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Changes in the Workplace The 21 st Century Workplace.

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2 Changes in the Workplace The 21 st Century Workplace

3 Downsizing n When the economy slows down, people grow more cautious. n They save more and spend less. n This slows the economy down even more.

4 Downsizing n Business competition becomes tougher. n Companies look for ways to save money. n They reduce expenses by reducing their work forces.

5 Downsizing n These factors can lead to job loss. n It can also lead to opportunities for smaller businesses. n They can do contract work for downsized companies.

6 Technological Change n Many companies introduce computers, robotics, and telecommunications into the workplace. n This changes how workers function.

7 Technological Change n People’s jobs can be replaced by machines or systems. n It can also create jobs for those people who can adapt to new technology.

8 Restructuring n Companies often make organizational changes in order to increase their efficiency. n This results in more profit.

9 Restructuring n Restructuring means changes to the organizational structure. n This can result in job change or job loss.

10 Environmental Factors n Affects natural resource industries. n Large changes to the resources can lead to shutdowns and job loss.

11 Environmental Factors n Examples include: n Mine shutdowns due to disappearing ore (rock) n Over-fishing and depletion of ocean fish. n Crop/forest destruction (floods,fire,weather,pests)

12 Environmental Factors n It can lead regions to develop new businesses n This makes communities more immune to changes of fortune.

13 Personal Initiative n You make a decision to leave a job in order to have: n More time for family n Personal advancement n A more satisfying job n Salary increase

14 On the Bright Side……. n Baby Boomers are retiring n More job opportunities for you!

15 Job Skills n You will need skills like…….. n Technical literacy n Initiative n Social skills n And most importantly…. n A positive attitude

16 Our Workplace includes …. n A diverse, multicultural workforce n Employees with physical challenges like vision, hearing impairments, and wheel chairs n People of various religious backgrounds n Staff with alternate lifestyles (LGBTQ) n So… open minded and flexible

17 You learned this in kindergarten n n Share everything. n n Play fair. n n Clean up your own mess. n n Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody. n n When you go out in the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together. Source: "ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN" by Robert Fulghum.

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