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By: Rochelle Morgon Safreeca Logan Elena Covill Brittney Bernardi.

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1 By: Rochelle Morgon Safreeca Logan Elena Covill Brittney Bernardi

2 Muslims were discriminated against right after 9/11 naturally. But what most would find interesting is that Muslims were mostly discriminated against after 9/11. In 2002, a survey found out that 25% of Americans were discriminated against Muslims. Recently, the survey showed that 48% discriminate against Muslims today. Its is mostly because of the media, with stories about Afghanistan and Pakistan. A new pew study said that 6 in 10 adults feel that Muslims are discriminated against, yet only 1 in 4 Muslims are said to feel discriminated against. Talat Mangla says she never really feels discriminated against but says the possibility of it makes her feel self conscious. "I started wearing a head scarf in college, and I don't think I've ever felt discrimination overtly because of that, More than anything, I felt more self-conscious about it."

3 The Muslim head scarf is an important symbol of faith for many women. The head scarf comes in a variety of styles, from a scarf that only covers the hair, to one that covers the entire body. It comes in a variety of colors and patterns, and many women own more than one. The reason there are so many styles is because people interpret what the Quran says differently, and use this interpretation to decide how much they need to cover themselves. The Quran tells women to cover up, and women can decide for themselves how much. However, some countries have laws about it. Countries like France are debating whether to band scarves. Other countries require women to wear veils, whether by law or by social situation. There is a variety of patterns and fabrics on the headscarves. The artifact we have is purple and black, and doesn’t cover the face. Although this one is solid colors, others can have a variety. Some have patterns of flowers or something else. Others sparkle. Some are many different colors and stand out in a crowd. Some can be two or more pieces. Many are very unique. The headscarf is a very important religious symbol for Islamic women.

4 The document that I did for my project is a story from the Muslim holy book the Qur’an. It is the story of the birth of Jesus. In there version of this story, the angels come to Mary and tell her that Allah has chosen her out of all the women of the land to birth the baby Jesus. Yet she questions them because she is still a virgin and she’s still pure. The angels told Mary that Jesus speaks to the people of the land. When Mary birthed Jesus he came out talking to the people of the land explaining that he will heal and help them and explained that Mary was pure but Allah choose her to birth him; and he was the prophet. The story of the birth of Jesus in the Qur’an is similar to the story in the Christian bible except for the fact that, in the Christian bible Jesus didn’t talk when he was a baby.

5  A prayer rug is a piece of fabric to keep the worshipper clean and comfortable during the prayer.  The prayer mat has a very strong symbolic meaning. The prayer mat is normally quilted in a rectangle design; in the rectangle there are usually images of Islamic symbols and architecture. Decorations but also have a deep sense of value in the design of the prayer rug.Islamic symbols architecture  The mat is characterized by an arch-shaped design at the front end of the carpet. The arch is used as a directional point to direct the worshipper towards the direction of Mecca. All Muslims are required to know what direction Mecca. The decorations also serve as aids to memory. For examples one rug can include a comb and pitcher, which is a reminder for a Muslim to wash his or her hands and for men to comb their hair before performing prayer. Another important use for decorations is to help newly converted Muslims by stitching decorative hands on the mat where the hands should be placed when performing prayer.worshipperwhat direction

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