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Kauffman Foundation (specializes in promoting innovation in America) Robert Litman, Director of Research for the Kauffman Foundation….. “Between 1980.

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Presentation on theme: "Kauffman Foundation (specializes in promoting innovation in America) Robert Litman, Director of Research for the Kauffman Foundation….. “Between 1980."— Presentation transcript:


2 Kauffman Foundation (specializes in promoting innovation in America) Robert Litman, Director of Research for the Kauffman Foundation….. “Between 1980 and 2005, virtually all net new jobs created in the U.S. were created by firms that were 5 years old or less,” “That is about 40 million jobs…”

3 Despite the Odds There are successful start-ups, turnarounds and expansions taking place The unemployed and downsized are being creative Experts agree, the job market will be slow to come back

4 Who Can Tell Me? The top 3 reasons why businesses fail? 1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________

5 Changing Times The story of a 23 year old business owner in 1976 No Capital No Plan No Experience

6 Fast Forward to 2010 Would this business owner be successful in today’s economic environment?

7 1. What does it take… To successfully start a business in today’s economy?

8 2. Is it a viable option? For clients with limited resources?

9 3. What can you do? To evaluate if a client is a good candidate for business ownership? To provide the client with resources so they can become a successful entrepreneur?

10 Today’s Business Market Faster More competitive Greater expertise needed Engagement – same & different Financing & cash flow

11 Drivers New businesses up 63% in MN Women own 35% of businesses Lack of traditional employment Companies are not responsive to “balanced life” demands Ethics/leadership crisis

12 1. What does it take? Constant learning attitude Willingness to take the time, analyze, plan and do it right Ability to fund the business

13 Constant Learning Attitude Take classes, learn and gain experience the industry Due diligence & market research Seek coaching and advice from experts and mentors

14 Improving the Odds A clear, concise, well-thought-out Business Plan!!!!! 3 years of conservative cash flow projections Realistic timelines for start-up

15 Examples and Stories Lisa – FAIM Client Jerome – Displaced worker GATE II client Erica – Great Streets Client

16 Funding Plans (some overlap, total will not = 100%) 90% funded from personal savings 18% funded from bank loans 15% from credit cards 15% family & friends 8% home equity loans 1-2% SBA loans

17 Every Business Requires Funding Criteria for funding has tightened Standard lending requirements – owner investment, collateral, and qualifying credit score

18 2. Is it a feasible, viable and desirable option? Are market conditions favorable for this type of business? Can this business cash flow? Can the business adequately compensate the owner?

19 3a. What can you do? Criteria for evaluating if a client would be a good candidate for business ownership : 12 Key Questions Handout

20 3b. What can you do? Provide resources……. Business Planning Center SCORE Association MN Small Business Development Centers (MSBDC) Women’s Business Network WomenVenture

21 Making Your Job Easier Serving Clients Better St. Paul Pioneer Press 4-9-10 “Good-paying jobs don’t come from bailouts. They come from start-ups.” Thomas Friedman Columnist, New York Times

22 The Payoff Business start-ups will create jobs. Our economy needs to create a lot of new jobs – the sooner the better. Starting a business is complicated, done correctly, there is more to it than meets the eye – people need help and resources. Today I’ve given you some information and tools to help you and your clients get through the maze a little quicker and more efficiently.

23 Let’s Recap Why do we need to help people start and grow businesses? What can we do to help? What are the top 3 reasons businesses fail? What are 3 major keys to success? What was the most important thing you learned in our time together today?

24 Questions & Discussion Thank you for your participation today. After the question and answer segment, I’ll be available to talk with you individually if you like. Go out and be a mentor to a small business owner!

25 Contact Information Carol Jean Peterson Business Consultant WomenVenture 651 251-0717


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