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MarkLogic Overview Clark D. Richey, Jr. – Technical Director,

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1 MarkLogic Overview Clark D. Richey, Jr. – Technical Director, MarkLogic @crichey

2 Slide 2 Copyright © 2013 MarkLogic ® Corporation. All rights reserved. We are the New Generation Databases Hierarchical Era “For your application data!” Application- and hardware- specific Relational Era “For all your structured data!” Normalized, tabular model Application-independent query User control Unstructured Era “For all your data!” Schema-agnosticSchema-agnostic Massive scaleMassive scale Query and searchQuery and search AnalyticsAnalytics Application servicesApplication services Faster time-to-resultsFaster time-to-results

3 Slide 3 Copyright © 2013 MarkLogic ® Corporation. All rights reserved. The MarkLogic Advantage Only Enterprise NoSQL Database ACID compliant Big data search High availability Replication Point in-time recovery Government-grade security Real-time your Hadoop Proven customer success

4 The FAA increases airline safety by providing real time monitoring of incidents in a common operational picture

5 Slide 5 Copyright © 2013 MarkLogic ® Corporation. All rights reserved. The FAA Enhances Airline Safety with Real-Time Monitoring MarkLogic is used as the all source repository to give an accurate picture of emergencies across the FAA Solution FAA ensures flight safety with real-time crisis management system and drastically reduced development timetable for critical project Benefits Allow Emergency Operations Network (EON) to monitor and track emergencies and severe weather Goals Social media Weather reports Load data “as is” UNIFIED DATA Existing FAA systems Decisions during a crisis require complete information

6 Slide 6 Copyright © 2013 MarkLogic ® Corporation. All rights reserved. EON Map with Facets

7 Slide 7 Copyright © 2013 MarkLogic ® Corporation. All rights reserved. EON Geospatial Search

8 Slide 8 Copyright © 2013 MarkLogic ® Corporation. All rights reserved. E-mail Excel PDF GIS / Mapping FAA / Other layers provide context and extra information MarkLogic Data Discovery Powerful Search Rapid accommodation of new data structures Data / Trend Analysis Alerting Exporting of nearly any format Geo- Search/Analytics External Sources AAP / TFR Waivers Twitter FAA Applications DRA Skywatch GEMS EON Architecture Collaboration COOP Situational Awareness Anti-Virus Scanning Security Permissioning Microsoft SharePoint Web Parts COP / UDOP Google Earth

9 Slide 9 Copyright © 2013 MarkLogic ® Corporation. All rights reserved. Why MarkLogic  Agility  Could ingest unstructured and semi structured content and make sense of it  Identify and generate metadata  Tag Geospatial coordinates  Mark paragraphs  Ease of implementation  Pilot built in less than two weeks  Lots of features  Alerting, geospatial, Gazeteer  Facets, full text and metadata search, mobile (future)  Integration with Google Earth  The MarkLogic pilot provided features with their content in two weeks which they had been trying to do for over a year

10 Slide 10 Copyright © 2013 MarkLogic ® Corporation. All rights reserved. Any Questions?

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