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Rainforest By: Genevieve/ Josie. Location  Rainforest are all over the world.  A Rainforest is sometimes by the oceans and sometimes they are not. 

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Presentation on theme: "Rainforest By: Genevieve/ Josie. Location  Rainforest are all over the world.  A Rainforest is sometimes by the oceans and sometimes they are not. "— Presentation transcript:

1 Rainforest By: Genevieve/ Josie

2 Location  Rainforest are all over the world.  A Rainforest is sometimes by the oceans and sometimes they are not.  All of the Rainforest are closer to the Equator.

3 Landscape  The Amazon Rainforest has millions of trees, plants and animals it also has small waterfalls.  Some Rainforest grounds are almost entirely made out of moss.  Rainforest landscape is very rocky and their are lots of rivers and waterfalls.

4 Animals  Fossa  Fossa’s are part of the cat family.  Fossa’s diet is small animals like. rodents,and reptiles like snakes.

5 Animals  Okapi  A Okapi is a plant eater.  Is eats fruit leaves and berries.

6 Animals  White Tiger  Their prey includes small- to medium- sized mammals like badgers, rabbits, boars, deer, and wild cattle.

7 Fun Facts  Rainforests are forests that get a lot of rain fall.  Rainforests used to cover 14% of the Earths surface.  The Amazon Rainforest is the largest tropical Rainforest.

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