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Chromosomes, Mitosis and Meiosis
Chapter 10
Learning Objective 1 What is the significance of chromosomes in terms of information?
Organization Genes Chromatin Chromosomes cell’s informational units
made of DNA Chromatin DNA and protein makes up chromosomes (eukaryotes) Chromosomes allow DNA sorting into daughter cells
KEY CONCEPTS In eukaryotic cells, DNA is wound around specific proteins to form chromatin, which in turn is folded and packaged to make individual chromosomes
Learning Objective 2 How is DNA organized in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
Prokaryotic Cells Contain circular DNA molecules
Eukaryotic Chromosomes
Nucleosome histone (protein) bead wrapped in DNA organized into coiled loops held together by nonhistone scaffolding proteins
DNA wound around a cluster of histone molecules Histone tails
Linker DNA Figure 10.2: Nucleosomes. Nucleosome (10 nm diameter) Fig. 10-2a, p. 213
Figure 10.2: Nucleosomes. 100 nm Fig. 10-2b, p. 213
Scaffolding Proteins
DNA Scaffolding proteins 2 μm Fig. 10-3, p. 213
Figure 10.3: TEM of a mouse chromosome depleted of histones. Notice how densely packed the DNA strands are, even though they have been released from the histone proteins that organize them into tightly coiled structures. 2 μm Fig. 10-3, p. 213
Chromosome Organization
Condensed chromatin Extended chromatin
1400 nm 700 nm 300 nm fiber (looped domains) 30 nm chromatin fiber DNA wound around a cluster of histone molecules Scaffolding protein Condensed chromosome Condensed chromatin Extended chromatin Packed nucleosomes Figure 10.4: Organization of a eukaryotic chromosome. This diagram shows how DNA is packaged into highly condensed chromosomes. First, DNA is wrapped around histone proteins to form nucleosomes. Then, the nucleosomes are compacted into chromatin fibers, which are coiled into looped domains. The looped domains are compacted, ultimately forming chromosomes. Histone 10 nm Nucleosomes 2 nm DNA double helix Fig. 10-4, p. 214
Learning Objective 3 What are the stages in the eukaryotic cell cycle, and their principal events?
Eukaryotic Cell Cycle Cycle of cell division interphase M phase
(Mitosis and cytokinesis)
INTERPHASE G1 (First gap phase) S (Synthesis phase) G2 (Second gap phase) Figure 10.5: The eukaryotic cell cycle. The cell cycle includes interphase (G1, S, and G2) and M phase (mitosis and cytokinesis). Proportionate amounts of time spent at each stage vary among species, cell types, and growth conditions. If the cell cycle were a period of 12 hours, G1 would be about 5 hours, S would be 4.5 hours, G2 would be 2 hours, and M phase would be 30 minutes. M PHASE (Mitosis and cytokinesis) Fig. 10-5, p. 215
Interphase First gap phase (G1 phase) Synthesis phase (S phase)
cell grows and prepares for S phase Synthesis phase (S phase) DNA and chromosome protein synthesis chromosome duplication Second gap phase (G2 phase) protein synthesis increases preparation for cell division
M Phase Mitosis Cytokinesis nuclear division
two nuclei identical to parent nucleus Cytokinesis cytoplasm divides two daughter cells
KEY CONCEPTS Cell division is an important part of the cell cycle, which consists of the successive stages through which a cell passes
Animation: The Cell Cycle
Learning Objective 4 What is the structure of a duplicated chromosome, including the sister chromatids, centromeres, and kinetochores?
A Duplicated Chromosome
Consists of a pair of sister chromatids containing identical DNA sequences Centromere constricted region joins sister chromatids Kinetochore protein to which microtubules bind attached to centromere
Sister Chromatids
Centromere region Microtubules Kinetochore Sister chromatids 1.0 μm
Figure 10.7: Sister chromatids and centromeres. The sister chromatids, each consisting of tightly coiled chromatin fibers, are tightly associated at their centromere regions, indicated by the brackets. Associated with each centromere is a kinetochore, which serves as a microtubule attachment site. Kinetochores and microtubules are not visible in this TEM of a metaphase chromosome. Kinetochore Sister chromatids 1.0 μm Fig. 10-7, p. 218
Learning Objective 5 What is the process and significance of mitosis?
