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Acute Scrotal Pathology

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1 Acute Scrotal Pathology
Henry Yao Pre-SET Urology Trainee Royal Melbourne Hospital

2 Case History You are working in ED at night
It is 4am and you are tired + hungry As you are about to go to get a snack 12 year old male presents with 2 hour history of pain in right side of scrotum

3 Question What are your differential diagnoses?

4 Differential diganoses
Hydatid of Mortgagni (60%) Testicular Torsion (30%) Epididymo-orchitis (<5%) Idiopathic scrotal oedema (<5%)

5 Question What history questions would you ask?

6 Case History Scrotal pain came on over an hour Steadily getting worse
Vomited once Some vague lower abdominal and back pain No trauma to testicles Two years ago had an STI rx with antibiotics Stable girlfriend for 12 months

7 Question What would you look for on examination?

8 Cresmateric Reflex

9 Testicular Torsion Intravaginal vs Extravaginal

10 Testis Anatomy Paired solid viscera Oval shaped
Left lies slightly lower than right Epididymis posteriorly Vas deferens postero-medially Tunica albuginea covering Tunica vaginalis antero-laterally Appendix of testis located in upper pole

11 Testis Anatomy Arterial supply Venous drainage Lymphatic supply
Testicular artery Venous drainage Pampiniform plexus Lymphatic supply Para-aortic nodes at origin of testicular artery (L2) Nervous supply T10 sympathetic supply (sensory follows this)

12 Presentation Most commonly age 12-18
Acute onset of severe testicular pain +/- swelling On examination Tender firm testicle High riding testicle Horizontal lie of testicle Absent cremasteric reflex No pain relief with elevation of testis Thick or knotted spematic cord Epididymis not posterior to the testis

13 Diagnosis Clinical suspicion
More likely when the onset of pain is acute and extremely intense C.f. epididymitis more likely when onset of pain is gradual and progresses from mild to more intense DO NOT WAIT FOR IMAGING if suspect torsion

14 Management IMMEDIATE SURGICAL EXPLORATION if suspected testicular torsion Most testicles remain viable if detorsed within 6 hours Few testicles remain viable after > 24 hours of torsion

15 Surgical Exploration Median raphe incision
Cut through all layers to get to testis Detorse the testis Three point fixation to Dartos Do the contralateral side

16 Imaging Doppler USS Nuclear testicular scan
Torsion: decrease blood flow Epididymitis: increased blood flow Nuclear testicular scan Torsion: decrease uptake Epididymitis: increased uptake of radiotracer activity

17 Hydatid of Mortgani Torsion of appendage Acute pain
Blue dot in upper pole If in doubt  explore

18 Epididymo-orchitis Rare in childhood
Virtually never between 6 months and puberty LUTS Tender epididymis Prehn’s sign Dipstick and urine MCS Rest, antibiotics, high fluid intake, alkalinisation of urine

19 Idiopathic Scrotal Oedema
Causes unknown: ?allergy, ?insect bites Scrotum symmetrically swollen, pink and less painful c.f. other causes Erythema spread beyond the scrotum Scrotal skin hard but testis and epididymis not painful

20 Case 2 36 year old male Day 2 post vasectomy
Presents with painful scrotum

21 Question What do you do?

22 Case History

23 Case History Vital signs Very tender scrotum Hardened scrotal skin
Tachycardia 110 Blood pressure 100/60 Very tender scrotum Hardened scrotal skin Spreading beyond scrotum

24 Question What do you think is going on?

25 Fournier’s Gangrene Necrotizing fascitiis of male genitalia and perineum 30% mortality Rapidly progressive Sources of bug from perianal region Most common bug is E. coli but must also consider GPC and anaerobes

26 Fournier’s Gangrene Risk factors
T2DM Alcohol Other immunosuppressed patients Spread across superficial fascial planes Colles Scarpa Buck’s

27 Presentation Painful swelling and induration of the penis, scrotum or perineum Oedema spread beyond area of erythema Eschar, necrosis, ecchymosis, crepitus are later signs Foul odour Fever Diagnosis is clinical  don’t wait for imaging


29 Management Broad spectrum IV antibiotics – consult VIDS
Cover GP, GN and anaerobes Immediate aggressive tissue debridement  cut down to normal tissue Send tissue for MCS May require flaps (Consider hyperbaric oxygen therapy)


31 TGA Antibiotics

32 Questions

33 Acknowledgement Dr. Kevin O’Connor (Urology Fellow)

34 Thank You for Your Attention

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