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P ERVASIVE C OMPUTING Ian Christe 1. K EY D EFINITIONS Pervasive - Spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people. Ubiquitous - Present, appearing,

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2 K EY D EFINITIONS Pervasive - Spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people. Ubiquitous - Present, appearing, or found everywhere. 2

3 W HAT IS P ERVASIVE C OMPUTING ? Computing in a world with computers infiltrating every aspect of our lives. 3

4 R ELATION TO T RADITIONAL C OMPUTING Main Frames One computer many people Most people could not see this future Personal Computers Why would anyone have more than one computer? 4

5 5

6 R ELATION TO M OBILE AND U BIQUITOUS C OMPUTING Now we have multiple computers Desktop, Laptop, tablet, Smart Phone Most have 2 or more What is Next? Computers everywhere Subconscious interactions 6

7 F OUNDERS IBM coined the term Pervasive Computing in the late 80’s Xerox came up with Ubiquitous Computing at the same time 7

8 X EROX ' S PARC Developed tablets, smart boards, and PDAs All interconnected Ad from 1991 8

9 W HY DO WE WANT IT ? Simplifies life Gives us more out of life Information Less stress Less to think about 9

10 H OW DOES IT AFFECT US TODAY ? Cars Phones School And more! 10

11 E XAMPLES Unlock and start a car with keys in your pocket. Seamless No thought needed Google Glasses Possible improvement over smart phone. Convenient. 11

12 W HAT WILL IT TAKE ? Contextually aware software Ways of gathering data on surroundings Networking many small computing devices together Hardware 12

13 C ONTEXTUALLY AWARE Software must learn about the surroundings Must be able to learn about the user Must be able to predict the users needs 13

14 M ETHODS OF DATA GATHERING GPS Microphone Accelerometer Camera Sensors of many types 14

15 N ETWORKING Sensor Networks RFID Tags Embedded Systems 15

16 H ARDWARE Cheap Small Long battery life Efficient wireless connectivity 16

17 C HALLENGES Sensing the environment Interpreting human actions Embedding all of this technology seamlessly 17

18 H OW WILL IT AFFECT US TOMORROW ? Passively or subconsciously interact Our backpack will remind us that we are forgetting our notebook. Rooms will adjust to us entering or leaving Lighting Music Temperature 18

19 H OW WILL IT AFFECT US TOMORROW ? Every aspect of our lives could potentially be affected. Monitoring health, nutrition, sleep quality Monitoring your house When to go shopping and what to get Tracking water and light levels of potted plants Going out to eat Glass detects need for refill No need for waiter for ordering 19

20 A UGMENTED R EALITY Digital overlay on a display Provides an enhanced experience Information Directions Blueprints Games Spotlight objects 20

21 S ECURITY Computers will know more about you More than just browsing history Locations Personal preferences about everything Laws will be playing catch up What will happen in the meantime? How do we protect all of these networks and keep them efficient at the same time? 21

22 S ECURITY How will the ability to track a persons life change the way people act? How will this information be kept safe? 22

23 C ONCLUSIONS We are moving in the direction of Pervasive/ Ubiquitous Computing. In limited areas we are already there. We will see how far it goes. 23


25 S OURCES Debashis Saha, “ Pervasive Computing: A Paradigm for the 21 st Century” reprinted in IEEE Pervasive Computing, Jan.-Mar. 2003, pp. 25-30. Jiehan Zhou, “Pervasive Service Computing: Visions and Challenges” 2010 10th IEEE International Conference Jingde Cheng, “Persistent Computing Systems as an Infrastructure for Pervasive Services” 2006 1st International Symposium on Pervasive Computing and Applications pp.104- 109 Dong-Hee Shin, “A Realization of Pervasive Computing: Ubiquitous City” 2010 IEEE Roy Want, “System Challenges for Ubiquitous & Pervasive Computing” ICSE'05, May 15-21, 2005 25

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