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2015-2016. W HAT WILL WE BE DOING THIS YEAR ?? Place Value Addition/Subtraction - using various strategies Multiplication/Division using – using various.

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Presentation on theme: "2015-2016. W HAT WILL WE BE DOING THIS YEAR ?? Place Value Addition/Subtraction - using various strategies Multiplication/Division using – using various."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-2016


3 Place Value Addition/Subtraction - using various strategies Multiplication/Division using – using various strategies Problem Solving Strategies (Solve a problem in multiple ways) Multi-step word problems Graphing Measurement Geometry Fractions

4 R EADING A SSESSMENTS FLUENCY How many words per minute? Accuracy in speed and expression COMPREHENSION Can you tell me what happened in this story? Who, what, when, where and why?

5 77 words per minute Beginning Of Year 92 words per minute Mid year 110 words per minute End of Year

6 Read every night with your child. Let your child retell the story to you after reading. Ask your child questions about what they read. Read TO your child.

7 Cause and Effect Fact and Opinion Sequencing Main Idea and Details Context Clues Compare and Contrast Visualizations

8 L ITERACY Independent Reading Daily 45 minutes 10 minute mini-lesson 30 minutes independent reading OR working with the teacher Why? Build stamina and work on reading skills learned Writing Daily 30 minutes Narratives, opinions, persuasive pieces of writing Independent conferences with teacher while writing Why? Build writing skills and help with individual struggles

9 Argumentative/Opinion Writing State your opinion. Support your claim with details and facts. Narrative Writing This is telling a story- fiction or non-fiction.

10 Science:Social Studies: Matter and Energy Solar System and Earth Systems Human Body and Ecosystem Force and Motion Communities Being a responsible citizen Local government Holidays/ celebrations around the world

11 H OW C AN Y OU H ELP AT H OME ? Read every day. Ask your child questions about what they read. Provide good study conditions and encourage good study habits. Practice basic addition, subtraction and multiplication facts. Solve math problems in everyday activities: shopping, cooking, cleaning, driving, etc. Ask your child questions about what they have learned in school that day. Refer to class web sites.

12 H OMEWORK Reading: Daily; at least 30 minutes, and complete homework reading log Math: Investigations’ pages or worksheet Agendas Look at the agenda every night Check to ensure your child has completed HW from the agenda Help your child to keep their notebook organized.

13 W EEKLY W EDNESDAY FOLDERS Sent home on Wednesdays Contains student work from throughout the week Please look at the work inside Sign where noted (differs by teacher)

14 G RADING P OLICY 100-90 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 59 or below F Grades come from the following: Assignments Homework Tests Participation Projects


16 Please leave questions in the blue basket on the round table. Include your child’s name and your email address.

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