Mitosis Preserves chromosome number
in eukaryotic cell division Identical chromosomes are distributed to each pole of the cell nuclear envelope forms around each set
Sister chromatids of duplicated chromosome Kinetochore Chromatin
INTERPHASE PROPHASE PROMETAPHASE Nucleolus Sister chromatids of duplicated chromosome Kinetochore Chromatin Nucleus Pieces of nuclear envelope Spindle microtubule Figure 10.6: Interphase and the stages of mitosis. The LMs show plant cells, which lack centrioles. The drawings depict generalized animal cells with a diploid chromosome number of 4; the sizes of the nuclei and chromosomes are exaggerated to show the structures more clearly. Nuclear envelope Centrioles Developing mitotic spindle Plasma membrane Fig. 10-6a, p. 216
Prophase Chromatin condenses into duplicated chromosomes (pair of sister chromatids) Nuclear envelope begins to disappear Mitotic spindle begins to form
Mitotic Spindle
Metaphase plate (cell’s midplane)
Kinetochore microtubule (spindle microtubule) Centrioles Astral microtubules Pericentriolar material Figure 10.9: The mitotic spindle. Polar (non- kinetochore) microtubule Sister chromatids Fig. 10-9a, p. 219
Figure 10.9: The mitotic spindle.
Fig. 10-9b, p. 219
Prometaphase Spindle microtubules attach to kinetochores of chromosomes Chromosomes begin to move toward cell’s midplane
Metaphase Chromosomes align on cell’s midplane (metaphase plate)
Mitotic spindle is complete Microtubules attach kinetochores of sister chromatids to opposite poles of cell
Anaphase Sister chromatids separate
move to opposite poles Each former chromatid is now a chromosome
Telophase Nuclear envelope re-forms Nucleoli appear Chromosomes uncoil
Spindle disappears Cytokinesis begins
Reforming nuclear envelope
METAPHASE ANAPHASE TELOPHASE 25 μm Spindle Cleavage furrow Centriole pair at spindle pole Figure 10.6: Interphase and the stages of mitosis. The LMs show plant cells, which lack centrioles. The drawings depict generalized animal cells with a diploid chromosome number of 4; the sizes of the nuclei and chromosomes are exaggerated to show the structures more clearly. Reforming nuclear envelope Daughter chromosomes Cell’s midplane (metaphase plate) Fig. 10-6b, p. 217
KEY CONCEPTS In cell division by mitosis, duplicated chromosomes separate (split apart) and are evenly distributed into two daughter nuclei
Actomyosin contractile ring
Cleavage furrow Actomyosin contractile ring Figure 10.10: Cytokinesis in animal and plant cells. The nuclei in both TEMs are in telophase. The drawings show 3-D relationships. 10 μm Fig a, p. 220
Small vesicles fuse, forming larger vesicles Cell plate forming
Nucleus Vesicles gather on cell’s midplane Eventually one large vesicle exists New cell walls (from vesicle contents) Plasma membrane Figure 10.10: Cytokinesis in animal and plant cells. The nuclei in both TEMs are in telophase. The drawings show 3-D relationships. Cell wall Cell plate forming New plasma membranes (from vesicle membranes) 5 μm Fig b, p. 220
Learning Objective 6 How is the cell cycle controlled?
