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Tropical Rainforest By: Mickayla, Kathryn, Damonte and Jocelin.

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Presentation on theme: "Tropical Rainforest By: Mickayla, Kathryn, Damonte and Jocelin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tropical Rainforest By: Mickayla, Kathryn, Damonte and Jocelin

2 Geographical Location of the Tropical Locations The Tropical Rainforests are located in the Southern tips of Asia, across South America and in the middle Africa. The Southeast Asian rainforests are located in Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

3 Weather in the Rainforest The weather in the Rainforest is very humid, because of all the rain they get. The normal amount of rain each is 250 cm. a year! They get so much rain since its so hot and wet.

4 Climatogram for the rain forest

5 Animals Bengal Tigers Toco Toucans Sumatran Rhino White Bengal Tiger

6 Animals (continued) Common Palm Civit Dawn Bat Golden Lion Tamarin Proboscis Monkey Jumbu Fruit Dove Kinkajou

7 Plants

8 Food Web for the Rainforest

9 Landforms

10 Here are some food natural resources.

11 The Brazil Rainforest

12 Interesting places Australian rainforestAmazon Rive in the Amazon Rainforest

13 Indian Rainforest

14 Our vocab word Layers of the rain forest Canopy- The 60-130 feet tall trees allow sunlight to be easily available at the top but reduce the light at the bottom of the forest. Most of the animals live at the top of the forest in the canopy because there is a lot of food up there. The tree leaves have a drip spouts which keep them dry and prevent mold from forming in the humid environment.

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