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OVERVIEW OF MACROSCOPIC THERMAL SCIENCES FUNDAMENTALS OF THERMODYNAMICS ▪ The First Law of Thermodynamics ▪ Thermodynamic Equilibrium and the Second Law ▪ The Third Law of Thermodynamics THERMODYNAMIC FUNCTIONS AND PROPERTIES ▪ Thermodynamic Relations ▪ The Gibbs Phase Rule ▪ Specific Heats
▪ The Ideal Gas ▪ Incompressible Solids and Liquids HEAT TRANSFER BASICS ▪ Conduction ▪ Convection ▪ Radiation
environment or surroundings
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics Definitions of Thermodynamic Terms constraints system (external forces) parameters constituent environment or surroundings
property quantities that characterize the behavior of a system at any instant of time. The property must be measurable and their values are independent of measuring device spontaneous change of state change of state that does not involve any interaction between the system and its environment. induced change of state change of state through interaction with other system in the environment isolated system a system which can experience only spontaneous change of state
kinematics study of the possible and allowed states of a system dynamics study of the time evolution of the state equation of motion relation that describes the change of state of a system as a function of time complete description often unknown thermodynamic description: in terms of the end states and the modes of interaction (work and heat) process specified by the end states and the modes of interaction
reversible process at least one way to restore both the system and its environment to their initial states irreversible process not possible to restore both the system and its environment to their initial states steady state a state that does not change as a function of time despite interactions between the system and other systems in the environment
The First Law of Thermodynamics
conservation of energy Energy can be transferred to or from a system but can be neither created nor destroyed. energy balance for a system for an infinitesimal change kinetic energy, potential energy, internal energy
Thermodynamic Equilibrium and the Second Law
a state that cannot change spontaneously with time unstable metastable stable : thermodynamic equilibrium state principle (stable-equilibrium-state principle) Among all state of system with a given set of values of energy, parameters, and constituents, there exists one and only one stable-equilibrium state. All properties are uniquely determined by the amount of energy, the value of each parameter, and the amount of each type of constituents
the second law integrating factor In an isolated system, entropy cannot be destroyed but can either be created (irreversible process) or remain the same (reversible process). Entropy can be transferred from one system to another.
highest entropy principle
The entropy of the system is largest in the stable- equilibrium state. summary of the second law of thermodynamics There exist a unique stable-equilibrium state for any system with given values of energy, parameters, and constituents. Entropy is an additive property, and for an isolated system, the entropy change must be nonnegative. Among all states with the same values of energy, parameters, and constituents, the entropy of the stable-equilibrium state is the maximum.
Internal energy (U): energy of a system with
volume (V) as its only parameter r + 2 independent variables by the state principle entropy: a property of the system fundamental relations definitions of temperature, pressure and chemical potential
Gibbs relation
The Third Law of Thermodynamics
Unique stable equilibrium state exists at zero absolute temperature (Nernst theorem). spontaneous change of state adiabatic availability stable equilibrium state curve lowest energy principle Eg > 0: ground-state energy
Thermodynamic Relations
Thermodynamic Functions and Properties Thermodynamic Relations enthalpy : characteristic function
Helmholtz free energy Gibbs free energy
homogeneous state: All subsystems are exactly identical to each other. simple system: a system that experiences only homogeneous states for k equal-volume subsystems intensive property: T, P, mj extensive property: U, S, V, N
specific property the ratio of an extensive property to the total amount of constituents (mass, mole, or number) For a simple system, Euler relation Gibbs-Duhem relation Euler relation for r = 1, The chemical potential of a pure substance is specific Gibbs free energy.
