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Czech food By: Romana Vlčková. Sirloin in cream sauce.

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Presentation on theme: "Czech food By: Romana Vlčková. Sirloin in cream sauce."— Presentation transcript:

1 Czech food By: Romana Vlčková

2 Sirloin in cream sauce

3 ingredients meat - the sirloin (about 1 kg) 1 small celery 2 carrots 4 parsley 5 balls juniper 5 balls allspice 15 balls pepper 3 bay leaves 1 tablespoon thyme 0,5 dl vinegar salt oil 250 ml cream flour

4 Instrucions We give meat in the marinade the day ahead, which we prepare of vinegar, water, spices and vegetables. We place in cold. We put marinated meat into the pan with the whole marinad and we bake for about two hours. Then we remove the meat and we mix the vegetables. We pour a little milk into it and we cook on low heat. Finally we add the cream. We can add a little lemon juice. Also we add spices to taste.

5 DUMPLINGS- 1.Cut the dry rolls into small pieces(cube cca 1cm). 2.Pour the milk mixed with eggs and a bit of salt into the rolls. 3.Wait 20 minutes (stir the mixture once or twice). 4.After 20 minutes add the flour into the mixture. 5.Make the shape of cone from the dough. 6.Put the cones into mildly boiling water. 7.Boil them for about 15 minutes (after 8 minutes turn them upside down).Don‘t cover the pot with a lid. 8.Put the cones out of the pot.Let them cool and then cut into slices of dumplings.

6 pickled Pickled sausages are popular Czech meal of cold dishes, often served in pubs with beer: sausages with onion in sweet and sour marinade.

7 Potato PANCAKES Potato „Cmunda " is a traditional dish most of the Slavic and Germanic people, which is prepared by frying thin layer of finely shredded dough raw potatoes, and other raw materials. We eat it warm, alone or with cabbage and smoked meat.

8 Patsy-type cakes. „Bábovka“ Marble cake is a kind of sweet bread, which is produced by baking. This is a typical bread in the Czech Republic. In the Czech Republic is common mostly two-color cake - light and dark parts. In some areas people add raisins, candied fruit, coconut and chocolate bit before baking. Patsy is prepared in a special form, which makes this bakery product typical shape with a hole in the middle and we decorate it with powdered sugar.

9 Onion soup Onion soup is the soup which is consumed in the Czech Republic. It consists mainly of onions, broth (chicken, beef). Also there are many kinds of soups every name under the special ingredients that are there add: onion soup with mushrooms, creamy onion soup (with cream).

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