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Easwari Engineering College Department of Computer Science and Engineering IDENTIFICATION AND ISOLATION OF MOBILE REPLICA NODES IN WSN USING ORT METHOD.

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Presentation on theme: "Easwari Engineering College Department of Computer Science and Engineering IDENTIFICATION AND ISOLATION OF MOBILE REPLICA NODES IN WSN USING ORT METHOD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Easwari Engineering College Department of Computer Science and Engineering IDENTIFICATION AND ISOLATION OF MOBILE REPLICA NODES IN WSN USING ORT METHOD Project Members: 1. U.Saranya 2. P.SriArthi 3. S.Sneha Supervisor: Dr.K.M.Anandkumar M.Tech. Ph.D Assistant Professor (Sl.Gr.) 04/05/20131Project Review

2 Objective To tackle mobile replica node attacks in WSNs and make the network free from replicas’ intrusion by: Detecting the presence of mobile replica nodes Isolating the replicas and retaining original nodes 04/05/2013 2Project Review

3 Motivation WSNs are vulnerable to attacks Mobility in sensor networks make it difficult to spot the malicious nodes in hostile environments Absence of a unique ID for sensors in WSN makes them susceptible to replica attacks 04/05/20133Project Review

4 Literature Survey (1) Fast Detection of Mobile Replica Node Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks using Sequential Hypothesis Testing, J.W.Ho, M.Wright, S.K.Das, IEEE Transactions, 2011 Techniques used: SPRT Hypothesis testing Quarantine analysis Performance Achieved: If v max =10 m/s, 80.6% detection for 5 to 9 claims If v max =100 m/s, 61.1% detection for 4 to 9 claims Drawback: Both compromised and replica nodes are revoked from the network 04/05/20134Project Review

5 04/05/20135 Distributed Detection of Replicas with Deployment Knowledge in WSN, J.Ho, D.Liu, M.Wright, Ad Hoc Networks, Nov 2009 Technique used: Group deployment strategy “Trusted” nodes close to Group Deployment Point Performance Achieved: Trade off depends on sensor deployment to group deployment point’s accuracy Drawback: Static Sensors Prior knowledge of group location, deployment time Literature Survey (2) Project Review

6 04/05/20136 Efficient and Distributed Detection of Node Replication Attacks in Mobile Sensor Networks, C.-M. Yu, C.-S. Lu, S.-Y. Kuo, IEEE Conference 2009. Technique: Number of mobiles nodes encountered by mobile replicas in a time interval is more than the number encountered by a benign mobile node Performance Achieved: O(N 2 )-communication overhead O(N)-storage overhead Drawback: Replica can carefully control the number of encounters it has with the other nodes Literature Survey (3) Project Review

7 Issues in the Existing Systems Hypothesis based testing Centralized Approach SPRT revokes all nodes including the original Quarantine Analysis for replica isolation - energy consuming and complex - memory overhead 04/05/20137Project Review

8 Proposed System ORT (Origin and Route Tracking) method tracks location of original node Home sink reveals current location of original node to Base Station Replicas’ location identified; Replicas isolated Original node retained 04/05/20138Project Review Diagram

9 System Architecture 04/05/20139Project Review

10 Functional Architecture 04/05/201310Project Review

11 List of Modules Module 1: Introduction of Replica Module 2: Detection of Replica Module 3: Isolation of Replica 1104/05/2013 Project Review

12 Module1: Introduction Of Replica 04/05/201312 Parameters: BS- Base Station SinkS- Source Sink DB- Data base SinkD- Destination Sink PL- Pervious Location CL- Current Location Input: A network with N no of benign nodes. Output: Databases of sinks and BS updated after node movement Algorithm: 1. Node A broadcasts beacon message. 2. Each ‘Sink’ updates its DB about nodes within its range 3. Each sink sends this information to BS. 4. Node A moves from SinkS to SinkD. 5. SinkD receives the beacon of A. Project Review

13 Module1: Introduction Of Replica 6. SinkD updates arrival of A in its range in its database and replies to beacon of A. 7. A updates the CL and PL in its DB. 8. A broadcasts its PL. 9.SinkD updates A’s PL as SinkS and messages SinkS about A’s arrival. 10.SinkS checks inside its range for node A. 11. If found, go to step 14 12. Else,SinkS sends the name of “ home sink” of node A. 13. SinkD updates its DB with “home sink” data of A and continues again from step 4. 04/05/201313 Descriptive Diagram Project Review Sequence Diagram

