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Sexual Assault A presentation for: BIO269 Human Reproduction Katie Aukes Jessica Brickner David Krystowiak Jane Preston.

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual Assault A presentation for: BIO269 Human Reproduction Katie Aukes Jessica Brickner David Krystowiak Jane Preston."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual Assault A presentation for: BIO269 Human Reproduction Katie Aukes Jessica Brickner David Krystowiak Jane Preston

2 I. Introduction Sexual Assault is about power, not sex Sexual Assault is a legal term for rape - sexual assault encompasses any unwanted sexual words or actions that may be harmful to a person such as: 1. groping 2. fondling 3. unwanted touching 4. taking advantage of circumstances which may render the victim incapable of consent ex: under the influence of alcohol

3 General Statistics  Sexual Assault is the least reported crime  Best Estimate: 1/3 Women and 1/7 Men  1995: 97,460 sexual assaults reported in US  1990: 102,555  2000: 260,950  On average: 41 assaults per 100,000 people  Higher rate in summer months (July); Lower in winter (February)  Assaults cleared by arrest: 53%  Assaults occurring at night: 70%  Assaults involving only one perpetrator: 85%

4 Facts 1.Sexual Assault is about violence, hate, domination, humiliation, power, and control, not sex. 2.Of all assaults, 60-70% are planned. 3.People can be victims regardless of gender, age, race, or social class. 4.Most assaults occur within a victim’s home. 5.Most victims know their attacker. 6.87% of offenders used or threatened weapons while committing assault. 7.Sexual assaults occur everywhere. 8.Sexual assaults are generally intra-racial (within same race). 9.Rapists have normal sex drives and behaviors and willing partners. 10.Less than 2% of all reported sexual assaults are falsely reported.

5 II. Child Sexual Assault Child Molestation – the exploitation of a child for the sexual gratification of an adult. **IMPORTANT** Orgasm does not have to occur to be considered sexual assault!

6 A. Statistics Victim-Offender Relationship: Age of Victim Family Acquaintance Stranger 18 or Older: 8% 45% 47% 12-17 Years: 36% 45% 19% Under 12 years: 70% 24% 6% An estimated 500,000 children are sexually abused every year!! 85% of reported sexual abuse by a family member was done by the father. By the age of 18, 19% of girls and 9% of boys will have been sexually abused. 54% of sexual abuse incidents involving a child’s parent report the parents forcing the child to display genitalia or partake in pornography.

7 B. Victim Signs of Abuse Behavioral Signs of Abuse Depression Anxiety Suicide attempts Running away Guilt Embarassment Drug Abuse Increased sexual knowledge Night terrors Physical Signs of Abuse Bedwetting Trouble with urination STD’s before puberty Injury or pain in genital region Self inflicted injury Bruises Scratches Muscle pain

8 C. Child as an Ideal Victim Easily led by adults Poor witnesses Need for attention and affection Innocent Dependent on adult to care for them Naïve

9 C. Characteristics of Offenders Physical Usually between the ages of 20-50 years. Usually male Usually the father **No stereotypical appearance of sexual offenders** Behavioral Abusive past Low self esteem and self control Children and married Sexually attracted to children Not physically dangerous Aversion to aggression Raised by sexually restrictive parents Limited social contact Skilled at identifying vulnerable children Collects child pornography

10 III. Adult Sexual Assault Intimate partner assault – the sexual assault of an adult by another non-consenting adult.

11 A. Statistics National College Women Sexual Victimization Survey: 9 out of 10 college women know the man who raped them 1-4 women have experience some form of sexual assault since age 14

12 A. Statistics cont. Victim Relationship with Offender

13 B. Victims High-Risk College Students: –Have more than one male sexual partner in past year –Have had sexual intercourse within past month –Drink (3-4 drinks) at least once a week

14 C. Offenders The Power Types –Power Reassurance (81%)- exercises control of victim to resolve doubts of masculinity and sexual adequacy –Power Aggressive (12%)- express his masculinity The Anger Types –Anger Retaliatory (5%)- to get even with a real or imagined wrong –Anger Excitation (2%)- to inflict physical or emotional pain

15 V. Elderly Sexual Abuse “ In a California nursing home, a nurses aide entered the room of a female resident suffering from senile dementia and found a male staff member on top of the resident with his pants down and the resident’s legs spread. The aide was later arrested” (Bureau of Justice Statistics).

16 A.Statistics Not much is known about elderly sexual abuse due to lack of reported incidents. Number of incidents is expected to rise in 2011 and 2031 due to the baby boomers becoming more physically and mentally dependent on their children. Often times child offenders prey on the elderly because they are just as weak, vulnerable and are less likely to report the incident.

17 B. Characteristics of Victims Weak Incapable of resisting Often live alone or secluded in a nursing home room. Dependent Show symptoms of depression or anxiety

18 THE END Any questions?

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