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Asking Questions While Reading Copyright 2012 Wise Guys.

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1 Asking Questions While Reading Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

2 Congratulations! “Saving the Animals of the Rainforest” Dear Participant, We recently conducted some interviews around your city and your name repeatedly came up. So we are writing this letter to inform you that you, yes you, have been chosen to appear in our new reality show called, Saving the Animals of the Rainforest. Next Saturday a limo will be picking you and one family member up at your house. You will be traveling to the wonderful Amazon Rainforest. You will be a participant in our new reality show and be staying for two weeks. Once again, congratulations! Saving the Animals of the Rainforest Producer Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

3 Think-Pair-Share Well…Congratulations to you! It sounds like you will be heading to South America. In your reading notebook, write down some questions that you have right now as you prepare to be in this new and exciting reality TV show. Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

4 Your Possible Reality Show Questions  What time will I leave?  Who will be the participants?  What will I have to do?  Where will I stay?  What do I pack? What other questions did you write down? Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

5 Think-Pair-Share In your reading notebook, write down some questions that you may have during your adventure. Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

6 Your Possible Reality Show Questions  How will I get around this rainforest?  Will I get attacked by an anaconda?  Where do I find these animals?  What do I do to save the animal once I find it? What other questions did you write down? Watch this short 3-minute video on what you may face while on your journey… Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

7 Good Readers… Just like asking questions about a reality show about the rainforest, good readers will ask questions before and during reading.  Good readers ask text explicit questions.  Good readers ask text implicit questions. Questioning Review -Text Explicit~ Answers are found right in the text -Text Implicit~ Answers formed from knowledge of text and background experiences Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

8 Questions to Consider While Reading  What are the most important details?  What do you wonder about?  How do you use your prior knowledge to help understand the text? Remember, asking questions while reading will help you better understand the text. Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

9 Clarifying Questions  These are the most common questions students ask when I say we’re going to read a story on page blah blah blah…  Why do we have to read this?  What’s the point?  What page is it on?

10 Clarifying Questions While we’re reading and after we finish, the most common statement I hear is I don’t get it!

11 The point of this lesson and the ones that follow is to help deal with all of those issues.

12 Clarifying Question Activity Play “I Am Thinking of An Animal” How did you figure out what animal I picked? You asked clarifying questions! You use clarifying questions to find out something you don’t know but want to find out.

13 Questions to Ask and Answer Before Reading -Does the title give you any clues about the text? -What genre of writing is this?genre Poetry, prose, drama? Fiction? Nonfiction? Why does the genre matter? -Why are you reading this text? To perform a task? To gain information? To be entertained? -What do you already know about the topic? -What predictions can you make?

14 Questions to Ask and Answer During Reading -What did you learn from what you just read? -Do you need to reread? Do you need to slow down? Do you need to use a different strategy? -What is the main idea? What does the author want you to know about the story? Can you summarize it? -What picture is the author “painting” in your head? What details from the text help to paint this picture? -What’s the mood? Upbeat, suspenseful, spooky, serious, funny? -Are there words you do not know? Does not knowing these words affect your understanding of the text? Do you need to look them up in the dictionary?

15 Questions to Ask and Answer After Reading -What predictions were confirmed? What details in the text confirmed them? -What were the main ideas and themes presented in the text? -How did the author present information? -What connections did you make to the text?

16 Teacher Read Aloud 1. Now listen as your teacher reads a portion of a book. 2. Your teacher will stop periodically and ask and some text explicit and implicit questions. 3. Pay attention to see if you can answer some of the questions. Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

17 Putting Strategy Into Practice… 1. Take out a book you are currently reading. 2. As you read, write down at least two text explicit and two implicit questions and their answers. 3. Write your responses in your reading notebook. Copyright 2012 Wise Guys

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