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LRGS Enhancements for LRIT NOAA TWG Meeting May 12, 2011 Sutron Corporation 22400 Davis Drive, Sterling VA 20164 Tel: (703) 406-2800

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Presentation on theme: "LRGS Enhancements for LRIT NOAA TWG Meeting May 12, 2011 Sutron Corporation 22400 Davis Drive, Sterling VA 20164 Tel: (703) 406-2800"— Presentation transcript:

1 LRGS Enhancements for LRIT NOAA TWG Meeting May 12, 2011 Sutron Corporation 22400 Davis Drive, Sterling VA 20164 Tel: (703) 406-2800 Email:

2 Not your Grandfather’s LRGS TWG 11/17/20102

3 DCS Data Flow TWG May 12, 20113

4 LRIT Available on both GOES East & West Combined data stream of ALL DCPs is sent to both GOES east and west. – LRIT from either Satellite gets the entire DCS TWG May 12, 20114

5 LRIT sends Files LRIT is a File Transfer mechanism. Not efficient to send each DCP Msg in a Separate File Files are sent as High, Medium, & Low Priority TWG May 12, 20115

6 LRIT File Priorities Each DCP Msg assigned a priority and placed in High/Medium/Low Priority File – Based on: Channel, DCP Address, Network List NOAA sets 3 “limits” that control when files are closed-off and sent. – Max number of messages – Max time-span in seconds – Max file size TWG May 12, 20116

7 We Recommend … Limits Controlling when File is Sent: How to assign DCP messages to priority: – High: A few very special DCPs (e.g. Tsunami) – Medium: Random channels – Low: Everything else TWG May 12, 20117 PriorityMax MsgsMax TimeMax Bytes High1116,000 Medium510 sec500,000 Low20030 sec1,000,000

8 Impact to Processing Software LRGS with LRIT looks the same to downstream applications like DECODES. No changes required! TWG May 12, 20118

9 LRIT Receivers We have successfully tested Tempest DAS (LRGS) with four different LRIT Receiver Vendors: – Dartcom, NVG, VCS, Avtec The vendor provides software for file reconstruction, image capture, and processing. LRGS processes DCS files and serves them out to clients like DECODES. TWG May 12, 20119

10 Sutron LRIT Receiver Components are Similar to DOMSAT: – Small dish, LNB, Receiver, PC, Software TWG 11/17/201010

11 LRIT Provides DCS Data and GOES Imagery Visual & IR Images – Can be saved to TIFF, JPG, PNG – Automatic collection, zoom, geo-reference grid – Animations – Easy integration to web site DCS Data – LRGS ingests data from LRIT and merges with other data sources you might have (DRGS, NOAAPORT, DOMSAT, DDS, etc.) TWG 11/17/201011

12 Sutron LRIT Software with LRGS TWG 11/17/201012

13 GOES Imagery Data TWG 11/17/201013

14 Compare DOMSAT & LRIT DOMSATLRIT LatencyMinimal. DCP messages are sent individually as they arrive Several seconds may be added as messages are aggregated into files, depending on the priority scheme configured by NOAA ContentDCS onlyDCS, GOES Imagery (VIS, IR, WV), EMWIN, More to come Hardware1.8m dish, legacy receivers getting difficult to procure 1.2m dish, receivers available from a number of vendors FootprintContinental U.S. OnlyEntire GOES E & W (roughly the entire western hemisphere) TWG May 12, 201114

15 DOMSAT Footprint TWG May 12, 201115

16 Impact to Current DOMSAT Users Need to purchase: – Dish, LNB, Cable, – LRIT Receiver (We resell Dartcom), – Decommutation & Image Processing Software – PC (may be required, Dartcom requires Windows) Current Tempest LRGS Users: – No additional license costs – We will assist you to upgrade & re-configure TWG May 12, 201116

17 For More Information Contact: – Email: – Phone: (703) 406-2800 – Web: TWG May 12, 201117

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