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Review of art history up until now: Prehistoric art is based on…the hunt Egyptians art is based on…their belief in the afterlife, their many gods and rulers.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of art history up until now: Prehistoric art is based on…the hunt Egyptians art is based on…their belief in the afterlife, their many gods and rulers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of art history up until now: Prehistoric art is based on…the hunt Egyptians art is based on…their belief in the afterlife, their many gods and rulers Greek art is based on…the human body (humanity), Greek gods Roman art is based on…their government/state, rulers Early Christian art is based on…spirituality

2 Byzantine art is based on…Christian icons; church frescos and murals Romanesque art is based on…religious artifacts mainly in basilica architecture Gothic art is based on…religious devotion mainly included in the great cathedrals Renaissance art is based on…rebirth of Classical Greek and Roman culture; Renaissance humanism and science Baroque art is based on… twisted figures, movement and dramatic lighting. Review of art history up until now:

3 Neoclassicism art is based on… heroes, nature and faraway places. Romanticism art is based on…the imagination containing flaming colors, extremes of action and twisting brush strokes. Realism art is based on… accurate, unembellished, and detailed depictions of nature or contemporary life. Impressionism art is based on…a light, spontaneous manner of painting, capturing a fleeting impression of nature Post-Impressionism - is an umbrella term that encompasses a variety of artists Review of art history up until now:

4 Symbolism c. 1880-1910 Odilon Redon Edvard Munch Pablo Picasso’s Blue Period Henri Rousseau

5 Symbolism –

6 Odilon Redon Self-portrait, 1880, oil on canvas, Musée d'Orsay, Paris

7 The Eye Like a Strange Balloon Mounts toward Infinity, from the series Edgar A. Poe, 1882; charcoal, New York

8 The Cyclops, c. 1914, oil on canvas

9 The Crying Spider, 1881, charcoal

10 Mystery, undated, oil on canvas

11 Edvard Munch Self-Portrait with Skeleton Arm. 1895, Norway

12 Edvard Munch

13 Anxiety, 1894, oil on canvas

14 The Scream (or Cry), 1893, oil, tempera and pastel on cardboard, Norway

15 The Scream (or Cry), 1895, lithograph 05/02/us/new-york-the- scream/index.html?hpt=hp _t1

16 Evening on Karl Johan Street. 1892. Oil on canvas, Norway

17 Pablo Picasso Blue Period Self-Portrait. 1896. Oil on canvas He was just 15 when he painted this self portrait!


19 The Barefoot Girl. Detail. 1895. Oil on canvas He was just 14!

20 The Old Guitarist. 1903. Oil on panel

21 The Visit (Two Sisters). 1902. Oil on canvas pasted on panel, Russia

22 Girl in a Chemise, 1905, oil on canvas

23 Henri Rousseau

24 The Dream, 1910; Oil on canvas, MET, New York

25 The Sleeping Gypsy. 1897. Oil on canvas

26 Woman Walking in an Exotic Forest, 1905, oil on canvas

27 The Football Players, 1908, oil on canvas

28 The students will find five examples of Symbolism not from the PowerPoint, tell me where you think the symbolism is and what it represents. Submit the following in a Word document: 1. Five examples of Symbolism works of art (may be from the same artist) 2. Include title, year and medium 3. Include what you feel is the symbolism in the work of art 4. Save and upload to Moodle Symbolism Activity

29 Symbolism Vocabulary/Quiz Information

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