The Gibbs Phase Rule phase : collection of all subsystems that have the same values of all intensive properties for a q-phase heterogeneous state independent variables T, P, mi (i = 1, 2, 3, …, r) Gibbs-Duhem relation number of independent variable reduced to Gibbs phase rule r + 2: independent variables, q: number of equations for a pure substance, a single-phase state, a two-phase state, a three-phase state, T, P, m are all fixed: triple point
P – T diagram for a pure substance
S-L line Critical point Liquid Solid L-V line Triple point S-V line Vapor T
T – v diagram for a material that expands upon melting
P>Pc P = Pc S-L region Temperature, T (Tc,Pc) L-V dome P<Pc Liquid Saturated Liquid Saturated Vapor Solid Triple-point line P<Pt.p. Sublimation S-V region Specific volume v
Specific Heats specific heat at constant volume
specific heat at constant pressure heat reservoir an idealized system that experiences only reversible heat interactions. For any finite amount of energy transfer, its temperature remains unchanged. Specific heats are properties of a system The specific heat at constant volume and the specific heat at constant pressure are defined as ~~~~ Specific heats are not defined for all equilibrium states. For example, in two-phase state, the enthalpy varies without changing of temperature So the specific heat approaches to infinity in these states. For pure substance in a single phase, all properties can be expressed as function of T and P This equation does not contain any information about the internal energy or the entropy. However, we can use specific heat in addition to the equation of state to determine all intensive properties.
equation of state For pure substance in a single phase, all properties can be expressed as function of T and P. or
Ideal Gas and Ideal Incompressible Models
from molecular view, intermolecular potential energy associated with the forces between molecules and depends on the magnitude of the intermolecular forces and the position at any instant of time molecular kinetic energy associated with the translational velocity of individual molecules intra-molecular energy (within the individual molecules) associated with the molecular and atomic structure and related forces
The Ideal Gas intermolecular potential energy
Impossible to determine accurately the magnitude because either the exact configuration nor orientation of the molecules is not known at any time or the exact intermolecular potential function. Two situations which lead good approximations At low or moderate densities: The molecules are relatively widely spread, so that two-molecules or two- and three- molecule interactions contribute to the potential energy. At very low densities (high Temperature & very low pressure): Average intermolecular distance between molecules is so large that the potential energy may be assumed to be zero. ⇒ The particles would be independent of one another. Ideal gas
equation of state real Gas compressibility factor Z depends on the temperature & pressure.
real gas: affected by intermolecular force
Van der Waals Virial Beattie-Bridgman
Mayer relation for ideal gas perfect gas, = constant
Incompressible Solids and Liquids
equation of state for incompressible solids and liquids constant constant
Heat Transfer Basics What is heat ? in a solid body
crystal : a three-dimensional periodic array of atoms oscillation of atoms about their various positions of equilibrium (lattice vibration): The body possesses heat. conductors: free electrons ↔ dielectics
vibration of crystals with an atom
longitudinal polarization vs. transverse polarization us-1 us us+1 us+2 s s+1 s+2 s+3 s-1 us-1 us us+1 us+2 us+3 the energy of the oscillatory motions: the heat-energy of the body more vigorous oscillations: the increase in temperature of the body
Internuclear separation distance
in a gas the storage of thermal energy: molecular translation, vibration and rotation change in the electronic state intermolecular bond energy average kinetic energy kB = × J/K Internuclear separation distance (diatomic molecule) Energy dissociation energy for state 1 dissociation energy for state 2 electronic state 2 vibrational state rotational state electronic state 1 at T = 300 K, air M = kg/kmol = m/s
