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The Technology Plan Submission Process for 2006-2009 Arkansas Department of Education Dana Koite 501.682.1287 October 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "The Technology Plan Submission Process for 2006-2009 Arkansas Department of Education Dana Koite 501.682.1287 October 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Technology Plan Submission Process for 2006-2009 Arkansas Department of Education Dana Koite 501.682.1287 October 2005

2 Technology Plans are Required For E-rate No Child Left Behind (NCLB) State Requires Tech Plans – Public School Districts – Charter Schools – Public Libraries

3 Dates to Remember District & Charter School Tech Plans – DUE: March 1, 2006 – March 31, 2006 – Must be approved by July 1, 2006 Libraries – DUE: March 17, 2005 Information will be sent November 21, 2005

4 Where to find the template Commissioner’s Memos – – Memo Number RT-06-002 – Dated 8-9-05 Information was sent to: – AR E-rate Listserve – Sys Admin, Open Forum, School Admin Lists Libraries – Information will be sent to you

5 E-rate Requirements Goals and strategies Professional development Assessment of technological needs Sufficient budget & source of funds Evaluation

6 E-rate Requirements Plan MUST provide documentation that: – District has funds needed to achieve plan goals, including E-rate non-eligible items – All services or equipment requested in the Form 470 supports educational goals found in the plan If it’s in your 470, it’s in your technology plan – Except for Basic Telecomm Services – Note: Centrex IS NOT a Basic Service!

7 NCLB Requirements 1. Description of how technology funds will be used to improve student academic achievement & to improve the capacity of teachers to integrate technology into instruction 2. Specific goals for using advanced technology to improve student academic achievement aligned with state academic standards 3. Steps taken to ensure students & teachers have access to technology

8 NCLB Requirements 4. Identify teaching strategies to integrate technology to improve academics & provide professional development to all faculty 5. Type & costs of technologies to be acquired, including services, software, digital curricula, etc. 6. Description of technology-related activities carried out with funds available from federal, state, and local sources

9 NCLB Requirements 7. Timeline & description of how technology will be integrated into curricula & instruction 8. Innovative strategies for delivery of specialized/rigorous courses through use of technology (distance learning) 9. Parental involvement including communication with parents on how technology is being used at school

10 NCLB Requirements 10. Use of technology in adult literacy programs, if applicable 11. Accountability measures used to evaluate effective funding of technology 12. Supporting resources acquired to effectively use technology (services, software, etc.)

11 Requirements Summary E-rate requirements found in NCLB Arkansas requirements found in NCLB – Use AR School Consolidated Improvement Plan Make sure technology is used to improve student achievement – Weakness Areas, math, literacy – How can technology be used to raise student achievement in these areas? – Develop goals & strategies for using technology to improve education

12 Important Reminder This IS NOT just an E-rate plan This IS an Educational Technology Plan The MAIN purpose of the plan is to provide the district with goals and strategies of the most effective ways to incorporate technology into the district’s education program. A Secondary purpose is to provide funding information for purposes of E-rate

13 Now on to the template...

14 Step by Step Cover Page - REQUIRED – Please include all contact information – Provide URL of district web page – Provide URL of tech plan if posted to district site – Review team will complete the bottom section Table of Contents – List page number next to each section already listed

15 Current District Demographics District & School Profiles – Complete all information – Provide E-rate Entity numbers for each school, non- instructional building that has been registered with the Schools & Libraries Division – Provide NCES# for each location

16 District Executive Summary – Demographics – Technological History – Major points in plan – Analysis of previous plan Guiding Questions – Demographics of location – Analysis of previous plan goals (objectives achieved, delayed) – Challenges in terms of technology due to demographics

17 Technology Committee List member names, titles, & constituency represented – Parent – Teacher – Administrator – Community Member Narrative – Explain the planning process – How the technology plan will be disseminated to teachers, students, parents and community members.

18 Vision & Mission Statements Vision – Expresses thoughts about what the district’s future educational environment should look like. Mission – General description of district’s plans for promoting the effective use of technology to improve student performance.

19 Current Technology Assessment Note: Current assessment provides a look at the effectiveness of the previous plan. A. Curriculum Integration 1. District’s current curriculum strengths/weaknesses; process used to determine; description for using technology to address weaknesses 2. Current integration of technology into curriculum 3. How students currently use technology 4. Strategies being implemented to promote technology integration

20 Current Technology Assessment B. Professional Development 1. Process used to assess professional development needs of faculty/staff 2. Technology professional development activities offered to teachers 3. Methods used to determine the effectiveness of professional development activities 4. Levels of staff technology skills

21 Current Technology Assessment C. Equitable use of Technology 1. Availability of technology to students/staff a. Including time available for use of technology 2. How assistive technologies are provided & supported 3. Is staff trained to support assistive & accessible technologies

22 Current Technology Assessment D. Current Technology Inventory & Narrative 1. Describe how technology is inventoried 2. Inventory summary per school/admin building 1. Number & type of computers (Operating sys) 2. Number of printers 3. Number of rooms wired for the internet 4. Number of phone instruments & phone lines 5. Number of fax machines 6. Distance learning equipment 7. Software – major school wide software to improve achievement (Accelerated Reader, other curriculum practice software) 8. Network systems/equipment

23 Needs Assessment To plan for the future, you must assess your needs – Assessments used to identify technology goals and strategies Identify technology needs – Begin by evaluating progress towards goals of previous plan – Survey students, faculty, and parents to determine technology needs or growth Guiding Questions – What type of needs assessment was used? – Who participated in the needs assessment? – What were critical components of the assessment? – What were key results or findings of the assessment?

