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Interphase Telophase I Anaphase I Metaphase I Prophase I Cytokinesi s Images from:

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Presentation on theme: "Interphase Telophase I Anaphase I Metaphase I Prophase I Cytokinesi s Images from:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interphase Telophase I Anaphase I Metaphase I Prophase I Cytokinesi s Images from: What happens here?? What type of cell am I??

2 Coming from Meiosis I Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II Cytokinesis Images from:

3  1. What phase of MITOSIS is this?  2. What are these known as?

4  3. Is this representing Meiosis I or Meiosis II?  5.What are these known as?  4. What phase of Meiosis II is this?

5 MITOSIS & CELL CYCLE: NAME THE EVENT  7. The longest phase of the cell cycle.  6. The phase when the nuclear envelope reappears.

6 MITOSIS & CELL CYCLE: NAME THE EVENT  8. The phase of interphase where DNA is replicated.  9. Another name for the “resting phase”

7 The Cell Cycle  10. 3 reasons why our cells divide:  11.What is the question asked at the end of the S phase?  12. Cancer is a disease of the _____ _____

8  13. What phase is represented here?  15. What are these known as?  14. What is being pulled apart?

9  16.How many cells are created at the end of meiosis II?  17. @ the end of Meiosis I are the cells diploid or haploid?

10  18. What is occurring here?  19.When does crossing over occur?

11  20. During Meiosis when are homologous pairs pulled apart?  21. Describe 2 differences between the daughter cells of mitosis & meiosis.

12  22. Describe a similarity between the parent cell of mitosis & meiosis.  23. Why MUST sex cells be haploid

13  24. What are 2 other names for Diploid cells?  25. Name the 2 parts of the Somatic Cell Cycle:

14  26. When are sister chromatids separated during Meiosis?  27. What event occurs during Metaphase I that does not occur during Metaphase II?

15  1. What phase of MITOSIS this?  ANAPHASE  2.What are these known as?  SPINDLES LET’S CHECK YOUR ANSWERS…

16  3.Is this representing Meiosis I or Meiosis II?  Meiosis II  5.What are these known as?  CENTRIOLES  4.What phase of Meiosis II is this?  Metaphase

17 MITOSIS & CELL CYCLE: NAME THE EVENT  7.The longest phase of the cell cycle.  Interphase  6.Nuclear envelope reappears.  Telophase  8.The phase of interphase where DNA is replicated.  S phase  9.Another name for the “resting phase” G0G0

18 REGULATORS  11.What is the question asked at the end of the S phase?  Did the DNA replicate properly?  10. 3 reasons why our cells divide:  Injury, growth, replace damaged cells  12. Cancer is a disease of the _____ _____  Cell Cycle

19  13. What phase is represented here?  Anaphase I of Meiosis I  15. What are these known as?  Sister Chromatids  14. What is being pulled apart?  Homologous pairs

20  16. How many cells are created at the end of meiosis II?  4 cells  18. What is occurring here?  Crossing Over  17. @ the end of Meiosis I are the cells diploid or haploid?  Haploid  19. When does crossing over occur?  Prophase I

21  20. During Meiosis when are homologous pairs pulled apart?  Anaphase I  22. Describe a similarity between the parent cell of mitosis & meiosis.  Diploid  21. Describe 2 differences between the daughter cells of mitosis & meiosis.  1) Mi= 2 Me=42) Mi= diploid Me=haploid  23. Why MUST sex cells be haploid  ½ from Mommy and ½ from Daddy.

22  24. What are 2 other names for Diploid cells?  Somatic and Body  26. When are sister chromatids separated during Meiosis?  Anaphase II  25. Name the 2 parts of the Somatic Cell Cycle  Interphase and Mitosis  27. What event occurs during Metaphase I that does not occur during Metaphase II?  Independent assortment.

23 The cell cycle consists of two major divisions: ___ (growth) and ___ (splitting). 1) ___is the longest part of the cell cycle. This is when the cell grows and it’s DNA ___. It is broken down into three sub-divisions:___, when the cell grows, ___, when the cell copies its DNA and___, when the cell grows some more. 2) Cell division is the next part of the cell cycle and has two major parts. The division of the nucleus is called, ___ while the division of the cytoplasm is called ___. 5 2 4 3 9 6 7 8 1

24  The first phase of mitosis, the longest phase, is called ___. During this phase ___ condenses to form visible chromosomes, the ___ ___ disappears and the ___ separate moving to opposite ends of the cell. During the second phase of mitosis, ___, the chromosomes ___ ___ down the center of the cell. During the third phase of mitosis, ___, the ___ that join the sister ___ split and the sister chromotids become individual ___. These chromosomes then move to opposite sides of the cell. In the last phase of mitosis, ___, the chromosomes spread out into ___ and the nuclear membrane ___. 5 2 4 3 9 6 78 1 10 11 12

25  Label the following stages of the cell cycle:

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