new Date(); alert(d.getMonth()); See for an overview of the functions in these classes.
Contains functions primarily for manipulating and generating numbers. All are accessed statically (e.g. Math.random()). random(): generates a random number between 0 and 1. round(x): rounds x to the nearest integer. min(x,y), max(x,y): returns the smaller (or larger) of x and y. pow(x,y): computes x to the yth power (i.e. x^y). sqrt(x): computes the square root of x. floor(x), ceil(x): rounds x down or up, respectively. sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), asin(x), acos(x), atan(x): Standard trigonometric functions. log(x), exp(x): Natural logarithm of x and e^x, respectively. Also contains some constants: Math.E: Euler’s number (the e in e^x), approx. 2.71828. Math.PI: Pi, approx. 3.14159. Several others related to natural logarithms (Math.LN2, Math.LN10): ▪ Useful to compute logs in arbitrary bases, since log_b(x) = log(x) / log(b).
Converts a number between different representations. Used through objects. Not commonly used. toFixed(d) most useful. Creating: var num5 = new Number(5); Functions: num5.toExponential(d): returns the exponential (scientific) notation for the number, with d decimals of the base shown. num5.toFixed(d): returns the number in standard notation with d decimals shown. If the number has more decimals than d, it will be rounded: ▪ e.g.: num5.toFixed(2) returns “5.00”, new Number(13.37).toFixed(1) returns “13.4”. toPrecision(p): returns the number with p significant digits, including those before the decimal point. toString(): converts the number to a string. Not usually needed, since Javascript is weakly typed. ▪ A trick: toString(b) will represent the number in base b. Constants: (More commonly used than functions) Number.MAX_VALUE: Largest possible number representable in Javascript. Number.MIN_VALUE: Smallest possible (negative) number representable in Javascript. Number.NaN: A special “not a number” value, often encountered as the result of dividing by 0. Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY: Represents negative infinity. Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY: Represents infinity.
This is next to useless. It’s used as an object and has one useful function: toString(): returns the string “true” if the condition is true, “false” if it’s not.
This class manipulates text data and is very often used. Access is through objects. Creation: var txt = new String(“text”); //OR var txt = “text”; Functions: (These return new strings rather than modifying them in place) txt.toUpperCase(): Converts all letters to uppercase. txt.toLowerCase(): Converts all letters to lowercase. txt.indexOf(query, start): Returns the position that the string represented by query was found in txt (or -1 if not found). The start parameter is optional, and represents the position in txt to start from. txt.replace(findstr, replacestr): Replaces all occurrences of findstr in txt with replacestr. txt.substring(startpos, endpos): Extracts the part of the string between startpos and endpos (positions are 0 for the first character, 1 for the second, etc.) ▪ endpos is optional. If omitted, it is treated as the end of the string. txt.split(separator): Splits the string into an array of smaller strings, delimited by the specified separator. Also a large number of functions that will wrap text in HTML tags: turns txt into a hyperlink pointing to url. txt.bold(), txt.italic(), txt.big(), txt.small(), etc.
Used to manipulate date and time values. Used through objects. Creation: var now = new Date(); (Default date is today at the current time). Functions: (Most get functions have a corresponding set function) now.getDate(): Returns the day of the month (1-31). now.setDate(d): Sets the day of month to d (1-31). now.getMonth(): Gets the month of the year (0-11). now.setMonth(m): Sets the month to m (0-11). now.getFullYear(): Gets the 4-digit year. now.setFullYear(y), etc.: You get the idea. now.getDay(): Gets the day of the week (0-6, Sunday is 0). getHours(), getMinutes(), getSeconds(), getMilliseconds() now.toLocaleString(): Returns a string representation of the date in local time. now.toUTCString(): Returns a string representation of the date in UTC time. now.getTimezoneOffset(): Returns the number of minutes between the local timezone and UTC.
Arrays are collections of values stored in a single variable. Why would you want to do this? Because writing: ▪ x0 = 0; ▪ x1 = 1; ▪ x2 = 2; ▪ … ▪ x5000 = 5000; Can be tiring. The number of elements an array holds is known as its size. An array of size 10 is created using: var arr = new Array(10); Arrays in Javascript can be expanded on the fly, so saying arr[20] later on will increase the array size to fit 21 elements. Why 21 and not 20? Array indices begin at 0 and end at size-1. Each value in an array is known as an array element. arr[0] (element 0) holds one value, arr[1] holds another, etc. Each element can be individually assigned to and retrieved, just like any other variable. For example, here’s how we do what we did before: for (x = 0; x < 5000; x++) ▪ arr[x] = x;//Variables can be used as array indices too, which is what makes this so powerful.
