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Risk Management Be Prepared.… ….Bi Ullamh. What is Risk ???… Risk:….. “the chance of injury, damage or loss” (Webster’s Dictionary). Risk:…. “exposure.

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Presentation on theme: "Risk Management Be Prepared.… ….Bi Ullamh. What is Risk ???… Risk:….. “the chance of injury, damage or loss” (Webster’s Dictionary). Risk:…. “exposure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Risk Management Be Prepared.… ….Bi Ullamh

2 What is Risk ???… Risk:….. “the chance of injury, damage or loss” (Webster’s Dictionary). Risk:…. “exposure to danger or loss.” (Collins Dictionary). Risk in its many guises is something each of us encounter everday of our lives. It is something that, by our nature, we plan for constantly.

3 Why Risk Management ? Risk is a factor in all activity. The world has changed significantly since Scouting started. The structured management form of risk has become the norm. Cultural change, greater awareness and experience coupled with an increase in ‘blame culture’ over that of personal responsibility.

4 Who is responsible ? EVERYBODY – from the youngest to the oldest regardless of role or rank. Scouts Patrol Leadership Troop Leadership Group Leadership Each of you is responsible for yourselves and each other.

5 How to manage Risk Risk Assessment (Various Types) ‘Rule of Five’ 1.Examine 2.Decide 3.Evaluate 4.Record 5.Review

6 Risk Assessment 1 Examine; Look for hazards Large v Small Long Term Medium Term Short Term/Immediate

7 Risk Assessment 2 Decide; Who is at risk ? Participants Others

8 Risk Assessment 3 Evaluate; Assess the hazards and those indentified with regard to risk. Consider on a scale of low, medium or high risk. Use the ‘Rule of 5’.

9 Risk Assessment 3 -ctd Rule of 5; 1 to 5 Experience/Equipment 1 to 5 Risk 1/1 Low Risk 3/3 Medium Risk 5/5 High Risk

10 Risk Assessment 3 -ctd Alternative method Possible Risk Levels For each Hazard Severity Slightly Harmful HarmfulExtremely Harmful LikelihoodUnlikelyLowMediumHigh LikelyMediumHighIntolerable Very Likely HighIntolerable

11 Risk Assessment 4 Record; Will depend on circumstances Inform participants Note action taken Note operating procedures – may contribute to policy

12 Risk Assessment 5 Review; Constant evaluation Amend if necessary Assess for new/changing risk

13 Proactive V Reactive Good judgement comes from experience………… Experience comes from bad judgement………….

14 You are the most important person in the world – including to those you have yet to meet !. Risk Management = Common Sense Be Prepared……………………..Bí Ullamh


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