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2015 User Conference Getting the Most out of OP April 23 & 25, 2015 Presented by: Rena Lekfowitz PA-C Director of Training EHR Session.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 User Conference Getting the Most out of OP April 23 & 25, 2015 Presented by: Rena Lekfowitz PA-C Director of Training EHR Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 User Conference Getting the Most out of OP April 23 & 25, 2015 Presented by: Rena Lekfowitz PA-C Director of Training EHR Session

2 2015 Office Practicum User Conference End Goal: Practice Transformation!

3 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Agenda: ▪ Identify Hybrid Workflows ▪ Identify features you have not yet implemented ▪ Identify obstacles to going 100% electronic ▪ Share strategies for implementing electronic workflows

4 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Advantages of Going 100% Electronic ▪Improve efficiencies ▪Reduce opportunities for medical errors→ all patient data in one place

5 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Discussion: What are other Benefits?

6 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Envision 100% Electronic Workflow

7 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Features to get you there...

8 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Let’s Start with an Analysis Maybe we won’t go there….

9 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Instead Let’s Try a SWOT Analysis:

10 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Hands On: ▪ Complete your SWOT Worksheet independently (10min) ▪ Then meet with your group and develop strategies for electronic workflows (10 min) ▪ Write ideas on Flip Chart ▪ Come together to share

11 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Group Discussion:

12 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Group Discussion: ➔ Is there a kiosk in the waiting room ➔ How far do staff have to go to enter data ➔ Providers: computer in room or laptop ➔ Do all staff who input data have a device ➔ Is it the right device for the task ➔ Are all staff and providers comfortable with their device Do your current devices and location of devices help or hinder your workflow?

13 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Group Discussion: Where’s the paper and why? ➔ Consents ➔ Referrals ➔ Messaging ➔ Superbills ➔ Post its ➔ Appt Confirmations ➔ Recalls Front Desk: Do you recognize this computer?

14 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Group Discussion: Where’s the paper? ➔ Recording on vitals/vaccines/lab results on paper and then entering in OP? ➔ Clipboards in the office ➔ Consider Vital Machine integrated with OP* Clinical Staff: *Welch Allyn Spots Vital LXi

15 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Group Discussion: ➔ Tasks to communicate ➔ Computer in the room ➔ Labs and Specialist letters reviewed on paper ➔ Not comfortable charting in computer ➔ Templates not customized for your workflow ➔ Med Import Hx ➔ Med Reconciliation ➔ Med favorites set up ➔ Pharmacies favorites set up Providers:

16 2015 Office Practicum User Conference And Most Importantly... How does your practice approach change?

17 2015 Office Practicum User Conference How will you Adapt…. Ongoing Implementation Team for CQI ➔ Periodic Practice Assessment ➔ Plan for new feature implementation ➔ Sets Timelines and Milestones ➔ Super Users for each department

18 2015 Office Practicum User Conference How will you Adapt…. ➔ Internal training for new staff and providers ➔ Ongoing training for staff and providers ◆ Prepare for updates: ●Time for review of videos ●Discuss implications for practice ●Adjust workflows ➔ Formal practice wide communication channels ➔ Consider surveying your patients for input and ideas

19 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Group Discussion: Strategies for Next Steps:

20 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Take the Challenge: ➔ Designate your Ongoing Implementation Team ➔ Designate your Super Users ➔ Define a minimum of 1 new feature you will implement with Go-Live date ➔ Redesign a minimum of 1 workflow to go electronic with Go-Live date ➔ Share your successes on the listserv

21 2015 Office Practicum User Conference


23 We want your feedback!

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