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Agrita Taurina Developing Charity Skills and Kids’ Dialogic Speech.

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1 Agrita Taurina Developing Charity Skills and Kids’ Dialogic Speech

2 The Latvia–Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme’s main objective is to promote sustainable and equal socio-economic development in border regions to make it competitive for economical and business development and attractive for living and visiting.

3 Latvia-Lithuania Programme has carried out the satisfaction survey of the project implementers Altogether 172 project applications have been received aimed at specific supported activities in the field of facilitation of business, research and technology, cooperation between vocational schools and entrepreneurs from each other.

4 The travel to Šiauliai, Lithuania, will be organized as a part of the Project „Creating of Cooperation System between Preschool Educational Institutions on Lithuania-Latvia Border“. The Aim of the travel: to get new cross border experience and to broaden scope. Target groups: Teachers of the Pre-school Institutions from Latvia, children of kindergarten „Mārpuķīte“, their parents.





9 By participating in the finger games, children have a chance of imagining themselves as someone or something else, a chance of playing well known actions or occurrences. So with the help of finger games children do activities that: Develop ways of expressing feelings and emotions; Train the accurate movement skills of big and small muscles; Develop speech, increase the passive and active vocabulary; Promote self-respect and self-confidence; Let them experience the joy of activities, the feeling of safety and belonging.

10 Most famously, Riga is home to the largest concentration of Jugendstil (German Art Nouveau) architecture in the world. Riga has become an increasingly popular destination for Europeans drawn by its old town, its historical importance, and its reputation as having one of the most sparkling nightlife scenes in Europe.v

11 Welcome to Riga Training and Educational Management Academy (RTTEMA) The conceptual cornerstones of RTTEMA study process are: inteligence, competence and proficiency

12 Integrated approach to motor activity, dialogical speech and psychoemotional development in pre-school These questions have become actual in the context of education quality in whole of Latvia, they have become especially important this year in the six year old children program’s approbation context.

13 For sports and intellectual activity to supplement each other, versatility, psychoemotional positivism, and health enhancement principles must be set as priorities in preschool children’s movement activities. Contact is crucial for the pedagogic process to actualize successful dialogic speech thus helping children to learn opinion and justify it, ask and answer questions, reason and determine the content of objects and occurrences.

14 A survey on implementing the integrated approach was conducted in Riga in 2012. The results of it (43 preschool pedagogues were surveyed) unanimously indicate that it becomes easier for children to see the relationships of objects and occurrences, they find it easier to focus attention on collective activities, show interest in taking part in conversations, are active and memorize newly gained information better, and perfect their skills in various areas.

15 Results Pedagogues admit that parents’ stance is contradictory, they assess the use of integrated approach very differently because they do not always understand the factors stimulating children’s development. Pedagogues often have to explain and patiently justify that playing of games and imaginative experience of game situations is the basis for success in further stages of life.

16 Enterprising Education in Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Finland (Enterprising SELF) is a 3 year project financed by Central Baltic INTERREG IVA Programme. The main activities are enterprising education training, networking seminars, common website and other marketing materials. electronically/personally (incl. study trips, exchange), systematic implementation, i.e. action plans/curriculums, start up packages for each participating school and dissemination by four interna

17 Humana People to People and its 32 members constitute a movement of development organizations all basing their work on Solidary Humanism as expressed in The Charter of Humana People to People. http://www.humana- http://www.humana-

18 Language for Integration and Global Human Tolerance; for the support of the early bilingual education

19 Thank you for ATTENTION !

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