heat transfer Heat transfer is the study of thermal energy transport within a medium or among neighboring media by molecular interaction: conduction fluid motion: convection electromagnetic wave: radiation resulting from a spatial variation in temperature. energy carriers: molecule, atom, electron, ion, phonon (lattice vibration), photon (electro-magnetic wave)
continuum hypothesis Ex) density microscopic uncertainty macroscopic uncertainty local value of density (3×107 molecules at sea level, 15°C, 1atm)
microscopic uncertainty
due to molecular random motion macroscopic uncertainty due to the variation associated with spatial distribution of density In continuum, velocity and temperature vary smoothly. → differentiable mean free path of air at STP (20°C, 1 atm) lm = 66 nm, bulk motion vs molecular random motion
local thermodynamic equilibrium
hot wall at Th adiabatic wall L adiabatic wall gas cold wall at Tc a) lm << L : normal pressure b) lm ~ L : rarefied pressure c) lm >> L
governing equations continuity eq.: mass conservation for a fixed volume in space Since V can be chosen arbitrary
in Cartesian tensor notation
incompressible flow or
momentum eq.: Newton’s 2nd law of motion
rate change of momentum = forces exerted on the body forces body force [N/m3] surface force [N/m2] stress tensor or
Momentum theorem
or For a Newtonian fluid
For a constant m, l fluid Stokes’ hypothesis For an incompressible flow
energy eq.: 1st law of thermodynamics
: total energy e : internal energy rate equation or
total energy equation
Mechanical energy equation
Thermal energy equation
: viscous dissipation If l = 0,
equation in terms of enthalpy h
entropy equation
thermal energy equation in terms of temperature
First Tds equation v : specific volume Second Tds equation Volume expansion coefficient Isothermal compressibility
from first Tds equation
from entropy equation
from second Tds equation
from entropy equation
ideal gas
summary with ideal gas assumption
Conduction Gases and Liquids Due to interactions of
atomic or molecular activities Net transfer of energy by random molecular motion Molecular random motion→ diffusion Transfer by collision of random molecular motion Solids In non-conductors (dielectrics): exclusively by lattice waves In conductors: translational motion of free electrons as well
Fourier’s law heat flux [J/(m2s) = W/m2] k: thermal conductivity [W/m·K] As Dx → 0,
Heat flux vector quantity
temperature : driving potential of heat flow
heat flux : normal to isotherms along the surface of T(x, y, z) = constant T(x, y, z) = constant
Convection energy transfer due to bulk or macroscopic motion of fluid
bulk motion: large number of molecules moving collectively convection: random molecular motion + bulk motion advection: bulk motion only
solid wall hydrodynamic (or velocity) boundary layer thermal (or temperature) boundary layer at y = 0, velocity is zero: heat transfer only by molecular random motion
solid wall When radiation is negligible, h : convection heat transfer coefficient [W/m2.K] Newton’s Law of Cooling
Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient
not a property: depends on geometry and fluid dynamics forced convection free (natural) convection external flow Internal flow laminar flow turbulent flow
Thermal Radiation Characteristics
Independence of existence and temperature of medium Ex) ice lens black carbon paper ice lens
2. Acting at a distance Ex) sky radiation electromagnetic wave or photon photon mean free path ballistic transport volume or integral phenomena conduction fluid: molecular random motion free electron solid: lattice vibration (phonon) diffusion or differential phenomena as long as continuum holds
3. Spectral and directional dependence
quanta surface emission history of path l il
Thermal radiation spectrum
ultra violet 0.4 infrared 0.7 thermal radiation visible
Two points of view Electromagnetic wave Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory Useful for interaction between radiation and matter 2. Photons Planck’s quantum theory Useful for the prediction of spectral properties of absorbing, emitting medium
Two distinctive modes of radiation
Thermal radiation through transparent media: surface radiation Theoretical frame work Solid state theory Micro-physical properties r, g, m Optical constants n, k EM theory Transport theory q T Surface radiative properties e, r, a Geometric integral eq.
