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Phishing for Answers Tim Martin, PhD Capella University March 27, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Phishing for Answers Tim Martin, PhD Capella University March 27, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phishing for Answers Tim Martin, PhD Capella University March 27, 2009

2 Overview Research Summary ResultsFindingsImplications Future Studies ReferencesQuestions

3 Research Summary Demographic Survey Pre and Post Tests

4 Results 153 Participants (141 usable) Younger Participants More Varied Female Scores More Varied 2 Perfect Scores

5 Findings No Variable Significant Multiple Factors Perfect Score Uncommon

6 Implications Education/Training not Single Solution Go Beyond the “What”

7 Future Studies Address the Why (qualitative) Explore Vishing, Smishing Explore Impact of Social Engineering

8 References Anti-Phishing Working Group Boulware, Folsom and Guillory Study Federal Trade Commission Government Online Information Site Intrepidus Group Phishtank Website Site Privacy Rights Clearing House SonicWALL Phishing IQ Test

9 Questions or Comments?

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