The array class provides functions for manipulating arrays, called using objects. This is called directly on array objects: arr.sort();//arr is the array from last slide. Functions: arr.concat(arr2,arr3,…): Appends all arrays passed to this function to the end of arr. arr.push(newelem): Adds an element to the end of the array, increasing the size by 1. Can take multiple elements. arr.pop(): Returns the last element in the array and removes it, reducing the size by 1. Watch out for empty arrays. arr.unshift(newelem): Like push, but adds to the beginning of the array, shifting up. arr.shift(): Like pop, but removes from the beginning of the array, shifting down. ▪ If it doesn’t matter where the elements go, prefer push() and pop() to unshift() and shift() - they’re faster. arr.reverse(): Reverses the order of elements in the array. arr.sort(): Very useful. Puts the elements in ascending order. arr.join(separator): Turns the array into a string, with each element delimited by separator. Variables: One very useful variable: arr.length. This sets or returns the size of the array.
“Global” functions: not in any class. Allows you to call a function periodically. These can be standard functions or functions you’ve written yourself. You can also enter in short code fragments. Times are specified in milliseconds; i.e. 1000 = 1s. Two types: one-shot and recurring. setTimeout(“alert(‘3 seconds have elapsed.’)”, 3000); ▪ setTimeout sets a one-shot timer. ▪ It pops up “3 seconds have elapsed” only once, 3 seconds after the code is called. var timerref = setInterval(“alert(‘Ding!’)”, 5000); ▪ setInterval sets a recurring timer. ▪ It pops up “Ding!” once every 5 seconds until the page is closed or until the timer is cleared. ▪ Make sure to store the result in a variable, so you can clear it later. clearInterval(timerref); ▪ This cancels a timer set using setInterval. ▪ The argument is the timer returned from setInterval.
In addition to the standard Javascript classes, every type of element on a page can be thought of as a class as well. Documents themselves, form fields, links, frames, buttons, objects, images… all have corresponding classes! And like the standard classes, these all have functions and fields. There are far too many of these to cover all of them. But there are fortunately some “rules” that they follow. All elements inherit from the Node and Element classes. This means that they can use all of the functions and variables defined in those two classes. Be careful; while most Node functions are supported by every browser, many of the Element functions are IE-specific. Many of the variables correspond to attribute names of the corresponding tags; e.g. the Anchor class ( tag) has a variable called “href”, which can be retrieved or set and which contains the destination of the link. All elements additionally have a “style” variable, which itself contains variables corresponding to CSS rules: E.g.,,
Say we have the following page: ▪ DOM Test ▪ ▪ A list. ▪ Of items. ▪ ▪ And a paragraph. The DOM tree of this page models the HTML and will look like this: Window(node representing the browser window) Document(the current HTML document) ▪ HTMLElement( ) ▪ Head( ) Title( ) TextNode(“DOM Test”) ▪ Body( ) ul( ) li( ) TextNode(“A list.”) li( ) TextNode(“Of items.”) p( ) TextNode(“And a paragraph.”) You can view this tree on live webpages using the Firebug add-on’s DOM tab.
The Node class contains common functionality to all classes in the DOM tree; i.e. all elements of the page. All elements allow the following functions: appendChild(childnode): adds a new node as a child of the current one, effectively nesting an HTML tag (or text!) inside of this one. Adds after all existing children. insertBefore(childnode, oldnode): Same, but adds before oldnode. removeChild(childnode): removes an existing child node, effectively removing a nested HTML tag. replaceChild(newnode, oldnode): replaces an existing child node with a new node. hasChildNodes(): returns true if child nodes exist, false otherwise. And have the following fields: childNodes: An array of all direct children of this node. firstChild, lastChild: Convenient access to the first and last children. parentNode: This node’s parent (goes “up” the tree). previousSibling: The node before this one on the same level, if one exists. nextSibling: The node after this one on the same level, if one exists. nodeName: The name of the element. For HTML elements, this is the name of the tag (without the <>s; e.g. “p”, “ul”, “li”). ownerDocument: Gets the Document node that this node is a descendent of.
Primary use is in locating and creating elements. Functions: getElementById(id): Very commonly used. Retrieves a reference to a node by its ID attribute. getElementsByName(name): Returns an array of nodes with the specified name attribute. Useful on pages with forms. getElementsByTagName(tag): Actually in the Element class. Gets all elements with the given tag name (e.g. “p”). createElement(tagname): Creates a new element with the specified tag name (e.g. “p”). ▪ This does not insert the new element into the document; call appendChild or insertBefore on the new parent node with the new element to do that. write(html): Inserts arbitrary HTML into the page.
HTML events (onmouseover, onmouseout, onclick, onsubmit, etc.) are attributes as well. Thus they can be modified in script. This is performed as follows: Write a function: e.g., “function myfunc() { }” Set the desired event to the name of the function, without quotes and without (). e.g. mybutton.onclick = myfunc; This will call the function myfunc whenever the button referenced by mybutton is clicked.
Coding Review: Manipulating the DOM using Javascript. Creating new page elements “on the fly” using createElement and appendChild. Removing and reordering elements. Manipulating all elements of a certain type (i.e. all links that point to MP3 files). After that, the final lecture (Lecture 10) will integrate everything we have done.
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