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Isolation is a Good Thing The Art of Being Specific, Targeted and Focused Presented by: StephenMeade

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Presentation on theme: "Isolation is a Good Thing The Art of Being Specific, Targeted and Focused Presented by: StephenMeade"— Presentation transcript:

1 Isolation is a Good Thing The Art of Being Specific, Targeted and Focused Presented by: StephenMeade Twitter: StephenMeadeLa 312-953-2208

2 Is Isolation a Good Thing? Alone, Quarantined Emotionally Divested Separation

3 Isolation is a Good Thing! When Specific, Focused, and with Total Purpose Specific, Clearly Defined No Doubt of Intent Complete Focus

4 The Tornado Technique The basis for everything: Realize most people don’t care about what you do, or don’t understand it.

5 Your Ideas and Needs are yours. Ground them with Others… …to gain Traction, and hit the ground running. Connect your Mission with Others

6 Tornado Technique ① What is the emotional value of what you do? ② What is the industry, genre, or type of customer? ③ Names of companies you are trying to meet- Be Specific! ④Ask for the person who are you trying to get to- be specific in terms of title. ⑤Research and find the name of EXACTLY who you want to meet. Be Specific and don’t be shy!

7 7 The Tornado Technique- Can Isolate Anything… Talent Customers Financing

8  We have a photo sharing social network where you can create your own mini magazine in under 60 seconds. We’re going after Facebook and Instagram with something better. Emotional- Cool  We’re focused on launching with Celebrities, Management Groups and Big Brands from fashion, automotive and sports. Industries  We’re dealing with companies like Conde Naste, NFL, The Collective and more. Company by name  Within these large companies, we deal with Chief Marketing Officer. Title  Directly I’d like to meet Martin Sorrel, Jeff Skull, Chris Sacca, Ashton Kutcher, Justin Timberlake and people like that. Wish list Example: MagMo

9 Example: RONAStar (Customers)  We help really large companies, save a lot of money. Emotional- Impactful  We work best in big industries like automotive, airlines, manufacturing, government and public schools. Industries  We’re looking to work with Tier 1 companies like Ford, GM, Toyota, and large suppliers like Tenneco, Borg Warner and others. Company by name  Within those large companies we sell directly to the CFO. Title  Currently, we are trying to meet Bob Shanks, Dan Ammann, John Rainey and others. Wish list

10 Thank You Stephen Meade Twitter: StephenMeadeLa 312-953-2208

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