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Video Weird Connections : Ball of Fire 20min. Discovery Education.

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2 Video Weird Connections : Ball of Fire 20min. Discovery Education

3 Add to Table of Contents: Energy In/Out Pg. 14 Phase Changes/EnergyPg. 15

4 Energy In/Out: pg 14 In: Energy types = List all of the types of energy you can think of:

5 PHASE CHANGES & EnergyPg. 15 Description of Phase Change Term for Phase Change Heat Movement During Phase Change Solid to liquid Liquid to solid Melting Heat goes into the solid Freezing Heat leaves the liquid.

6 Description of Phase Change Term for Phase Change Heat Movement During Phase Change Liquid to gas Gas to liquid Vaporization, which includes boiling and evaporation Heat goes into the liquid. Condensation Heat leaves the gas. Solid to gas Sublimation Heat goes into the solid.

7 Example of sublimation

8 What is energy? -Energy is the ability to do work and cause change.

9 Potential Versus Kinetic Energy Potential Energy- Kinetic Energy- Is stored energy. Ex: the energy stored food, the energy in a ball at the top of stairs. The energy of motion. Ex: a ball bouncing down the stairs, you running.

10 James Prescott Joule 1840s – experiments to explore nature of heat & heat transfer. Discovered there was a direct relationship between the energy put into the paddle and the rise of water temperature. A unit to measure energy is named after him, the Joule.

11 Energy Out: Pg. 14 Describe 2 examples of kinetic energy and 2 examples of potential energy: PE = 1. 2. KE= 1. 2.

12 Law of Conservation of Energy Energy can’t be created or destroyed. It can be transferred or transformed (converted). – Transfer-moves from one object to another but stays the same type of energy – Transformation or Conversion-changed into a different type of energy.

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