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Periodic Table & Elements. Periodic Table Groups/Families are columns (#1-18) ▫Many like properties Periods are rows (#1-7) Lanthanide & Actinide series.

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1 Periodic Table & Elements


3 Periodic Table Groups/Families are columns (#1-18) ▫Many like properties Periods are rows (#1-7) Lanthanide & Actinide series belong in periods 6 & 7 Some element symbols  based on Latin See Element handbook in back of book

4 Types of Elements 1.Metals 2.Non-metals 3.Metalloids

5 1. Metals Have luster Good conductors of electricity & heat Malleable Ductile Have tensile strength On left side of periodic table Mostly solids (Hg is a liquid)

6 2. Non-metals Most are gases at room temperature Tend to be brittle when solid Poor conductors of electricity & heat On right side of periodic table Noble Gases: are very un-reactive non-metals

7 3. Metalloids Found between metals & non-metals Characteristics of both! Good semi-conductors (silicon plates) ▫Allows some current to travel very quickly and some to be slower ▫Revolutionized the computer industry!

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