Cell-Cycle Control Cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) Cyclins
protein kinases that control cell cycle active only when bound to cyclins Cyclins regulatory proteins levels fluctuate during cell cycle
M-Cdk (triggers M phase)
1 1 1 Cyclin is synthesized and accumulates. 2 2 Cdk associates with cyclin, forming a cyclin–Cdk complex, M-Cdk. 3 3 M-Cdk phosphorylates proteins, activating those that facilitate mitosis and inactivating those that inhibit mitosis. Cdk 5 G1 S 4 4 An activated enzyme complex recognizes a specific amino acid sequence in cyclin and targets it for destruction. When cyclin is degraded, M-Cdk activity is terminated, and the cells formed by mitosis enter G1. M G2 5 Cyclin 5 Cdk is not degraded but is recycled and reused. Figure 10.12: Molecular control of the cell cycle. This diagram is a simplified view of the control system that triggers the cell to move from G2 to M phase. 2 4 Degraded cyclin Cdk M-Cdk (triggers M phase) 3 Fig , p. 222
KEY CONCEPTS An internal genetic program interacts with external signals to regulate the cell cycle
Learning Objective 7 What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction?
Asexual Reproduction Single parent Mitosis
offspring have identical hereditary traits Mitosis basis for eukaryotic asexual reproduction
Binary Fission
DNA replication begins at single site on bacterial DNA. Bacterial DNA
Prokaryotic cell Plasma membrane 1 DNA replication begins at single site on bacterial DNA. Bacterial DNA Cell wall Origin of replication 2 Replication continues, as replication enzymes work in both directions from site where replication began. Two copies of bacterial DNA 3 Replication is completed. Cell begins to divide, as plasma membrane grows inward. Figure 10.11: Most prokaryotes reproduce by binary fission. The circular DNA molecule is much longer than depicted here. 4 Binary fission is complete. Two identical prokaryotic cells result. Two identical prokaryotic cells Fig , p. 221
Sexual Reproduction Two haploid sex cells (gametes) fuse to form a single diploid zygote Meiosis produces gametes
Learning Objective 8 What is the difference between haploid and diploid cells? What are homologous chromosomes?
Diploid Cell Chromosomes are paired (homologous chromosomes)
similar in length, shape, other features carry genes affecting the same traits
Haploid Cell Contains only one member of each homologous chromosome pair
Fig. 10-16, p. 229 Figure 10.16: Mitosis and meiosis.
This drawing compares the events and outcomes of mitosis and meiosis, in each case beginning with a diploid cell with four chromosomes (two pairs of homologous chromosomes). Because the chromosomes duplicated in the previous interphase, each chromosome consists of two sister chromatids. The chromosomes derived from one parent are shown in blue, and those from the other parent are red. Homologous pairs are similar in size and shape. Chiasmata are not shown, and some of the stages have been omitted for simplicity. Fig , p. 229
No synapsis of homologous chromosomes
MITOSIS PROPHASE No synapsis of homologous chromosomes ANAPHASE Sister chromatids move to opposite poles Figure 10.16: Mitosis and meiosis. This drawing compares the events and outcomes of mitosis and meiosis, in each case beginning with a diploid cell with four chromosomes (two pairs of homologous chromosomes). Because the chromosomes duplicated in the previous interphase, each chromosome consists of two sister chromatids. The chromosomes derived from one parent are shown in blue, and those from the other parent are red. Homologous pairs are similar in size and shape. Chiasmata are not shown, and some of the stages have been omitted for simplicity. DAUGHTER CELLS Two 2n cells with unduplicated chromosomes Fig a, p. 229
Synapsis of homologous chromosomes to form tetrads
MEIOSIS PROPHASE I Synapsis of homologous chromosomes to form tetrads ANAPHASE I Homologous chromosomes move to opposite poles PROPHASE II Two n cells with duplicated chromosomes Figure 10.16: Mitosis and meiosis. This drawing compares the events and outcomes of mitosis and meiosis, in each case beginning with a diploid cell with four chromosomes (two pairs of homologous chromosomes). Because the chromosomes duplicated in the previous interphase, each chromosome consists of two sister chromatids. The chromosomes derived from one parent are shown in blue, and those from the other parent are red. Homologous pairs are similar in size and shape. Chiasmata are not shown, and some of the stages have been omitted for simplicity. ANAPHASE II Sister chromatids move to opposite poles HAPLOID CELLS Four n cells with unduplicated chromosomes Fig b, p. 229
Learning Objective 9 What is the process and significance of meiosis?
