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PI – An Enterprise Integration Tool Mark Brown – Calpine Corporation Mark Bowles – Calpine Corporation Sam Jenkins – Calpine Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "PI – An Enterprise Integration Tool Mark Brown – Calpine Corporation Mark Bowles – Calpine Corporation Sam Jenkins – Calpine Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 PI – An Enterprise Integration Tool Mark Brown – Calpine Corporation Mark Bowles – Calpine Corporation Sam Jenkins – Calpine Corporation

2 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Who is Calpine? Founded in 1984 Traded in the New York Stock Exchange (CPN) Listed on the S&P 500 Ranked 25th among FORTUNE magazine's 100 fastest growing companies 22,000 + megawatts currently in operation (82 facilities in 23 different states as well as Canada and the United Kingdom) Owns 1.0 trillion cubic feet of proved natural gas reserves Uses clean, proven technologies: natural gas combined-cycle and geothermal energy World's largest geothermal power producer

3 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Calpine and their history with PI Calpine standardized on PI as their operations historian in early 2001 Prior, a mix of control system historians and embedded historians were used The data gathered by these devices could not easily and efficiently be transmitted external to the facility Higher risk of invalid or untimely data being used to support business decisions The amount of historical data available was also limited to the type of historian installed

4 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business What will you see in this presentation? Calpine has used PI to integrate data between many systems throughout the enterprise. We will highlight our implementation infrastructure Our Team Responsibilities How PI is leveraged to support business functions A focus on Continuous Emissions Monitoring How we monitor PI systems in our enterprise Question and Answers opportunity

5 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Calpine’s PI Infrastructure PI is installed at 79 of Calpine’s 82 generating facilities We have 55 production PI servers and 24 PI API nodes Not all sites require a production PI server, so API nodes are installed and interfaced with a production server We installed 37 PI systems in 2001, 41 in 2002, and 1 so far in 2003 PI is a standard installation at all generating facilities

6 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Calpine’s PI Infrastructure (Continued)

7 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Calpine Business Units Supported Calpine Power Company – All power plants including cogen, peaker, and geothermal facilities. Production Reports – hourly/daily/monthly/annual reporting periods for, MW, fuel, heat rate, duct burner usage, individual CT reports Support contractual obligations such as steam delivery and fuel consumption reporting. Plant level maintenance – interfacing with Maximo

8 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Calpine Business Units Supported Turbine Maintenance Group – Provides maintenance and tuning services for Calpine’s entire fleet of turbines. Interfacing tools such as vibration analysis PI data used to support turbine performance tuning and degradation PI data used for preventive maintenance PI used to provide local access to real time turbine data that otherwise would not be available outside the plant, reducing travel costs.

9 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Calpine Business Units Supported Calpine Energy Services – Performs Calpine’s trading, risk control, and marketing functions. PI supplies data to our Energy Management System PI is used to generate production reports for MW and fuel that are used in the billing and settlement process PI data is used to illustrate actual MW produced vs. MW available for sale

10 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Calpine Business Units Supported Plant Optimization Group – Provides plant performance improvement services, focusing on thermodynamics. PI supplies data used to validate unit and system design PI is used to generate performance evaluation and plant optimization tools PI is used to evaluate years of operational data for application in plant betterment studies

11 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Calpine Business Units Supported Calpine Natural Gas – Focuses on developing and acquiring strategic natural gas reserves to help reduce fuel costs. Accounting – PI data used for billing, settlement, and reconciliation Power Systems Manufacturing – Wholly owned subsidiary responsible for combustion turbine component engineering, design and production

12 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business IS OES Team Management and Support Functions System Architecture Custom PI Client Tool Development Data Validation Real-Time Environmental Monitoring Achievement of Consistent Benchmarking Maximizing the Value and Extending the Life of Installed Control Systems Improved Unit Availability and Unit Design Validation Collect, Manage, and Distribute Real-Time Operations Data

13 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Examples of Custom PI Client Tools

14 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Examples of Custom PI Client Tools

15 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Examples of Custom PI Client Tools

16 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Preliminary – Plant monitoring Driver - Calpine’s Safety Health & Environmental Group The Role of PI Value creation Calpine PI Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS)

17 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Requirements Ability to view data from 6 plants as 1 system or portfolio Ability to track each plant individually Make the same data available to anyone in the Calpine enterprise Interfaces – PI directly interfaces with 3 different CEMS DAS systems CISCO, ROSEMOUNT, KVB Data – PI Archives NOX, CO, NH3 and O2 Calpine PI Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS)

18 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Performance Equation tag creation – CEMS DAS only provides limited data necessitating the creation of multiple PI performance tags. Multiple performance equation tags Units of measure and conversions – PPM, LBS, Tons Data Verification and Validation Rollup tags - create the Big Picture Calpine PI Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS)

19 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Dashboard Concept and Creation Process Book Dashboard is a decision assist tool Managing the CEMS information requires real time viewing of the data – Process Book Display Cap & Trade System View Dashboard Capabilities Ability to drill down to Site and Units specific data Calpine PI Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS)

20 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Calpine PI Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS)

21 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Calpine PI Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS)

22 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Calpine PI Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS)

23 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Summary Dashboard Processbook Dashboard - Decision assist tool The role of PI Value creation Calpine PI Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS)

24 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Calpine’s Field Data Acquisition group has a goal of 99% availability for it’s PI systems Monitoring 55 Calpine PI Systems Proactive monitoring minimizes troubleshooting resources required Calpine PI Systems Monitoring

25 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Calpine PI Systems Monitoring Network Availability PI-Ping Interface – Used to archive the network availability at each site Availability Report – PI DataLink report that calculates the availability for a period and compares that value against previous availability metrics

26 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business

27 Calpine PI Systems Monitoring Monitoring Displays Monitoring Map Display – Indicating current network availability for each Calpine PI System Site Monitoring Displays – Detailed trending of key data items gathered by the PI Performance Monitor Interface. This data is used for root cause analysis of PI performance issues as well as to identify trends of degrading performance

28 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Calpine PI Systems Monitoring

29 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Calpine PI Systems Monitoring

30 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Notification Services/ Strategy Data items monitored Raw tag from each interface Critical performance equation tags Primary archive number to prevent archives from being overwritten Notification Email Text Message to Cell Phone Calpine PI Systems Monitoring

31 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Best Practices Monitor Proactively Root Cause Analysis Historical Metrics for Comparison Calpine PI Systems Monitoring

32 Calpine IS Operations Engineering Services – Solutions at the Speed of Business Questions? PI – An Enterprise Integration Tool

33 Contact Information Mark Brown 702 West Drake Rd. Fort Collins, CO 80526 (970) 224 – 4131 x126 Troy Lauterbach 702 West Drake Rd. Fort Collins, CO 80526 (970) 224 – 4131 x126 Sam Jenkins 702 West Drake Rd. Fort Collins, CO 80526 (970) 224 – 4131 x126 Mark Bowles 702 West Drake Rd. Fort Collins, CO 80526 (970) 224 – 4131 x126 Rob Low 702 West Drake Rd. Fort Collins, CO 80526 (970) 224 – 4131 x126

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