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RIDEM Lean Initiative NEWMOA Lean Summit May 2014.

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1 RIDEM Lean Initiative NEWMOA Lean Summit May 2014

2 The key to improving customer service is processes which are clear, predictable, and reliable. Comprehensively map regulatory processes to define and understand what is really happening now and identify “waste” in those processes. Help programs to formulate plans to eliminate waste, making sure the process results in compliance in a timely, predictable manner. Why Lean? RIDEM Lean Initiative Why Lean?

3 RIDEM Lean Initiative Facilitators and consultant guide staff through the mapping process. Lean provides the frontline staff who work in the program an opportunity to develop solutions.

4 What Are Our Grains of Sand? RIDEM Lean Initiative What Are Our Grains of Sand? I’ve got a few things I’m working on right now… Hold on, let me grab the file. It’s right…over…here…

5 What Are Our Customers’ Grains of Sand? RIDEM Lean Initiative What Are Our Customers’ Grains of Sand? Please fill out the application… If you have any questions, please refer to the regulation…

6 Trained a “Lean Team” of 13 facilitators from throughout the Department to help lead the effort. –Trained on Lean methods such as Kaizen, Standard Work, Roles & Responsibilities Charting, Key Performance Indicators, and 6S Workplace Organization. Mapped 6 major process with high customer interactions: –Site Remediation –Wetlands Preliminary Determination –Air Preconstruction Minor Source –Underground Storage Tank Fund –Natural Resources Warehouse –Marine Fisheries What We’ve Done RIDEM Lean Initiative What We’ve Done

7 Senior leadership (Director or Associate Directors) identify program to undergo Lean review. Set timeline and schedule with consultant. Assign DEM staff members trained as Lean facilitators to help lead the discussion. Facilitators and Department/program leadership build a charter. –What’s the mission statement for this event? –What’s the scope of the review? –What are the goals of the event? –Who will be participating? 6 half-day meetings are spread out over 3 weeks. –Build a “current state” map which is used to identify waste. –Develop a “future state” map. –Produce a gap list which will guide the program from the current state to the future state. Develop a follow-up plan to implement action items to close gaps. –Using a priority matrix, determine what can be done within 30, 60, and 90 day windows and work with staff and leadership to assign responsibility. –Identify what Lean tools can be used to help close the gaps. For example, standard work, roles and responsibilities charting, key performance indicators, and workplace organization. Conduct a one-hour report out to senior leadership summarizing the results of the event. Implement follow-up plan, and reconvene to review progress, chart future course. How We Do It RIDEM Lean Initiative How We Do It

8 Leadership Involvement Department leadership must be behind the effort and actively show support. Talk about the effort in staff meeting and in conversations with staff. Show up for the first fifteen minutes of each Lean event to kick things off. Schedule an hour at the end of the event to hear the results of the event in a report out from the participants. Getting Staff Involved Lean is a bottom-up philosophy and all about giving a voice to those who do the work. Frontline staff and supervisors should both participate.* Use a Consultant The consultant trains the facilitators as he/she leads the event. As facilitators gain experience they will be able to take a more active role leading the discussion. The consultant brings an outside perspective and often thinks of questions that may not be apparent to those who work in the Department. Attempting to conduct a Lean event without the consultant and before facilitators are trained can greatly hinder the entire Lean effort as you try to gain buy-in from staff.

9 How We Do It RIDEM Lean Initiative How We Do It Train the Trainer Teach facilitators about more than just Kaizen. Standard work, roles and responsibilities charting, key performance indicators, and workplace organization are all important tools. Facilitators will take these tools back to their programs and teach additional staff. Build the Process First Implementing IT programs without fixing the process will lead to throwing good money after bad. It is easier (and cheaper) to build an IT system around a good process than it is to redesign an IT solution built around a bad process. Building an IT solution around a bad process can lock you into that bad process for a long time. Follow-up Follow-up is the most important part of the entire Lean event because without it the event was nothing more than a venting session.

10 RIDEM Lean Initiative Site Remediation, December 2012

11 RIDEM Lean Initiative Air Resources Minor Source Permit, March 2013

12 RIDEM Lean Initiative Identifying Gaps and Creating a Priority Matrix, January 2013

13 DEM’s new front-door; a gateway into the Department for applications and people. Lean identified the issues: –Reductions in staff have led to supervisors overburdened with administrative tasks. –Poor communication with customers early on in the review process. Lean developed the solution: –Used Standard Work Instruction Sheets and Roles & Responsibilities charting to create a brand new process. –The PAC will be the primary entry point for all applications; conducting a preliminary review to ensure the application is complete and confirming receipt with the customer within one business day. Permit Application Center RIDEM Lean Initiative Permit Application Center

14 Other duties performed by the PAC include: –File Review Coordination. –Pre-Application Meetings. The PAC is designed with the Lean “continuous improvement” mantra in mind. –We expect to build upon our initial foundation and continually update the PAC to provide the greatest value to both our staff and external customers. Permit Application Center RIDEM Lean Initiative Permit Application Center

15 Here’s what’s next for RIDEM & Lean: –Train more facilitators –IT Needs Assessment –Land Development Kaizen –Continued follow-up on previous Kaizens What’s Next RIDEM Lean Initiative What’s Next

16 RIDEM Lean Initiative Questions?

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