Meiosis One diploid cell divides two times, yielding four haploid cells Sexual life cycles in eukaryotes require meiosis each gamete contains half the number of chromosomes in parent cell
Meiosis I Prophase I Crossing-over Results in genetic recombination
homologous chromosomes join (synapsis) Crossing-over between homologous (nonsister) chromatids exchanges segments of DNA strands Results in genetic recombination
Maternal sister chromatids
Paternal sister chromatids Synaptonemal complex Figure 10.14: A synaptonemal complex. Synapsing homologous chromosomes in meiotic prophase I are held together by a synaptonemal complex, composed mainly of protein. Chromatin Protein Chromatin Maternal sister chromatids Fig a, p. 228
Chromosome Chromosome Synaptonemal complex 0.5 μm Fig. 10-14b, p. 228
Figure 10.14: A synaptonemal complex. Synapsing homologous chromosomes in meiotic prophase I are held together by a synaptonemal complex, composed mainly of protein. Chromosome 0.5 μm Fig b, p. 228
Meiosis I Metaphase I Anaphase I
tetrads (homologous chromosomes joined by chiasmata) line up on metaphase plate Anaphase I homologous chromosomes separate distributed to different nuclei Each nucleus contains haploid number of chromosomes each chromosome has 2 chromatids
Tetrads and Chiasmata
Sister chromatids Chiasmata Kinetochores Sister chromatids 1 μm
Figure 10.15: A meiotic tetrad with two chiasmata. The two chiasmata are the result of separate crossing-over events. 1 μm Fig a, p. 228
Sister chromatids Chiasmata Kinetochores Fig. 10-15b, p. 228
Figure 10.15: A meiotic tetrad with two chiasmata. The two chiasmata are the result of separate crossing-over events. Fig b, p. 228
Meiosis II Two chromatids of each chromosome separate
one distributed to each daughter cell Each former chromatid is now a chromosome
Homologous chromosomes Chromatin
INTERPHASE MEIOSIS I Mid-prophase I Late prophase I Nucleolus Nuclear envelope Homologous chromosomes Chromatin Figure 10.13: Interphase and the stages of meiosis. Meiosis consists of two nuclear divisions, meiosis I (top row) and meiosis II (bottom row). The LMs show sectioned plant cells, which lack centrioles. The drawings depict generalized animal cells with a diploid chromosome number of 4; the sizes of the nuclei and chromosomes are exaggerated to show the structures more clearly. Developing meiotic spindle Centrioles Interphase preceding meiosis; DNA replicates. Homologous chromosomes synapse, forming tetrads; nuclear envelope breaks down. Fig a (1), p. 226
Chromosomes line up along cell's midplane.
MEIOSIS II Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Daughter chromosomes Figure 10.13: Interphase and the stages of meiosis. Meiosis consists of two nuclear divisions, meiosis I (top row) and meiosis II (bottom row). The LMs show sectioned plant cells, which lack centrioles. The drawings depict generalized animal cells with a diploid chromosome number of 4; the sizes of the nuclei and chromosomes are exaggerated to show the structures more clearly. Chromosomes condense again following brief period of interkinesis. DNA does not replicate again. Chromosomes line up along cell's midplane. Sister chromatids separate, and chromosomes move to opposite poles. Fig a (2), p. 226
Microtubule attached to kinetochore Cleavage furrow
Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I Microtubule attached to kinetochore Cleavage furrow Separation of homologous chromosomes Figure 10.13: Interphase and the stages of meiosis. Meiosis consists of two nuclear divisions, meiosis I (top row) and meiosis II (bottom row). The LMs show sectioned plant cells, which lack centrioles. The drawings depict generalized animal cells with a diploid chromosome number of 4; the sizes of the nuclei and chromosomes are exaggerated to show the structures more clearly. Sister chromatids Tetrads line up on cell's midplane. Tetrads held together at chiasmata (sites of prior crossing-over). Homologous chromosomes separate and move to opposite poles. Note that sister chromatids remain attached at their centromeres. One of each pair of homologous chromosomes is at each pole. Cytokinesis occurs. Fig b (1), p. 227
Nuclei form at opposite poles of each cell. Cytokinesis occurs.