2. Thermal radiation in participating media:
gas radiation Theoretical frame work Quantum theory Mie theory Molecular or particle parameters Radiation properties al, sl Transport theory q T Radiative Transfer Eq. (RTE)
Physical mechanism of absorption and emission
composition of radiating gas: molecules, atoms, ions, free electrons photon: basic unit of radiation energy emission: release of photons of energy absorption: capture of photons of energy 3 types of transition bound-bound bound-free free-free
free-free transition free-bound emission free state bound-free absorption EI ionized energy E4 bound-bound emission E3 bound-bound absorption bound state E2 E1 = 0 Energy transition for atom or ion
Bound-bound transition
When a photon is absorbed or emitted by an atom or a molecule and there is no ionization or recombination of ions or electrons Magnitude of energy transition: related to frequency of emitted or absorbed radiation E3 E2 emission, E3 - E2 = hn a photon emitted with hn or fixed frequency associated with the transition of energy level
E1 E2, E3, E4 absorption in the form of spectral lines n an
an n Broadening Effect natural broadening
(Heisenberg uncertainty principle) Doppler broadening collision broadening Stark broadening (strong electric field) n an
Carbon dioxide gas at 830 K, 10 atm
Transition of energy state
bound-bound transition molecules: rotational states vibrational states electronic states atoms: electronic state
Internuclear separation distance
electronic state 2 vibrational state Energy dissociation energy for state 2 Transition between rotational levels in different electronic state rotational state Transition between rotational levels of same vibrational state in same electronic state Transition between rotational levels in different vibrational states of same electronic state dissociation energy for state 1 electronic state 1 Internuclear separation distance (diatomic molecule)
Rotational transition within a given vibrational state:
associated energies at long wavelength 8 ~ 1000 mm 2) Vibration-rotation transition: at infrared 1.5 ~ 20 mm 3) Electronic transition: at short wavelength in the visible region 0.4 ~ 0.7 mm Engineering industrial temperature: vibration-rotation transition
2. bound-free transition
sufficient energy of ionization or recombination bound-free absorption (photoionization) free-bound emission (photorecombination) continuous absorption coefficient 3. free-free transition in ionized gas (bremsstrahlung)
Scattering Redirection of photons reflection, refraction, diffraction Elastic scattering (coherent) Inelastic scattering Isotropic scattering Anisotropic scattering Dependent scattering Independent scattering
Scattering Regime size parameter: pD/l Rayleigh scattering: molecular scattering pD/l << 1 Mie scattering: Mie theory pD/l ~ 1 Geometric scattering: principle of geometric optics pD/l >> 1
Intensity (spectral) the amount of radiation energy streaming out through a unit area perpendicular to the direction of propagation , per unit solid angle around the direction w, per unit wavelength around l, and per unit time about t
solid angle: a region between the rays of a sphere and measured as the ratio of the element area dAn on the sphere to the square of the sphere’s radius Rsinq (steradian, sr) dq dAn q R ex) hemisphere: df f
spectral intensity: il l il dw dl f q dA total intensity:
spectral radiative heat flux:
q dA dw il spectral radiative heat flux: dl l il total radiative heat flux:
Emissive power fe qe dA dwe il,e directional spectral emissive power hemispherical spectral emissive power hemispherical total emissive power
Blackbody radiation Blackbody: a perfect absorber for all incident radiation black: termed based on the visible radiation, so not a perfect description b) Maximum emitter in each direction and at every wavelength T black T non-black c) Emitted intensity from a blackbody is invariant with emission angle.
Simulated blackbody
Blackbody hemispherical spectral emissive power
Planck’s law The Theory of Heat Radiation, Max Planck, 1901 spectral distribution of hemispherical emissive power of a blackbody in vacuum h: Planck constant C0: speed of light in vacuum k: Boltzmann constant
in a medium with a refractive index n:
n = 1 in vacuum and n = in air at room temperature over the visible spectrum
Blackbody spectral emissive power
lT elb (W/ Blackbody spectral emissive power
Wien’s displacement law (1891)
lmax : the wavelength at which elb(l,T) is maximum lT
Blackbody total intensity and total emissive power
Stefan-Boltzmann’s law: Stefan by experiment (1879): Boltzmann by theory (1884):
Radiative Transfer Equation
Attenuation by absorption and scattering Augmentation of intensity by emission Augmentation of intensity by incoming scattering Radiative Transfer Equation
Energy equation : summary
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