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Presentation on theme: "SCIENTIFIC NOTATION: PROBLEM SOLVING Lesson Four and Five."— Presentation transcript:


2 WARM UP 1. Simplify:

3 In 2001, the population of the world was about 6,160,000,000. The projected population of the world for the year 2025 is about 7,840,000,000. Write these number in scientific notation.

4 The following diameters are shown for different types of cells. Order these from greatest to least. Cell TypeDiameter Fungi4.6 x 10 -5 Bacteria2.5 x 10 -3 Cat5.2 x 10 -4 Human4.9 x 10 -3

5 In 2006, Blue Ridge Parkway was visited by about 1.9 x 10 7 people. That same year, Great Smoky Mountains National Park was visited by about 9.3 x 10 6 people. How many more people visited Blue Ridge Parkway than Great Smoky Mountains National Park in 2006?

6 One cell has a diameter of 4.5 x 10 -6. If there are 20 cells growing in a lab, what is their combined diameters?

7 Great Lake Superior covers an area of 3.17 x 10 4 square miles. The smallest great lake, Ontario, covers an area of 7.34 x 10 3 square miles. About how many times as great is the area covered by Lake Superior than Lake Ontario?





12 HOMEWORK 1.Complete the problem solving worksheet. Show all your work. 2.Finish the word problem worksheet that you started in class. Show all your work.


14 A problem will come up on the board. Individually, each of you will have 35 seconds to read the problem and determine what operation will be necessary to solve. After the 35 seconds is up, you will have 1 minute to determine the answer to the problem with your group. One group member will write the answer on the group whiteboard to be checked. The group with the most points will win a prize!

15 The following incomes are recorded for music artists in 2010. How much more money did Jay-Z make over Yo Gotti? Artist2010 Income Jay-Z2.56 x 10 7 Yo Gotti5.1 x 10 6

16 The largest planet in our solar system is Jupiter with a diameter of about 1.43 x 10 5 kilometers. The smallest planet in our solar system is Mercury with a diameter of about 4.9 x 10 3 kilometers. About how many times greater is the diameter of Jupiter than the diameter of Mercury?

17 About 8.73 x 10 8 people in the world speak Chinese. About 3.22 x 10 8 speak Spanish. In scientific notation, how many more people speak Chinese than Spanish?

18 The average distance from Earth to the Sun is 1.46 x 10 8 kilometers. The average distance from Earth to the Moon is 3.84 x 10 5 kilometers. About many more times as great is the distance from Earth to the Sun than to the Moon?

19 The table below shows the approximate tons of cars exported from Germany to the US over time. Order the amount of cars over the years from least to greatest. YearTons of Cars 20077.2 x 10 5 20088.31 x 10 6 20095.9 x 10 7 20103.76 x 10 6


21 In 2010, the USA had 2.31 x10 5 iPhone users. That same year, Europe had 1.49 x 10 4 iPhone users. How many iPhone users did the USA and Europe have combined?

22 The table below shows the thickness in inches for the following types of paper. List the paper types in order from the least thick to most thick. Paper TypeThickness Cardstock3.348 x 10 -2 Printer paper1.898 x 10 -3 Construction paper3.684 x 10 -3 Poster paper1.024 x 10 -2



25 As of March 23, 2013, the USA national debt was $16,755,133,009,522 (round this number to the nearest trillion). According to the 2012 census, there are 313,914,040 (round this number to the nearest million) American citizens. What is each citizen’s approximate share of the debt?

26 HOMEWORK This weekend you need to spend time reviewing for your unit test on Tuesday. Go over your notes and the modeled examples. Learn your laws and principals.

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