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Calvert Cliffs Unit 3 Status Summary for PPRAC Meeting 26 August 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Calvert Cliffs Unit 3 Status Summary for PPRAC Meeting 26 August 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calvert Cliffs Unit 3 Status Summary for PPRAC Meeting 26 August 2008

2 2 CPCN Case Background Unit 3 proposed for Calvert Cliffs site, Calvert Co. New unit would have net output of about 1600 MW, nearly doubling the capacity of the existing Units 1 and 2 combined – if constructed it would be the world’s largest reactor Applicant for CPCN is Calvert Cliffs 3 Nuclear Project, a wholly owned subsidiary of UniStar Nuclear Energy (which is a joint venture of Constellation and Electricité de France) PPRP filed initial recommended license conditions on 16 July 2008 PSC evidentiary hearings held 11-12 August; also 3 public hearings in August

3 3 Key Issues Water use Ecology Air Impact Socioeconomics/Traffic

4 4 Water Use During construction, use of ground water for uses such as concrete mixing and sanitary water supply During operation, withdrawal of >50 mgd for cooling water Operational water use is much less than Units 1 and 2 (which withdraw >3,000 mgd combined), but a greater percentage of the Unit 3 will be lost to evaporation and not returned to the Bay

5 5 Ecology Calvert Cliffs 3 must construct facility in a way that minimizes impacts to wetlands, streams, forests USACE and MDE actively reviewing joint state/federal wetlands permit DNR’s review of Forest Conservation Plan near completion Critical Area Commission provided project approval in early August

6 6 Air Impact Use of Bay water in cooling tower gives rise to emissions with relatively high levels of dissolved solids – which constitutes particulate matter (PM) and requires detailed modeling of air quality impacts, use of Best Available Control Technology Other sources include oil-fired emergency generating units Much smaller emissions profile compared to similar- sized fossil fuel fired facility PPRP and MDE currently evaluating revised air emissions data that Calvert Cliffs 3 submitted at the PSC hearings earlier this month

7 7 Socioeconomics/Traffic Fiscal benefits to Calvert County and So. Maryland  ~4000 construction jobs  ~360 permanent jobs  Estimated $20 million in tax revenue to County Calvert Cliffs 3 working on detailed traffic study; will require SHA approval of road upgrades to support increased construction traffic MHT approval required for mitigation plans associated with impacts to historic resources on the site

8 8 Public Reaction Public comments at hearings showed strong local support for Unit 3 project Concerns raised by members of the public are being addressed by State’s recommended conditions, and/or through NRC licensing process  NRC has federal jurisdiction for radiological emergency planning, radiological health and safety, nuclear waste disposal

9 9 Current Status PPRP and Calvert Cliffs 3 actively working to reach agreement on as many recommended license conditions as possible PPRP/MDE evaluation of air quality impacts and water appropriations ongoing Additional coordination also continuing with SHA, DNR Forestry, USACE/MDE Expected date for CPCN issuance not yet determined, but we should be able to support Calvert Cliffs 3 proposed construction start date of May 2009

10 10 “Coming Attractions’ CP Crane Barge Unloader Catoctin Coal Testing at CP Crane

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