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Present Active Indicative Comunicación y Gerencia J. Lyle Story.

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Presentation on theme: "Present Active Indicative Comunicación y Gerencia J. Lyle Story."— Presentation transcript:

1 Present Active Indicative Comunicación y Gerencia J. Lyle Story

2 Parse (TVMPN), Vocab. Form, Translate a(marta/nomen bapti/zete e0gei/rousin ginw/skei pe/mpeiv ble/pei e1xete a0kou/ousi ai1rw doca/zete dida/skousin le/gei

3 Parse (TVMPN), Vocab. Form, Translate gra/fete lamba/nousi kri/nw lu/ete ai1romen diw/komen ba/llete qerapeu/ousi le/geiv ble/pomen

4 Examples of the Present Indicative … kai\ eu(ri/skei Fi/lippon kai\ le/gei au0tw=| and and to him John 1:43Use of historical present … o$ ga\r katerga/zomai ou0 ginw/skw For that which I produce not Rom. 7:15 Customary or Tendential Present

5 Examples of the Present Indicative o( pisteu/wn ei0v to\n ui9o\n e1xei zwh\n ai0w/nion The one who believes in the Son life eternal John 3:36 Descriptive present kai\ ou0dei\v ba/llei oi]non ne/on ei0v a0skou/v palaiou/v And no one new wine into old wineskins Lk. 5:37 e0k me/rouv ga\r ginw/skomen kai\ e0k me/rouv profhteu/omen For in part and in part profhteu/w = I prophesy

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