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Chapter 7 Section 4.  James Monroe not running for third term.  We were only one party.  1824’s Election would make differences more obvious.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Section 4.  James Monroe not running for third term.  We were only one party.  1824’s Election would make differences more obvious."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Section 4

2  James Monroe not running for third term.  We were only one party.  1824’s Election would make differences more obvious.

3  Four candidates appeared to take Monroe’s place.  John Quincy Adams(Monroe’s Secretary of State)  William Crawford  Andrew Jackson(War hero of Tennessee)  Henry clay

4  Jackson won popularity over Adams.  Adams ran strongest in the Northeast.  Neither had a majority of Electoral College.  House of Representatives had to step in.

5  Jackson criticized Adams a lot.  Jackson Relied on Martin Van Buren.  In 1824, Some states used Popular vote.  White taxpaying men could vote.  Blacks not favored in new state constitutions.  Women still can’t vote.

6  Andrew Jackson symbol of American Democracy.  Jackson had Military fame.  War of 1812  Wars against the Creeks and Seminoles.

7  Jackson’s supports called Democrats.  Jackson won the election no problem.  Owed his victory to Martin Van Buren  Martin revived Jeffersonian partnership (North and South)  Promised to go back to Jeffersonian principles.  Strong states  Weak national government

8  Democrats innovated in party structure.  Disciplined system of local and state committees.  Rewarded faithful with government jobs.  Also rewarded Democratic activists with government jobs.  Critics denounced it.  Called it the “spoils system.”+

9  Jackson captured 80% of south vote.  The South expected Jackson’s help(Native Americans)  Five tribes of native Americans were civilized.  Jackson believed Indians should make way.  Didn’t understand their love of forest.  Ignored court order protecting Indians.

10  Jackson urged Indian Removal act of 1830.  Sought to peacefully trade land with Indians.  Choctaws and Chickasaws reluctantly agreed.  Few stayed behind.  Got violently mistreated by whites.  Jackson continued pressuring Indians for land.  Trail of Tears, 4000 Cherokees died.  Black Hawk’s War fought federal troops (Illinois)

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