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2000 B.C – 400 A.D. Played for specific occasion Used for communicating or signaling Drums and animal horns used.

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Presentation on theme: "2000 B.C – 400 A.D. Played for specific occasion Used for communicating or signaling Drums and animal horns used."— Presentation transcript:

1 2000 B.C – 400 A.D

2 Played for specific occasion Used for communicating or signaling Drums and animal horns used

3 As civilization evolved, music evolved Music evolved in to accompaniment, dance, ceremonial rituals Cultures began to develop their own styles of music 5 cultures that music would evolve from

4 At least 4000 years old Uses a 5 note scale called a Pentatonic scale Played on plucked instruments like the ch’in

5 Music was part of almost every aspect of life Musicians were second in status to royalty Musicians were mostly women Popular instruments were lute, lyre and harp

6 People were associated with religion Dancing, music and musical instruments are referred to in the Old Testament Not many instruments are still used except for the shofar (translation is trumpet)

7 Music originates from Greek word mousike Popular instruments were kithara and the aulos Music was played at festivals, plays and the Olympic games (Kithara) (auloi/aulos)

8 Based on Grecian music Music was used mostly for military & entertainment purposes Used drums Responsible for the first brass trumpets and horns

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