24 Goals, Objectives & Strategies Should be based on the needs assessment Should reflect expected resource levels Think ahead – three years worth of projects May include: new technology programs/services, improvements to existing programs, new trends in technology

25 Goals, Objectives & Strategies Core Foundations for Using Technology: – Tool for Parental Involvement & Communication – Integration with Curriculum & Instruction – Delivery of School Media Center – School Administrative Support – Improved Access for Teachers & Students – Tool for Delivery of Staff Development

26 Goals, Objectives & Strategies Goals should address student achievement & technology literacy through: – Alignment with district mission statement & strategic improvement plan – Analysis of needs assessment Objectives in support of plan goals are: – Measurable – Attainable, realistic – Derived from the needs discovered during data analysis in Current Status/Needs Assessment section

27 Goals, Objectives & Strategies Guiding Questions: – Describe districts technology goals. – Did you use the Arkansas Curriculum Frameworks to assist in determining goals? – Are you using technology to meet goals listed in the District’s Consolidated School Improvement Plan? – Has the district adopted technology literacy standards for students, teachers, administrators? – Does the district provide access to courses delivered online or via distance learning? NCLB & E-rate Requirements

28 Policies & Procedures Districts should develop technology policies relating to equitable access for students with exceptional needs, data & network security, & Internet safety. Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requires each district to have an Internet Safety Policy – Access by minors to inappropriate material on Internet & WWW – Safety & security of minors when using email, chat, etc. – Unauthorized access, hacking by minors – Unauthorized disclosure, use, & dissemination of personal identification – Measures designed to restrict minors access to harmful materials

29 Policies & Procedures Show evidence of a district policy by: – Attaching a copy of the policy – Providing a URL to the policy on the district’s web site WITH a description of the policy Guiding Questions: – Are policies & procedures in place? – How are students/faculty kept updated on changes? – Have you conducted a security audit of your network? NCLB & E-rate Requirements – In order to use federal funds for technology you must be in compliance with CIPA

30 Infrastructure, Management & Support Describe current infrastructure Describe plans for infrastructure improvements Key elements may include: – Telecommunications capacity – Equipment access for instruction (also assistive) – Average age of equipment – Replacement schedule – Network & data security – Technology platform – Level of technology staff support

31 Infrastructure, Management & Support Guiding Questions: – Describe basic technology infrastructure. Provide a schematic drawing. – What is your Internet connected computer-to-student ratio? – Do you currently use a firewall or anti-virus software, either district or at state level? – Do you have PDA devices, or tablet/laptop PCs available to teachers or students? – What challenges do you face in maintaining or upgrading your infrastructure? – EXPLAIN how E-rate has allowed the district to improve or increase its technology infrastructure. NCLB & E-rate Requirements

32 Staff Development & Training Strategies for providing ongoing professional development for teachers & administrators in the integration of technology. Guiding Questions: – What are the future professional development needs? – Are there challenges in providing sufficient staff development? – How will teachers be evaluated for technology skill levels? NCLB & E-rate Requirements

33 Technology Budget Show evidence that a budget has been planned & exists for the course of the three- year plan Identify existing & potential funding sources Create a budget summary of projected expenditures for technology (hardware, equipment, software, telecommunications services, staff training, etc)

34 Technology Budget Budget Summary – Spreadsheet provided in template. Double click to enlarge & save as spreadsheet. Print out spreadsheet & attach it to technology plan. – Estimates are allowed – Provide estimated costs for items not eligible for E- rate discounts, but needed due to services purchased with e-rate discounts. (computers, etc)

35 Implementation Plan Implementation Plan identifies & details the plan activities & ties them to the stated goals and objectives. Each goal should have an accompanying Action Plan. – Template provided with technology plan template Action plan identifies – resources needed to accomplish the goal/objective – person/group responsible – realistic start/completion dates – projected budget – evaluation to determine that the objective was achieved. NCLB Requirements

36 Plan Evaluation Plan evaluation is a continuous process Major evaluation activities assessing target goals should be conducted each year – Includes: performance tasks, demonstration of skills listed Periodic evaluation activities focus on: – Connectivity/infrastructure, hardware needs, integration & use of technology, professional development, fiscal support of technology

37 Plan Evaluation Include evidence of evaluation of previous plan Guiding Questions: – What measures of performance were incorporated into the plan to determine the effectiveness in achieving districts technology goals? – How often will district’s plan be evaluated? – Who will be responsible for documenting evaluation? – Provide evidence of previous plan evaluation & include the key points or findings of this evaluation in your new plan. NCLB & E-rate Requirements

38 Statement of Assurances REQUIRED for a plan to be approved Read assurances carefully Must have signatures of: – School Board President – Superintendent – Chairperson, Technology Committee Provide district technology coordinator contact information

39 Last but not least...

40 Submission Guidelines Submit TWO Copies: – Submit ONE original with original authorized signatures – Submit ONE copy of original Plans are to be simply bound with minimum of fastening – No three ring binders, no folders, nothing bulky Due Between March 1, 2006 – March 31, 2006

41 DEADLINE: March 1 – 31, 2006 Send Original & Copy to: Dana Koite Arkansas Department of Education 8221 Ranch Blvd. Little Rock, AR 72223 Reviews will take place late April Districts will be notified if: – Plan is Approved – Plan needs Revisions Once Approved: – District will receive an original Technology Plan Certification Letter KEEP THIS LETTER ADE will not keep originals SLD may ask for a copy – Districts should keep each technology plan on file for five years after closing date of plan

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