14 Module 2: Detection Of Replica Input: A network with N nodes with possibility of replica Output: Confirmation of replica’s presence Algorithm: 14. SinkS sends a message to BS about possibility of replica in the network. 15. BS checks its DB for home detail of A. 16. BS inquires “home sink” of A about its last destination. 17. “Home Sink” of A replies back to BS with the CL of A 18. BS forwards CL of A to SinkS 04/05/201314 Descriptive Diagram Project Review Sequence Diagram

15 Input: A network with N nodes containing M replicas Output: A network of N benign nodes Algorithm: 19. SinkS broadcasts the CL of A 20. Each Sink checks if A is within range 20. If yes, the sink drops A’s packets 15 Module 3:Isolation Of Replica Descriptive Diagram Project Review 04/05/2013 Sequence Diagram

16 System Requirements Simulator: OMNeT++/Mixim-2.2.1 Processor: 3 GHz Intel Dual Core Memory: 4 GB Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP/ Windows 7(64-bit) Language Platform: C++ 16Project Review 04/05/2013

17 References 1. J.Ho, D.Liu, M.Wright, (2009), “Distributed Detection of Replicas with Deployment Knowledge in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Ad Hoc Networks, Vol.7, No.8, pp: 1476 – 148 2.C.-M. Yu, C.-S. Lu, S.-Y. Kuo, (2009), “Efficient and Distributed Detection of Node Replication Attacks in Mobile Sensor Networks”, In the proceeding of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Fall, pp:1 – 5 3.J.W.Ho, M.Wright, S.K.Das, (2011), “Fast Detection of Mobile Replica Node Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks using Sequential Hypothesis Testing”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol.10, No.6, pp:767 - 782 17Project Review04/05/2013

18 Conclusion Overcome drawbacks of hypothesis testing Achieved high detection rate Interrupt free communication 04/05/2013Project Review18

19 Screenshots 04/05/2013Project Review19 Initial Network Setup

20 04/05/2013Project Review20 Initial Beacon Broadcast by Mobile Node

21 04/05/2013Project Review21 Beacon Response

22 04/05/2013Project Review22 Sink communication with BS for update

23 04/05/2013Project Review23 Update Response by BS

24 04/05/2013Project Review24 Response to Periodic Beacon by Mobile Node

25 04/05/2013Project Review25 New Sink’s Broadcast Response

26 04/05/2013Project Review26 Intimation of Node’s Arrival

27 04/05/2013Project Review27 Updating of Current Location by Node

28 04/05/2013Project Review28 Intimation of Node’s Previous and Current location

29 04/05/2013Project Review29 New Sink’s communication with Old Sink

30 04/05/2013Project Review30 Notification of Node’s Home Sink

31 04/05/2013Project Review31 Introduction of Replica

32 04/05/2013Project Review32 Updating of Current Location by Replica

33 04/05/2013Project Review33 Replica’s Behaviour as Original Node

34 04/05/2013Project Review34 Current Sink’s Communication with Previous Sink

35 04/05/2013Project Review35 Suspision of Replica’s Presence

36 04/05/2013Project Review36 Identification of Node’s Home Sink by BS

37 04/05/2013Project Review37 Identification of Original Node’s Current Location

38 04/05/2013Project Review38 Response to Suspicion

39 04/05/2013Project Review39 Broadcast of Original Node’s Current Location

40 04/05/2013Project Review40 Sink’s Realization of Node’s Actual Location

41 04/05/2013Project Review41 Replica’s Communication with Sink

42 04/05/2013Project Review42 Isolation of Replica

43 04/05/2013Project Review43 Network Initialization

44 04/05/2013Project Review44 Beacon Broadcast

45 04/05/2013Project Review45 Beacon Response

46 04/05/2013Project Review46 Introduction of Replica

47 04/05/2013Project Review47

48 04/05/2013Project Review48

49 04/05/2013Project Review49

50 04/05/2013Project Review50

51 04/05/2013Project Review51

52 04/05/2013Project Review52 Back To Algorithm

53 04/05/2013Project Review53 Detection of Replica

54 04/05/2013Project Review54

55 04/05/2013Project Review55

56 04/05/2013Project Review56

57 04/05/2013Project Review57

58 04/05/2013Project Review58 Back To Algorithm

59 04/05/2013Project Review59 Isolation of Replica Back To Algorithm Back To Proposed System

60 04/05/2013Project Review60 Sequence Diagram for Home Sink-BS Communication

61 04/05/2013Project Review61 Sequence Diagram for Node Movement Back to Algorithm

62 04/05/2013Project Review62 Sequence Diagram for Detection of Replica Back to Algorithm

63 04/05/2013Project Review63 Sequence Diagram for Detection of Replica Back to Algorithm

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