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PART II: AL QAEDA & 9/11 “ The base”. Why was bin Laden waging an ongoing war against the USA? 1. U. S. troops in Saudi Arabia—Desert Storm (1991-1992)

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Presentation on theme: "PART II: AL QAEDA & 9/11 “ The base”. Why was bin Laden waging an ongoing war against the USA? 1. U. S. troops in Saudi Arabia—Desert Storm (1991-1992)"— Presentation transcript:

1 PART II: AL QAEDA & 9/11 “ The base”

2 Why was bin Laden waging an ongoing war against the USA? 1. U. S. troops in Saudi Arabia—Desert Storm (1991-1992) 2. U. S. fought & humiliated Muslims 3. U. S. support of Israel 4. U. S. support of sanctions on Iraq 5. U. S. presence in Middle East: war on Allah & Muslims

3 SOLUTION 1. Defense of Muslims 2. “Cosmic struggle” to save religion & culture 3. 1998: World Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews & Crusaders 4. Al Qaeda: many international secret cells

4 POLITICAL ISLAM & THE MIDDLE EAST Role of Islam 1. “Salaam”: peace 2. Family & tolerance 3. Jews lived peacefully in Ottoman Empire 4. Violence: self-defense 5. Great Jihad: Personal struggles 6. Little Jihad: enemies of Islam

5 “Let there be no 2 religions in Saudi Arabia.” Prophet Muhammed 1. Non-Muslims expelled???? 2. Non-Muslim presence—American troops condemned by bin Laden 3. Most Americans: separate religious & political conflicts 4. Bin Laden: religious & political conflicts are the same

6 Why is the U. S. concerned about political Islam? Islamic Revolution of 1979: US hostages Iran & Sudan: Islamic clergy control government

7 Political Islam Islamic fundamentalism Shar’ia: 1. Islamic law 2. Interpretation of Islamic tradition 3. Oppose free market economy 4. Unemployment up 5. Government aid to poor down

8 U. S. officials & political Islam 1. Threat to stability 2. Destroy enemies of Islam 3. “Jihad” against enemies of Islam 4. But, U. S. supports Saudi government for U. S. interests

9 What pricciples govern U.S politics in ME? 1. Access to oil 2. AIC 3. Lack of concern for government type 4. Preserve alliances in ME 5. Egypt: receives huge foreign aid 6. Little concern for human rights

10 What is U. S. perspective on relations with Israel? 1. Sponsors AIC 2. Agreements b/ Israel & Palestinians; & b/ Israel & Jordan 3. Israel: democracy 4. Israel: strategic ally: shared intell, testing US weapons

11 U. S. CONCERNS WITH ISRAEL 1. Treatment of Palestinians 2. Attacks on Lebanon 3. 1 st Middle East democracy 4. Strategic ally 5. AIC

12 IRAQ 1991: Desert Storm, 1 st Gulf War: Reaction to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait 25% of world’s oil!!??##$!! (Iraq & Kuwait) Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, et al, saw U. S. military presence as necessary Post 1991: Containment of Iraq & Iran

13 WMD’S UN weapons inspections of Iraq Attempt to prevent production of biological, chemical, nuclear weapons 1998-2002: Saddam refused to allow weapons inspectors to freely inspect weapons plants

14 IRAQ WAR 3 POINTS OF VIEW 1. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy 2. President Bush 3. Madeleine K Albright


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