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#1-Give letter to parents #2-Bring in your sick plant patients-each group gets a patient #3-Admittance Chart #4-Rounds and Write Ups.

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Presentation on theme: "#1-Give letter to parents #2-Bring in your sick plant patients-each group gets a patient #3-Admittance Chart #4-Rounds and Write Ups."— Presentation transcript:


2 #1-Give letter to parents #2-Bring in your sick plant patients-each group gets a patient #3-Admittance Chart #4-Rounds and Write Ups

3 ~Keep all papers on left ~When we are done with one, it goes into the right pocket ~Keep Folder ORGANIZED by following directions Plant & Group work rules:

4 What Plants Need to Grow

5 Dry vs. Soaked Observations* Different kinds of seeds observations* What are the parts of a seed?* What’s Inside a Seed? Plant Hospital Rounds Exploring Seeds-Quiz tomorrow!

6 Dry BeanSoaked Bean Color Shape Texture Odor Size

7 SeedPictureDescripti on Peeled- picture Peeled description Split- picture Split description pea kidney Pinto lima



10 Review homework Review parts of a seed Quiz (word search when finished) United Streaming: Discuss Planting Directions-dress messy tomorrow!

11 Materials Directions Model #1, 2, #3, 4, 5, 6 #7, 8 #9 By group, #10 by group #11 Discuss observation sheets and directions Plant Hospital Rounds Planting Seeds…how well did you follow directions??

12 (Observations & Pair Share) What seeds need to grow? How Does a Seed Grow sheet How does a Seed Grow play Plant Growth podcast Life cycle cards, activity Study cards-quiz tomorrow!

13 (Observations & Pair Share) Plant Life Cycle quiz Growth writing “Homework” Illustrations and Match Match Share Plant Hospital Rounds

14 (Observations & Pair Share) Key Vocabulary Photosynthesis recipe sheet* Photosynthesis & Plants United Streaming: Partner Photosynthesis fill in

15 (Observations & Pair Share) What are the Parts of a Flower? *(diagram) Key Vocabulary* Looking closely at each part activity Getting ready for “Flower Dissection” operation Flower Power Sheet


17 Pistil: center of flower, looks like a bottle Stigma: sticky hole at top of pistil Ovary: bell shaped part at bottom of pistil where seed grows Stamen: stick like “guys”, with “hat” on top Anther:the “hat” on the guy, has pollen on it Petal: the “outfit” colors attract Sepal:leaf like part at base of stem Pollen:yellow powder carried….


19 (Observations & Pair Share) Review blank diagram Patient Chart Quiz your interns on each part Review for vocabulary quiz Sunlight & Green plants sheet-Quiz tomorrow!

20 (Observations & Pair Share) Vocabulary Quiz What Do You Know about Bees?? Bee diagram Making your own bee diagram Put the Bee together United Streaming: Bee fill in sheet


22 (Observations & Pair Share) Review parts of a bee What is a bee’s job? Pollination Pollination Stations Act out Cut and order Making a bee stick Pollinate our flowers

23 (Observations & Pair Share) Review pollination stations Pop Quiz-order stations Busy Bees stories

24 (Observations & Pair Share) What I Know How Plants are Used Partner Chart & Share Questions and Pair Share People & Animals Need Plants Booklet We Need Plants sheet

25 (Observations & Pair Share) What I Know What I’ve Learned

26 How Are the Plants Being Used?

27 FoodFuelMedicineShelterClothing

28 What foods come from Plants? Pod Collection Pod estimates & Sharing Pod Envelopes Plants on Your Plate project Plant Hospital Final Round/Chart

29 EstimateCountDifferenc e Pod 1 Pod 2 Pod 3 Pod 4

30 Plant Hospital Final Rounds Plants Study Guide Review Game Practice Test and Review Study for Unit test

31 Final Test Clean up Present Plants on Plate projects

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