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Assessment of creativity

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1 Assessment of creativity

2 Psychometric problems
Skewed distribution Low reliability Typical IQ test 0,70-0,80 Typical creativity test 0,40-0,60 (at the 0-1 scale) Test-retest, internal consistency

3 Theoretical problems Trait or state? Within-person variability
Cross-situation variability context instruction

4 Too much depends on instruction
Please give us ideas that are creative unusual original imaginative ... Please be as creative as you can!

5 Character of the trait General Domain-specific Poetry Music Literature

6 Remote Association Test (RAT)
gas railway bus school play cow money river blood hotel note title

7 Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT)
Divergent thinking Open-ended problems No clear criteria for good solutions Verbal and nonverbal Scoring Fluency Flexibility Originality elaboration

8 Predictive value of TTCT
Plucker (1999) Longitudinal study 1958  1980 Again in 1998: 220 people (55%) Creative achievements Number of publications, patents, exhibitions, reviews etc. Self-assessment scored by judges

9 Plucker (1999): structural equation model
87 60 Quantitative index IQ Fluency Flexib Origin Creativity Achiev. Qualitative index Elabor

10 Urban and Jellen Test for Creative Thinking – Drawing Production

11 TCT-DP scoring Continuations New elements Perspective
Unconventional use of the sheet Use of the small square Humor ...

12 Test of Creative Thinking (TCT)
A paintbrush is a tool but also a ... What is unusual in a doorknob? Why scientists are similar to thieves? I wonder why our windows still ...

13 „Real-life” tasks Examples Advantages Disadvantages
Write a short story entitled „2743” How the world looks like from the insect’s perspective Advantages Close to realistic tasks Disadvantages More difficult to score Specific abilities needed

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