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The Mystery of Mars  At the end of the lesson I will be able to…  Read and Identify hyphenated compound adjectives.  Expand vocabulary by reading.

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2 The Mystery of Mars

3  At the end of the lesson I will be able to…  Read and Identify hyphenated compound adjectives.  Expand vocabulary by reading and supplying the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.  Identify and decode words with consonant l- blends  Recognize and spell words with the long I sound

4 These words are hyphenated compound words  mile-high  rose-colored  cinnamon-colored  blue-eyed

5 These words represent comparative and superlative adjectives : small smaller smallest

6 These words contain consonant l-blends  planet  cliff  deflated  climb

7 These words contain the long i sound  surprise  survive  entire  overnight sitesite

8 Identify the hyphenated compound words  She wore rose-colored glasses when she visited the mile-high city.  The hyphenated compound words is…  Rose-colored  Mile-high

9 Identify the comparative and superlatives  John was smaller than his sister, but his brother was the smallest in the family.  The comparative is ___________.  smaller  The superlative is ___________.  smallest

10 Identify the consonant l-bends  The balloon deflated when it hit the side of the cliff.  The word with the consonant l-blend is ________.  Deflated  The other word with the consonant l-blend is ________.  cliff

11 Identify the word with the long i sound.  The common box tortoise can survive for an entire century.  The word with the long I sound is _______, it is spelled ______.  Survive, I __ E  The other word with the long I sound is _______, it is spelled ______.  Entire, I ____ E

12 The Mystery of Mars Vocabulary Geologist Organic Meteorite Interplanetary Atmosphere OCR 2002 5 th grade Lesson 5 The Mystery of Mars Sandra Sanchez Abbott Elementary

13 Geologist  “use context clues and word structure” The little robot geologist dug its wheels into the red Martian dirt, churning up the soil to analyze its texture and clumpiness. The geologist studied the soil in our area to determine if the land was good for crops. geologist- a person who studies the solid mater on a moon or planet

14 Organic  “use apposition” Another experiment looked for organic molecules, the molecules that make up living things. My brother takes an organic chemistry class in college. He studies the molecules of living things. organic- taken from a living being

15 Meteorite  “use context clues” Scientist know that meteorites and interplanetary dust deliver a steady supply of organic molecules to the Martian surface. The scientist found remnants of a meteorite in the desert. meteorite- a piece of matter from the solar system that hits a planet or moon’s surface

16 Interplanetary  “use context clues, word structure” Science fiction stories sometimes include interplanetary travel between Earth and another planet. The spacecraft on Mars radioed an interplanetary communication back to Earth. interplanetary- shared between planets Sandra Sanchez Abbott Elementary

17 Atmosphere  “use context clues, word structure” Earth is surrounded by an atmosphere that protects all the plants and animals on the plant from the extreme conditions in space. Earth’s atmosphere contains mostly oxygen, whereas Mars’s contains mostly carbon dioxide. atmosphere- the gases that surround a planet or moon Sandra Sanchez Abbott Elementary

18 Vocabulary Quiz  interplanetary  meteorite  organic  atmosphere  geologist 1.A _________ is someone who studies rocks on Earth or the moon. 2.The Earth is surrounded by a protective layer of air, this layer is called the _______. 3. The astronauts used _________communication to inform NASA of Mars weather conditions. 4. In an ________ college course, you would be studying the molecules of living things. 5. What is a piece of matter from the solar system that hits a planet or the moon’s surface?__________ Sandra Sanchez Abbott Elementary

19 Understanding the Selection  Mars is a little over one-half the size of Earth. Mercury Neptune Earth Mars 7,920 miles 4,200 miles Diamet er

20 FACT: Mars is 141 million miles away from the sun, 48 million miles farther than Earth is. QUESTION: How far away from the sun is the Earth? 141 ?

21 Understanding the Selection It takes 687 days for Mars to orbit the sun.

22 Understanding the Selection It takes 24 hours and 24 minutes for Mars to rotate on its axis.

23 Genre: Expository Text  Purpose: To share information with or explain something to the reader.  Facts about real people or events are often included.  Information is usually presented in the order in which they occur.  It may be organized by topics.

24 Genre: Expository Text  It may include diagrams, photographs, maps, or illustrations to help the reader understand the subject better.  The factual information can be checked my referring to other sources.

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