Telophase II Four haploid cells 25 μm Figure 10.13: Interphase and the stages of meiosis. Meiosis consists of two nuclear divisions, meiosis I (top row) and meiosis II (bottom row). The LMs show sectioned plant cells, which lack centrioles. The drawings depict generalized animal cells with a diploid chromosome number of 4; the sizes of the nuclei and chromosomes are exaggerated to show the structures more clearly. Nuclei form at opposite poles of each cell. Cytokinesis occurs. Four gametes (animal) or four spores (plant) are produced. Fig b (2), p. 227
Learning Objective 10 What are the different processes and outcomes of mitosis and meiosis?
Mitosis Single nuclear division
2 daughter cells genetically identical to each other and to original cell No synapsis of homologous chromosomes
Meiosis Two successive nuclear divisions form four haploid cells
Synapsis of homologous chromosomes occurs during prophase I
KEY CONCEPTS Meiosis, which reduces the number of chromosome sets from diploid to haploid, is necessary to maintain the normal chromosome number when two cells join during sexual reproduction
KEY CONCEPTS Meiosis helps to increase genetic variation among offspring
Learning Objective 11 Compare the roles of mitosis and meiosis in various generalized life cycles
Animals Somatic cells are diploid Gametes are haploid
produced by mitosis Gametes are haploid produced by meiosis (gametogenesis)
Animal Life Cycle
Multicellular diploid organism (2n)
Gametes (n) Meiosis Fertilization Zygote (2n) Mitosis Figure 10.17: Representative life cycles. The color code and design here is used throughout the rest of the book. For example, in all life cycles the haploid (n) generation is shown in purple, and the diploid (2n) generation is gold. The processes of meiosis and fertilization always link the haploid and diploid generations. Multicellular diploid organism (2n) Animals Fig a, p. 230
Simple Eukaryotes May be haploid Only diploid stage is the zygote
produced by mitosis Only diploid stage is the zygote which undergoes meiosis to restore the haploid state
Simple Eukaryote Life Cycle
Unicellular or multicellular haploid organism (n)
Mitosis Mitosis Gametes (n) Figure 10.17: Representative life cycles. The color code and design here is used throughout the rest of the book. For example, in all life cycles the haploid (n) generation is shown in purple, and the diploid (2n) generation is gold. The processes of meiosis and fertilization always link the haploid and diploid generations. Meiosis Fertilization Zygote (2n) Simple eukaryotes Fig b, p. 230
Plants Alternation of generations: sporophyte generation
gametophyte generation
Plants Sporophyte generation
multicellular diploid forms haploid spores by meiosis Spore divides (mitosis) to form gametophyte generation multicellular haploid produces gametes by mitosis
Plants Two haploid gametes fuse to form diploid zygote
Zygote divides (mitosis) to produce new diploid sporophyte generation
Plant Life Cycle
Gametophyte (n) (multicellular haploid organism)
Mitosis Mitosis Spores (n) Gametes (n) Meiosis Fertilization Zygote (2n) Figure 10.17: Representative life cycles. The color code and design here is used throughout the rest of the book. For example, in all life cycles the haploid (n) generation is shown in purple, and the diploid (2n) generation is gold. The processes of meiosis and fertilization always link the haploid and diploid generations. Mitosis Sporophyte (2n) (multicellular diploid organism) Plants, some algae, and some fungi Fig c, p. 230
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